Chapter 29 // Reflexes and Randomness

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"Okay now you're just flinging around insults like crazy."
He rolled his eyes.
"By the way, your hair's messed up."
I said, grinning.
He gasped and mouthed, 'What did you just say?'
"OKAY. Now that's going too far."
Somehow, he tackled me and pinned my arms to the ground. He stared me dead in the eyes.
"MY HAIR IS FLAWLESS. And you know that."
I started laughing.
"No. Stop laughing. This is not a joke."
He tried forcing down a smile but it didn't work.
"This is not a laughing matter. STOP."
"Sure it isn't. But your hair's still messed up."
"Oh you're gonna get it now, STARK."
"I'm glad we're on a last name basis, ZHANG."
He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Wait... Get what?"
He smirked and I felt his hands dart towards my sides, tickling me frantically.
A cry escaped my lips and I, accidentally of course, kicked him in the gut.
He groaned and rolled over on his side.
"Um sorry. Reflexes, ya know?"
He gave a weak smile.
"Ooh. Saucy."
That's what he said to me on the first day we met.
I don't know why, but this time it gave me butterflies.
We looked at each other-- and smiled.
And then it was awkward so we looked away.
"You love me, don't you?"
I stared at him.
"Shut up."
I punched him in the arm a little too hard.
"Shut up. I'm done. I'm done with all this shipping. I'm just done with everything. You know what? I'm moving to the sun."
"So you admit you like me?"
"What? No. Besides, I'm hungry. Check if there's anything in the fridge."
"Changing the subject huh?"
"Yes, yes I am."

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