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We all turned to a big boat.
I stared at it in shock as the others each let out a small gasp, except for Jotaro.
He just finished his cigarette.
I looked at the ship more closely as the small boat we were in started to slowly started to get closer to the big boat.
The stairs were lowered....
We stopped the boat right by the stairs of the ship looking boat.
Jotaro had a concerned look on his face, I seemed to notice it even though he tried to cover it up with his hat.
"Is something wrong, JoJo?"
I asked him.
He looked up, surprised.
"No it's nothing.."
He lied.
Does he think I'm that stupid?!??
I dropped the comb that I was once lightly brushing my hair with.
"Oh really?"
I glared at him.
"Fine, it's just... They lowered the stairs but no one's in sight."
He admitted.
I was surprised, he would usually just tell anyone to, Piss off.
Polnareff said, jumping off the boat onto the stairs.
"I'm getting on this boat, even if every on it is a stand user I'm tired of just letting the sea take us anywhere it wants!!!!"
The Frenchman yelled. He grabbed his bag and began up the stairs.
Avdol followed him.
I slowly, yet cautiously started up the steps.
Mr. Joestar started to follow me but was still on the first step.
I stopped moving when I heard Jotaro's voice break the silence.
"Hey kid, grab my hand so you don't fall."
The girl cautiously looked around.
I just observed, being the quiet and normally shy person who never spoke up.
The girl jumped into Joseph's arms.
And stuck her tounge out.
Jotaro glared at her.
"Yare Yare..."
He let out as I continued to go up the steps and Joseph followed me with the girl, Anne, I think her name was in his arms.
I got onto the boat and started to look around.
"Jotaro, Noriaki, follow me we need to find the people who are on this boat."
Mr. Joestar looked at me and Jotaro.
I nodded as he started to lead me and Jotaro to the control room.
Polnareff and Anne followed close behind.
We arrived in the control room.
I walked over to the empty spot where you would normally control the boat.
"Weird, no one's here, but everything's working exactly fine.."
I poked at the controls.
"Maybe they're all in the bathroom with a case of the runs!"
Polnareff giggled.
I turned to him disgusted.
"You truly are the lowest scum in history."
Jotaro whispered.
I saw his lips curl into a smile.
I must be imagining things!
JoJo doesn't smile, especially at what he or anyone else says!!!!
I looked at him shocked.
"Hey, everyone look over here!!!!"
Anne shouted, looking into the room.
"It's an ape!"
We rushed over.
"It's an orangutan,"
I corrected.
"Who cares?! Let's just find out who's feeding this thing!!"
Joseph walked out of the room.
I studied the orangutan.
"Who brings an ora-"
My outloud thought was cut off.
"Avdol!!! That sailor!!! Look out!!"
Me and Jotaro ran over to where we heard the yelling.
Avdol turned around, as a crane peirced the sailor next to him.
Anne opened her mouth to scream.
"That's no way to treat a lady you've just met now is it?"
Jotaro put a hand over Anne's eyes, and then reached his other hand out to cover mine.
I glared at him.
"I'm not that easily scared,"
I said, trying to pry his hand off my face,
"No one was touching the controls!!"
A sailor yelled.
Avdol  walked over to us as Jotaro finally took his hand off my face.
"Someone here is hostile, all of you should stay on guard."
Avdol remarked.
"But Avdol, did you feel anything from that crane?"
Polnareff stared at Avdol.
"No, my apologies, I did not feel anything nor anyone."
Joseph looked around, concerned.
"You all should go below deck until it's safe."
He said to the sailors, and Anne.
"Hierophant Green!"
I yelled.
The others turned to me as Hierophant spread out it's tentacles to search the ship.
The sailors started to take Anne down with them to below deck.
But Anne stopped and stared at us while holding onto the door.
She looked concerned.
Joseph walked over.
"Listen, no matter what happens..."
He began.
"We are your friends!"
He smiled as she nodded and went down below deck.
Jotaro turned to me as I sat down next to Hierophant on the floor.
I smiled at Hierophant.
I could tell the others were staring at me.
I turned around and met there gaze.
They were surprised by the sound of my voice sounding so chill and emotionless.
"What is your stand to you?"
Avdol broke the silence.
I looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?"
I turned to Hierophant, and then back to the others.
"How long have you had your stand, and what does it mean to you?"
He asked.
"Well, I've had my stand since birth, and Hierophant has been like a friend no one can see if that makes sense, I guess..."
I quietly answered.
Avdol nodded.
"Are we your friends?"
Polnareff asked, smiling as he sat down next to me.
"I don't know, are you?"
I asked him.
I didn't really know what a friend was...
"Of course we are."
Jotaro answered, sitting behind me.
I turned around and smiled at him.
I noticed a faint blush on his cheeks as he pulled down his hat.
"Yare Yare..."
He stood up.
"I'm gonna go and check on the crew and the kid."
Jotaro said.
We nodded.
Soon enough I pulled my stand back in.
I grabbed my hair noodle.
"Weird, Hierophant searched the whole ship, but found nothing and no one..."
Avdol looked at me, concerned.
"What do you mean? Do you mean no one's on this ship?"
I answered,

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