D'arby Younger Part 1

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Kakyoin's pov

Only a few hours left, maybe half of a day.
I slowly groaned as I opened my eyes.
We were in a completely different place than the Mansion.
"Nori this is all your fault!!!!"
I heard a deep voice yell at me.
But it was..muffled?
I looked down and immediately lost it.
After Jotaro had grabbed me to get me out of that hole that appeared in the ground he didn't let go, so he was um......
his face was in between my chest.
"C-Can you... Can you get up?"
I slowly whispered as I felt my face heat up.
I looked to my side to hide embarrassment, Joseph was sitting next to us and giving me a thumbs up with a shit eating grin.
Jotaro finally got up.
"Where are we?"
He glared as he slowly looked around, me and Joseph also got up.
"You are all here!!! Well not all of you but whatever!"
A voice called out.
We all turned around like a deer that heard a gunshot.

Standing before us was a man, I can't describe him well but he had a weird hat and wore a robe that said, T.D on it.
"Who are you?"
Jotaro glared at the man.
Meanwhile I spotted my sunglasses on the ground and picked them up to put them on.
"Apologies, my name is D'arby."
D'arby!? Isn't that the gambler we fought a few days ago?!
"I'm Darby's younger brother."
The man smiled at me,
"Would you like a drink? Sorry I you are two underage for them."
The man still smiled as he pulled out a bottle of something.
I'm guessing Achohol.
"Is this the work of a stand?"
Joseph glared.
"Yes indeed,"
Darby smiled.
"Your stand?"
Darby shook his head.
"DIO's stand?!"
Darby shook his head once more.
"Who's stand?!"
Joseph yelled.
"I'd rather not reveal that,"
Darby smirked.

"You guys did indeed meet my brother correct?"
We all nodded slowly.
"Well, I'm also a humbler collector."
I glared at him.
Well, atleast he's not a gambler.
"But I don't collect people souls and put them as coins."
D'arby sighed.
"I still take souls, but I do something else."
He walked over to a small closet I hadn't even noticed before.
"Come look!"
He smiled.
"Kakyoin stay behind us...."
I heard Jotaro slowly whisper as we all walked forward slowly,
As instructed, I stayed behind Joseph and Jotaro.

D'arby opened up the closet.
Millions of dolls laid inside.
I was confused as fuck.
"What is he doing with these toys..."
I slowly whispered loud enough for my friends to hear as I tipped my glasses down.
"Oh just wait I'll show you, Kakyoin!"
Darby smiled at me.
How does he know my?!-
Wait he's one of DIO's stand users of course he knows my name!
D'arby grabbed a doll,
The doll was female, blonde, pretty blue dress.
Green eyes, I would've loved this as a kid.
"What are you gon-!"
"Darby talk to me!!!"
The doll screamed.
"Talk to me!!!! Why won't you!!!!"
All the other dolls started to yell and scream.
I hid behind Jotaro, literally.
This was like a horror movie.
i hate those....

"Ha! Look at all the souls I've captured!!! And if you haven't realized already my stand is just like my brothers!"
Darby exclaimed.
"Enough if this puppet show, how do we get out of here."
Jotaro glared at d'arby, I felt one of his arms wrap around me in a comforting way.
I smiled a little.
"Well, you have to fight me of course!"
Darby exclaimed.
"Can't we just beat the shit out of you and then leave?"
Jotaro glared at d'arby once more.
"No you can't, because I've already took all your friends hostage."
He pulled out three dolls.
One looking like Avdol, other looking like Polnareff, and one looking like Iggy.
"If you killed me they would go to heaven to."
Darby smirked.

"So we have to fight you to get them back?"
Joseph whispered a little.
Darby nodded.
"Does that mean we have to gamble with you."
"No, I don't do that."
Darby walked behind us towards a table.
"Let's all play a game!!!!"
He giggled.
Video games?
"Alright, I'll face a match with you in a game."
Jotaro glared.
"Nononono.... I want Kakyoin as my opponent."
Darby smirked at me.

"Oi! I told you I would fight you! Don't make Kakyoin!"
Jotaro yelled at d'arby.
It actually sounded like he was angry...
"No Jotaro it's fine."
I walked out from my hiding spot.
"I get to choose one of these games?"
I took of my sunglasses and set them down.
"Yes indeed."
Darby smiled at me.
I looked at the small collection of games he had.
Oh thats a baseball......
My eyes landed on one.
I played that as a kid, and I still do...
I grinned and picked up F-Mega.
"I choose this-"
"No Kakyoin let me fight him!!!!
Jotaro yelled at me and pushed me.
"Have you ever played a video game?"
I glared at him.
"Have you!?!"
Jotaro screamed at me.
"Yes, I have actually. I've played many, I love them."
I glared at him.
"I'm fighting this bitch and getting our friends souls back."
I put the game in.
"Let's play already,"

"Select your car."
Darby smiled at me.
I slowly moved my controller to #28.
"So you've gone with #28? I'll choose #15 since January 5th is my birthday."
I glared at him and summoned my stand to help me play.
"That's cheating."
Darby glared at me.
"No you can summon your stand too.'
I smiled at him.
Jotaro and Joseph both watched from behind
Darby summoned his stand and pressed start.
"I didn't even say I was ready!!!!!"
I yelled at him.
He rolled his eyes,
As the starting screen started up.
I heard button smashing, I looked to my side.
That assholes double tapping the A button repeatedly!!! Obviously going for a turbo start,
God damnit I don't have enough time for the same thing!!!
I glared at d'arby.
The game finally started.
As expected, Darby went flying forward from speed.
I glared at him as I held my controller tighter in a form of anger.
"That's such a cheap move."
I laughed a little.
"What would you know about cheap moves? I know what your gonna do."
Darby glared back at me.
"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"I don't know if you have enough skill to do so but your going to try to knock me off the track."
I froze as soon as he said that.
I glared at him once more before ordering my stand to push all the directional buttons.
Making my car spin around rapidly.
"So you do have enough ski-"
I immediately ran into his car, making both of our cars jump into the air.
"Who's using the cheap moves now?!"
Darby yelled as he, and myself started bashing the A button to immediately rush back into the race.
I could feel Jotaro and Joseph's concerned faces.
Maybe confused, because of that stupid stereotype.
You know, that one where girls suck at video games or hate them?
Yeah sure that's true for some girls but for me it's not.
I shook my head at my thoughts as our cars both starting to finally start driving again.

But, my car started to drive first, unlike Darby's.
His was still stuck.
"Yes you've got this in the bag Kakyoin!!!!!!"
I heard Joseph cheer.
I smiled to myself as Darby's car finally started back up.
One corner rounded, another, final one untill the tunnel.
If you do not know, in this particular map, the only map, there's a dark tunnel the players enter.
The tunnel is completely dark until we pass through it.
Once someone passes through it they are given double speed,
I glanced back over at d'arby.
Looks like he knew about the tunnel to, due to his expression.
I glared at him as my car turned the corner
Looks like Joseph spotted the tunnel.
"What does that do?"
He quietly asked me.
I quickly explained,
But somehow.
Within my explanation Darby was able to get right next to me.
He laughed as I realized this.
Right infront of the tunnel....
"Kakyoin move to the side of you keep going your going to crash your car!!!!!!!!!"
Joseph yelled at me.
Not helping.
"Sh-Shut up and let me concentrate!!!"
I yelled as I quickly tilted my car to the side, letting it ride the walls of the tunnel.
I heard a noise of shock come from everyone around me.

"K-Kakyoin, you've played this game before?!?!"
D'arby stared at me, I smirked and giggled
"I'd rather not reveal that."

Yes new chapter! Sorry for not adding fluff an yeah, Darby younger is way different, I hope you enjoyed the chapter being longer though!!
Arrividerci my crusaders~
~Cherry Girl💖🌺🍒

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