Chapter 32 // High Pitched and Honesty

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"Did you just-"
Hunter just winked and clicked his tongue and laid back on the bed.
I slapped him on the leg.
He said softly.
"Did you just-"
"Kiss you?
"Uh huh."
"NO DUH, Sherlock."
"Do you have a problem with that?"
Did I have a problem?
I don't think so.
That means.
Hunter sat up.
"No, right? Listen, Kenzie. I like you. Now, be completely honest with me. You kissed me back. I know that. But you like me too right?"
"Excuse me?!"
Hunter's expression changed.
"Who are you anymore? The fabulous Hunter Zhang, son of Aphrodite, HIS ROYAL HOTNESS, ACTING ALL INNOCENT AND SHY."
"HEY. that a yes?"
I slapped him across the face.
And then he tackled me.
"I'll take that as a yes then?"
"Hunter, what about Mar-"
He interrupted me by kissing me again.
I replied by kicking him.
Hunter let out a high-pitched squeak and rolled over in pain.
"Sorry... Did that hurt?"
"You kicked me in the dam nuts!"
"Oh my gods. Seriously?"
He said sarcastically.
"Is that a yes though?"
"THAT. Is a yes."

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