Chapter 38 // Smirks and S'all Goods

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"Um thanks?"
"Um so can you untie us now?"
"Of course. Walsh?"
Walsh untied us.
"Sorry guys."
Marshall helped me up.
"Marzie's still cuter though."
Walsh whispered in my ear as he walked past us.
Marshall grabbed my hand.
Walsh led us to the door and held it open for us.
There was no one outside. I guessed they were all at lunch.
I shot a look at Chiron.
"Don't worry. You three will get a private lunch with anyone you want to invite."
Marshall, Hunter, and I exchanged looks.
"You guys mind if I invite Percy, Annabeth, and all those other people?"
"No prob."
"S'all good."
"That includes you Walsh."
"Really? Thanks."
Walsh, Marshall, Hunter, and I were waiting for the rest of the people at a cute little picnic table with chairs on four sides.
"Hey Kenzie."
Percy came and ruffled my hair. Annabeth was by his side.
"How's everything?"
I shrugged.
"Oh ya know, the usual. Just getting kidnapped and--"
He was smirking.
"Percy... What did you do?"
Annabeth asked.
He just winked at her.
"Oh no. Did you..."
Annabeth just gave a lame smile.
"You'll see."
"Oh yay."
The rest of the people arrived, hugged, and sat down at the table.

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