Chapter 17 // Secret Admirers and Sups

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Marshall grinned.
"No prob."
He laced his fingers with mine. Tell me why I didn't object.
Even after what happened when we were babysitting Chuck, Marshall still shipped me with Hunter.
"Do I have to do this Marshall?"
We needed Hunter as backup to get people to help Marshall record his next song. Apparently, people had been spreading rumors about him so no one wanted to hang out around him.
Marshall shooed me away, a suggesting look in his eyes and grin.
I stuck my tongue out at him.
After what happened on the day of Capture the Flag, I wasn't so eager to knock on the Aphrodite cabin door.
I stopped in front of the door.
I heard Marshall scream over my shoulder.
"You gotta confess your love for him!"
I sighed and knocked on the door.
A girl with cocoa brown and kaleidoscope eyes opened the door.
"Lemme guess. You're here to see Hunter?"
"You guys are cute.. HUNTER! Someone's here to see you. I think it's your SECRET ADMIRER."
She walked away.
'Stupid Aphrodite matchmakers.'
Hunter ran up to the door.
"'Sup teddykins? You're my secret admirer huh?"
"Ha no. Um Marshall needs your help."
I pointed behind me. Marshall winked at us.
"And why are you wearing a long sleeved shirt in like 90° weather?"
His eyebrows knit together. His vanilla smelling hair was fluffy and in a cute sideways flip. Of course, I paid no notice to that. He pouted.
"I can't afford to look low class Kenzie. You wouldn't understand."
He ran off to meet Marshall.
"Excuse me?!"
I was leaning against the Apollo cabin, next to the door.
"Hunter, get your butt over here and help me."
"Okay first of all, gorgeous people don't work. Second of al--"
"What does that have to do with you?"
"Did you just secretly insult me?"
"Yes. Now I said get your butt over here."
"Is my butt beautiful?"

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