~Justice(kinda??) and the beginning of the lovers~

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Noriaki's pov

"So, what do you wanna do?"
I turned to Jotaro as we walked in the direction of his room.
"I don't know,"
He sighed.
"And I thought I didn't have any ideas."
I giggled.
"Wanna just um, hangout?"
I awkwardly whisper
"Yare yare, sure I guess."
Jotaro hid his expression with his hat.
I took it off his head, he lightly sighed.
But didn't yell at me to put it back on.
"Hey what's wrong?"
I put his hat on my head.
"You mean that by??"
He glared at me.
"You aren't yelling at me to give you back your hat.."
I frowned
"Do you like me yelling at you?"
We arrived in front of his room.
"Eh sometimes, only when I'm bored though."
I smiled.
He smiled and opened the door.
"Fuck you. I'm not a nerd!!!"
I punched him.
"Sure whatever."
He sighed and took his hat off my head.
"You know I might just go to my room instead, I can draw."
Jotaro glared at me and shook his head.
"You can also draw in here."
I thought it was weird how much he kept insisting me to just hangout with him.
I sighed and walked into his room.
It looked alot like mine.
I sat down on his bed.
"And now?"
I cocked my head.
"I don't know, you said you wanted to draw so."
He sighed, and sat next to me.
"What do you want me to draw?"
I smiled at him
"I mean, do you want me to draw you something?"
He looked away at the ground.
"Something wrong?"
"No, um, you can draw what you want to."
He sighed and sat in a desk chair
"You know I like you a lot,"
I smiled.
"I'm glad I met you."
He hid his face with his hat, maybe I made him blush.
I ran over and took his hat off, sure enough his face was dusted with pink.
He looked away.
"Aw, you look so cute when your embarrassed!"
I giggled, and put his hat back on.
He screamed at me.
"I was joking, Jotaro! It's fine."
I apologized.
"Piss off."
He glared at me and turned around.
"Oh come on! I was joking!"
I covered up my smiling face.
"How did I become your best friend, I would honestly be fine with anyone else."
He sighed.
"Even those girls who follow you around all day screaming your name in high pitched voices??"
I smirked.
"I guess your a little better than them,"
He smirked back.
I immediately started punching him.
"Take it back!!!!"
I screamed at him.
"Make me."
I glared up at him.
"Fine, Hierophant Green."
I snapped my fingers and tentacles grabbed Jotaro holding him in place.
"Take it back."
He smirked again.
I sighed and let him go, making him fall to the ground with a loud thud.
He got up.
"You know I'm bored, so how about we look around this hotel more?"
I smiled at him.
"Fine, but I bet there's nothing but boring old fuckery of a hotel."
He sighed and opened the door to leave.
Once I stepped out of his room I heard a loud bang.
"It came from downstairs!"
I ran over to the stairs and peered down into the lobby where Polnareff was
"Polnareff what's wrong! We heard a loud bang!"
Me and Jotaro looked down the staircase at Polnareff.
Joseph soon came over.
"Yeah same here, I was just trying to find the bathroom."
Polnareff sighed,
"But now I have to investigate."
"Be on guard.."
I mumble.
"I will,"
He smiled at me.
I started to walk in a different direction.
Jotaro sighed and began to follow me.

Jotaro's pov (cuz I is bored)

This hotel really was just old fuckery, half of the walls were broken and some of them had paint flaking on them.
"It's not that bad,"
Kakyoin smiled and turned to me.
"What can you read minds?"
I glared down at her.
"No, I just know when your pissed off."
She smirked.
"Yare yare..."
I quietly whisper and pull out a cigarette.
"If you keep lighting those, and don't want me to take them away from you, can you tell me if they taste good?"
Kakyoin sighed.
"They taste like shit, what were you expecting."
I glared at her.
"You enjoy to lie to me."
Kakyoin murmured and grabbed my box of cigarettes.
"What are you doing?"
She glared at me.
"Why do you even have these, you know how bad they are..."
Kakyoin frowned and throwed the box back into my hand.
"Your not my mom,"
I glared at her.
"Yeah, your mom's alot nicer and cuter than me."
She smiled.
"What the fuck did you just say.."
She sighed.
"I mean, your mom looks pretty good for her age, if my mom ever met her they would be besties."
Kakyoin giggled.
I grabbed her arm tightly.
She winced in pain.
"Don't. Touch. My. Mom."
Kakyoin looked at me as if she were scared.
"J-J-J-Jotaro... I-I didn't mean it like that...."
She looked like she was gonna cry.
"Put me down now!!!!!"
Her emotions changed on a dime and she immediately kicked me,
Making me let go.
She jumped into the floor protectively with Hierophant at her side.
"I'm not going to touch or do anything to your mother."
She glared at me.
"You left a fucking red mark on my hand..."
I sighed.
Kakyoin started to boilt in the direction of her room.
"W-Wait! Kakyoin come back here right now!!!!!!!"
I started to chase after her.
She slammed her door on my face.
"Don't wanna hear it Jotaro."
I frowned, for some reason her being mad at me made my chest burn..
But why...
I walked off.
Soon enough finding myself in the lobby
"Hey Polnareff."
I knocked on the receptionist door.
(That exist???)
I sighed and barged in.
"Oh my young man you must learn to knock!"
The old woman appeared out of a room and smiled at me.
"I did knock, maybe you didn't hear me because you were busy, I wonder why."
I was suspicious of her, and she could be one of the stand users after us..
The old woman jumped at my words.
"I wasn't doing anything going sir,"
She smiled, but I could tell it was fake.
(You know this fight is kinda the same sooo, I'mma just skip forward. If that ok.)


"What do you mean what have I been licking? You ask the stupidest questions!"
Polnareff coughed at JiJi and Kakyoin.
"A-A toilet...."
Polnareff whispered.
"You were licking what??"
The old man put his hand next to his ear.
"Who cares what it was now I need to disinfect my tounge!!!!"
Polnareff screamed.
"Hm? I think I heard him say toilet,"
JiJi started to giggle.
"What are you giggling about?"
Kakyoin turned to him and sighed.
The old man whispered something to her and she slapped him.
But he just kept giggling.
"Jotaro already told you didn't he?! You shitty old man! Forget the medicine!"
Polnareff turned away from JiJi with a look of complete anger.
"Alright! I was only joking come over and let me disinfect your tounge!"
JiJi smiled and Polnareff turned back to him.
"Ahem! Toilet, Ahem! You licked it real good."
Polnareff's face began to deepen in a red blush.
"Jotaro, Kakyoin! Let's get out of here!!"
Polnareff stared walking towards me by the door.
I peered out.
"I don't mind leaving the most immature of the group behind."
Kakyoin scoffed and started to follow Polnareff,
Her emotions change on a dime, one second she's cheerful and kind and the next, she's demanding yet quiet.
I've heard people do that because of trauma....
But what could her trauma be from?...
The fog started to lightly fade away.
Making it clear enough to notice, that we were in a graveyard.
"Hey guys come look at this,"
I opened the door fully.
"It's a graveyard..."
I managed to hear Kakyoin whisper.
"She was using her stand to make this place seem like a town with people in it."
Kakyoin sighed.
"So this whole time we were here we were talking to corpses six feet under???"
Polnareff stomped on the ground.


"You wanna take her with us??!?"
Polnareff screamed at me pointing to the old woman who I had tied up.
"Sure am, we need to know how many more stand users are out there, and what their powers are."
I sighed.
"Ah I see! If we can get the old hag to tell us we can have the upper hand when an enemy stand attacks!"
JiJi smiled.
"I doubt she'll tell us that information though."
Kakyoin sighed,
She's still acting weird.
"I'll project everything she's thinking on a TV screen with Hermit Purple."
The old man held up his hand covers in purple thorns to Kakyoin.
All of a sudden we heard a cars ignition start.
Hol Horse had gotten into our car and started driving away
"Hol horse you piece of shit get back here!!!"
Polnareff started running after him.
"That's our car you asshole!!!!!!!!"
Kakyoin began running too, she was surprisingly fast, not that I cared.
They both stopped.
"Well we'll have to find another vehicle eh?"
JiJi smirked.
"Mr Joestar don't get cocky."
Kakyoin glared at him.
"Kakyoin what's wrong,"
I finally had the courage to ask.
She was silent at first than sighed.
"I don't wanna talk about it..."
She walked off in a different direction.
"I know a spot where you can hire a little kind of carriage thing pulled by camels, follow me."
She motioned for us to follow her.
What could she be hiding.


"I'd like Five Kebabs,"

Holy shit!!!
I just realized something, you know how Joseph and Caesars ship name is Joscae.
Well if you pronounce the c with the ck it's supposed to make it sounds like,
Josuke!! Bam! Josuke is actually Caesar and Joseph's son! And no one can change my theory!

🌠~Goodnight my lil crusaders,~⭐
🍒🌺~Your Cherry Girl~🌺🍒

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