Chapter 23 // Snuggling and Stupidity

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This is how my days went over the next couple of, um days.
Wake up. Go the infirmary and totally mess up Hunter's hair (and sometimes a marker mustache works too) while he's still sleeping. Wait for an iris message from Hunter during breakfast so he can scream at me. Classes.
Do something with Marshall.
"Hey Kenzie! Movie at the Hades cabin? Or nah?"
At the cabin, I sat down on an unbelievably comfy recliner couch next to Marshall. Lately, he's been really open and stuff. Like he always put his arm around me and asked me if I was okay and if he could do anything for me. Not that I minded. It was nice to know somebody cared about you that way.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes Marshall. You?"
"I'm okay."
He squeezed me tighter and I just felt like snuggling up close to him.
It was nice.
Next. Visit His Royal Hotness.
"Ayeeee Keenzieee. His Royal Hotness gives you permission to approach."
That was how Hunter greeted me everyday.
"Hey. Feeling better?"
"Yeah. I guess. What about you? Do anything nice lately?"
I looked at him.
He was wiggling his eyebrows again.
"Shut up."
He laughed.
"Just shut up."
"Don't you sass me, young lady. Do not sass your elders."
And then after talking a bit, we would play random board games. And oh my gods. Hunter is such a show-off.
"Shut up."
"I won. I overpower you. I will not shut up. ...teddykins."
He smirked.
I stuck my tongue out.
"His Royal Stupidity has such a big mouth. Where do we keep the duct tape?"
And after that? Totally accidentally (note the sarcasm) bump into Calypso. Because she just wants to know everything about Hunter and Marshall. Jeez lady. Plus, a couple times this week, Walsh iris messaged me about them too. Like gods. Butt out people. Seriously.

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