Chapter 43 // Misters and Misses

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"Hey Aphrodite? Can I sit down now.."
Hunter took a seat on the other side of me.
Chiron came back.
"So have you finished your discussion?"
Everybody looked at Aphrodite.
"Oh hello Aphrodite. What are you doing here?"
"Same as you. The Hunzie Marzie conflict."
"Ah. Well it seems like they've already figured it out."
He noted that Marshall had his arm around me and that I was leaning on his shoulder.
"Oh! I see. At any rate, I must be going. Plenty of romance going on. Ships to sail, ships to sink. The usual. Ta-ta my darlings!"
Aphrodite blew us a kiss and vanished.
Percy looked around the table.
"Sooo, HAVE we figured it out? Kenzie? Marshall? Hunter?"
I gave a look to Marshall and Hunter.
Hunter nodded.
"It's okay, Teddykins. He needs you and you need him. Think about all the suffering this must've caused him. You guys are good together."
Hunter kissed my cheek.
He seemed to notice my feeling of doubt.
He rolled up his sleeve.
"Hey, hey, remember these? It's okay. I'm gonna stay strong. And you, you need to help Marshall stay strong. I'll always be here if you need me."
My eyes searched his face.
He simply grinned.
"What Teddykins? I'll be okay. I've found my teddy bear already. At least I can cuddle with that now."
He chuckled.
"Hey, loosen up. After this, Marshmallow will take you to his place where you can cuddle and watch a movie and eat curly fries or whatever. Right, Marshmallow?"
"Hella yes."
Marshall said, kissing me on the cheek.
I smiled.
"Okay, Hunter. But I hope that I'll always be Teddykins to you and you'll always be His Royal Stupidity to me."
I said, waiting for his reaction.
"First of all it's His Royal Hotness. But, okay."
Marshall put his hand up.
"How come I didn't get to say anything?"
He said, chuckling.
"But Hunter, thanks. You're a great guy. And if one day I die on a quest or go missing or something, I'm counting on you to take care of Miss Stark here."
"No problem, if that's okay with you, Miss Stark."
"Not at all, Mr. Marston and Mr. Zhang."

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