So We Finally Meet, Jotaro

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm.
I groaned and got up, I looked to the side of the room and saw my green uniform and skirt,
I walked over and got dressed, I soon found myself in the kitchen,
My parents where no where to be seen.
I looked over at the fridge, I found a note, and a bento box.
Hey our sweet little Nori~!
We have a trip to go on and won't be back for a week, we're so sorry not to be there for your first day of  your Junior year!
We love you and did the liberty of making your lunch for you! Hope you like it, we added cherries just as we normally do!
We love you, sweetheart!
-Mom and Granpa❤️
I smiled at the note, and put it in my pocket for later.
I got my bag, lunch, and sketch pad.
I grabbed my white shawl and wrapped it around my arms and neck, but not too tight so it would atleast fall off my shoulders.
I walked out and locked the door behind me.
I started to draw what the boy looked like,
Black hair, muscular form, dark school uniform, and a nice schoolboy hat that you could find in Japan.
I grabbed out my red paintbrush and looked around.
I walked for atleast ten minutes before I heard,
"Jojo! You weren't at school for four days are you alright?"
I hid behind and tree and looked out,
It's him!!!
The one master DIO despises most!
I'll kill him with my very own stand!!!!!
I thought happily to myself.
The boy got to the stairs and I slashed at the picture with my red paintbrush, as he fell down the steps and his fangirls ran after him I ran to the top of the stairs, my shawl going in my face as I ran.
A purple arm appeared out of his and caught a branch.
"Oh wow,"
I said to myself with my gentle voice.
"Looks like his stand is pretty powerful, no wonder my master DIO wants him gone."
I threw the sketch pad at the tree I once hid behind.
"No bother,"
I said, flicking my paintbrush as the sketch pad disappeared.
"I'll kill him either way,"
I reassured myself,
I put my brush away and grabbed out a napkin and walked down the stairs, my shawl flying around me in the strong breeze.
I got to the bottom of the stairs where the boy landed.
"Here, I saw your leg get cut, this should stop the bleeding!"
I said, putting a fake acting voice and smile on.
I handed him the napkin plastering a fake smile on my face.
He grabbed it.
"You gonna be ok?"
I asked, putting a finger to my lips.
"Yeah, I'll be fine when it stops bleeding."
He said, shooting a glare at me, I nodded and turned around to finish walking to school.
"Hold it,"
He yelled, stopping me in my tracks.
I turned around with a death glare and a small hm? As a response.
"I forgot to say thank you, I haven't seen you before lady, you go to our school?"
He asked, getting up.
"Ah yes! My names is Noriaki Kakyoin, I just transferred yesterday."
I said, putting a fake kind attitude on.
"See you around."
I turned from him and continued walking to school.
I heard the girls next to him start saying things.
"Noriaki eh? She's trying to act cute to take Jojo away!"
A girl with orange hair yelled.
"I know right! She's such a bitch!!!"
A blonde haired one said
I turned around, letting them know I heard that.
I guess my glare unsettled them because they shut up, and that's good enough for me.
~School nurses office~
"Noriaki Kakyoin?! Did she cut my leg on the steps?!?!"
I heard Jotaro yell.
I climbed into the window and got comfortable with my little puppet doll.
"Yes I did cut you on the steps."
I said chuckling.
The boy turned to me with complete anger on his face.
"Who the hell are you?!?!"
He yelled, trying to get the nurse off of him,
"I told you,
My name is Noriaki Kakyoin,
And my stands is Hierophant Green."
I said, dangling the puppet around.
"You bastard...."
Jotaro said.
"Ah not so fast Jotaro old pal, if you try to attack my stand, you hurt her too"
I said, mockingly.
A look of true horror was on his face.
He turned to the nurse and.....
Kissed her?!?!
My stand was dragged out of her by his stand.
"You know, now that I see it for what it is it's nothing more than a stand that posseses people."
Jotaro said.
I had a look of pure pain on my face, I felt someone's fingers grinding into my brain
"It's texture reminds me of a green melon,"
He said, turning to me.
"And by the looks of things I can crush two melons for the price of one."
He snickered, his grip getting tighter on my head.
"I'm gonna keep a tight grip on you until we get to the old man, sound good? I don't care that your a girl."
He said, turning his head halfway to me but then stopping to look at the liquid coming from my stands hands.
"What the?"
He looked at my stands hands.
I giggled like a little girl.
"Don't try anything Kakyoin!!!"
He yelled, but it was too late.
"Emerald Splash!!!!!!!"
I yelled.
His stand and him flew across the room as his insides where torn to shreds.
"So, did you like the Emerald Splash? That liquid you saw in my stands hand, was a energy formed from anger, and as for that doctor..."
I said, turning to the doctor, who flew backwards bleeding.
"B-But I took that stand out of her...."
Jotaro said, trying to lift himself up.
I scoffed, making my hair noodle jump to the side.
"My stand can travel farther than yours, but dislikes being in an open area, it prefers to hide inside something."
I explained,
"Preferably the bodies of others."
I said, dangling my puppet around.
" bastard..."
He said, standing up.
"And yet, you stand up, just to be pummeled down again like a punching bag."
I said smiling at him, but it wasn't a kind smile.
"Your evil incarnate...."
The tall male said to me.
I looked up at him.
"No, the loser is the evil incarnate, the winner, who WILL be me, is justice!"
I said, making a playful fist at him.
"You used the weaker for your own gain.... You used a young woman to do your evil.."
He said glaring down at me.
"I'm a woman too ya know?"
I pointed out
"So beating me up is just as bad as what you did to her,"
I said, shrugging playfully.
"I didn't do anything to her!!! You did this!!!"
He yelled at me.
"You attacked my stand, and it hurt her, YOU are exactly responsible for this!!!!"
I yelled at him.
He glared at me. But then smiled.
"What's so funny?!?!"
I yelled at him pulling my shawl up to my face.
"You said earlier, that the loser was evil...."
He began.
"Emerald Splash!!!"
I yelled emeralds shot out of my hands.
"Then let me show you..."
He looked up.
"Just how evil you are!!!!!"
All of the Emeralds shot towards him, but his stand blocked them all.
"What?!?! No one can deflect the emerald Splash!!!"
I yelled in shock.
"My stand, will be your judge!!!!"
He yelled at me, the Emeralds all began racing back towards me.
They all hit me.
Making me bleed from every single limb on my body.
"Y-Your stand has great power......"
I said falling to the ground not exactly unconscious yet.
The windows and walls in every classroom shattered to the ground.
Teachers yelled in panic for students to stay seated.
"You'll be okay once you're wounds are treated,"
Jotaro said to the nurse.
"As for you"
He said the turning to me.
"You'll be explaining some things, Id like to know more about your master myself."
He said picked me up.
But then stopped looked at me with a red face.
My chest laid on his shoulder the way he was carrying me.
He blushed deeply and turned away.
"This is why I hate carrying woman....."
He said, as he shifted my body so he would be carrying me bridal style.
He got to the window of the nurses office.
"I've had enough of school today,"
He said.
I soon fell unconscious after he got out of the nurses office.

So, you guys like it?
I tried my best with detail, and yes
There will be some parts like female Kakyoins big ass boobs getting in the way, which is why this bok will be great!!
*Smug face*
Anyway please enjoy this, I'll continue if you guys really really like it.

~Have a good night y'all~!
🍒❤️🍒~Your Cherry Girl~🍒❤️🍒

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