Chapter 2 // Starbucks and Strangers

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It was getting dark out so I dumped the hat money into my pockets, and bought myself a hot dog and a lemonade on the street. Honestly, I wasn't sure how exactly I was going to survive on my own.
Over the next few weeks, I made money by playing on the streets and selling my art, which I had to buy materials for with my hard earned cash. I lived on the streets, moving occasionally for new business and customers. I also had a sign taped to my suitcase written on cardboard saying: seeking human kindness ~~ i also do art. And a portrait with a photo of the same person to the side as an example. Every morning I walked over to a Starbucks and played for money. And then one day I started noticing strange things.
"Thank you. Don't forget to leave some cash for the homeless person. AKA me."
I made a small smile at the crowd. As people started to leave, I noticed a kid. The same kid that I saw yesterday.. And the day before. And the day before. I know what you're thinking; he's a total stalker. Today he was slouching against a parking meter, holding a water bottle. I would've said that was totally normal except the bottle looked like it had been munched on by a goat. And yesterday he had been in a wheelchair. The boy limped down the street, two strange tiny horns poking out of his sandy blonde hair. He was wearing unusually baggy jeans.
Suddenly, he turned his head and looked in my direction with his cobalt blue eyes. I sat back against the building wall and glanced to my side. There was no one there. He kept staring, and raised his eyebrows as if beckoning me towards him. I shot my eyebrows back at him. He made a swift motion with his arm and started limping away. I had an odd urge to follow him. But I didn't.
Everyday he came back, watched me in front of the Starbucks, stared, and limped away when he knew I wasn't moving. One day, he returned with two hot dogs in his hand and came up to me.
"Don't you ever take a hint?"
"I took a hint that my uncle wanted me out of the house." I mumbled.
"C'mon. Follow me."
He held out a hot dog. Reluctantly, I stood up.
"Just cuz. Please?"

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