Chapter 40 // Ethics and Excuse Me's

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't just tell someone to pick. You CAN'T make Kenzie pick. It's unethical."
Hunter blurted out loud.
"I agree. And speaking of unethical... THIS WHOLE DAM THING IS UNETHICAL. Like- I can't even- I don't even know where to begin."
Marshall said, making hand motions. Of course, I was the last to reply.
"Excuse me?"
Wow. Great response, Kenzie. You really outdid yourself this time. That response deserves an award. SOMEONE GET OVER HERE AND GIVE HER A DAM AWARD.
Chiron said, very rationally.
"We can't have you dating Hunter AND Marshall. THAT would be unethical."
"Well... You FREAKING started it."
Good job. Hunter's joining in on the lame retorts train.
Chiron paused and looked around the table.
"I'll leave you to your little discussion. I'll be back."
Chiron left.
The seven started murmuring amongst themselves.
"Well? What are you talking about?"
Percy glanced around the table.
"Chiron IS technically right. You definitely can't be dating Marshall AND Hunter. BUT I'm not saying that he didn't put you through a lot. But..."
"You have to do something."
"Why don't I--"
A bunch of random doves appeared and then there was a blinding flash of light.
"Oh no."
I heard Piper say.
Aphrodite smiled.
"Hello my beautiful little babies!"
"What are you doing here?"
"Why else would I be here? The Team Marshall and the Team Hunter conflict, OF COURSE!"
We exchanged glances.
"Ummm... Okay...."

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