Chapter 14 // Song Writing and Seventh Seconds

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I plopped myself down on Marshall's bed, next to him.
"Hey Marshall. 'Sup?"
"I need a new song. But I want you to help me. Any ideas?"
"Ummm. You could write about your life experiences."
"Like what?"
He looked at me, raised eyebrows and innocent smile. I knew what he wanted me to say.
"Like your first crush?"
"Mmm. Fictional characters are good. But other than that? Never had one."
"Oh puh-lease. No one at school or anything?"
"Nope. Ya know what? Tonight's camp movie night. It's supposed to be like a date thing, but why don't you come with me and maybe we'll get inspiration or something?"
The whole camp was spread out in the dining hall. All the tables were gone and there were large picnic blankets everywhere.
"Schist Marshall. Are we supposed to dress fancy?"
"I'm not sure. We only had one other movie night at camp this summer, and they didn't say anything. I'm sure you're okay wearing that."
'Easy for him to say.'
Marshall was already wearing a sharp button down white collared shirt. I wasn't even trying.
"I love movies. I bet I can tell you the name of it in the first 30 seconds."
Marshall whispered as the movie started.
"Oh really?"
The movie was a magnified, high definition iris message, which I learned about when Hunter iris messaged me during sword fighting class. To tell me that his hair was apparently more perfect than usual. Gods, I still have that scar across my arm.
The 7th (and might I say 7.1th) second was when it happened.
"It's Twilight."
"It's Twilight."
Marshall turned his head.
"I said it first."
"I said it first."
The eyebrows are out now.
"No you didn't."
"No you didn't."
The tongues are out now.
"Yes I did."
"Yes I did."
Pauses. Stares. Smiles. Chuckles.
"Kenzie was first."
I know that voice.
"Hunter leave."
Hunter wiggled his eyebrows.

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