~N'Doul, Part 1~

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Jotaro's pov

I stood next to the old man, it was just us right now.
I think Polnareff and Kakyoin ran off, so Avdol decided to follow those two idiots.
"Hey Jotaro it's for you."
The old man handed me a phone.
I put it up to my ear.
"Ah! Jotaro sweetie!!! It's so nice to hear your voice!!!!"
I immediately knew who I was talking too.
"Um,.. yes it's nice to hear your voice to, Grandma Suzie..."
I whispered quietly into the phone.
"Oh? Why do you sound so serious!"
She laughed.
"It's um, nothing."
I sighed.
The old man looked at me concerned.
"Okay~!! I'm hanging up now! Love you, help Joseph out!"
She chirped into the phone.
"Y-Yeah, bye."
I hung up the phone.
"Not even a, Love you too, for you grandmother?"
The old man teased.
"Shut up..."
I glared at him.
He chuckled.
"Well, were in Egypt, out trip is nearly over."
He sighed.
"We won't be doing it alone."
A car pulled up our of no where.
"Kids!!! Get in our van!!"
A familiar female voice giggled and signaled for us to come into the car.
We slowly approached the car in got in.
Kakyoin looked at us surprised.
"What the?!?! Why are you getting into a stranger's car?!?!?!?"
She screamed at us, Polnareff and Avdol started to laugh in the front seat.
"Eh I'm sure these stranger's won't touch us."
Jiji giggled
"That's not my point!!! You got into a stranger's car!!!!!!!"
She was still screaming.
"Jesus will you shuddup?"
I glared at her.
"Fight me!"
Avdol started up the car.
"Jotaro please don't if you do you'll break her bones."
Polnareff sighed.
"Saved by Polnareff."
I glared at her.
She nervously giggled.

Noriaki's pov

I stared out the cars window.
But then turned to Jotaro.
Jeese he looks so nice even when he's not trying to........ Dear fucking God I hate him!!!!!!
I glared at him and scoffed.
Avdol stopped the car and we all got out.
"We'll wait here."
Joseph smiled.
I sat down on a rock.
"What exactly are we-"
I heard the noise of a helicopter.
I looked up.
"They're here!"
Joseph smiled.
I turned to him.
"The Speedwagon foundation."
Avdol sighed
"Aren't they looking over Mom back in Japan???"
Jotaro questioned.
"Yes, but they're bringing us our new allie."
Avdol immediately got up.
"Mr Joestar!!! You aren't actually thinking of bring him with us!!!"
So I'm gonna be the only girl on this trip.
"You know him, Avdol~San??"
I turned to Avdol.
"Yes, far too well, Kakyoin."
He sighed
"So we aren't taking a helicopter??"
Polnareff frowned.
"Nope, as I wish we could no one from the Speedwagon foundation is a stand user."
Joseph sighed.
"What's they're stand??"
I asked.
"This stand user is represented by the card THE FOOL."
Joseph informed me.
"THE FOOL??? Sounds like a pretty dumb card, is the guy really dumb or something???"
Polnareff giggled.
"You should be happy he's on our side, you can't beat him."
Avdol glared.
Polnareff glared and ran over to him and grabbed him.
Polnareff screamed.
"Like I said you can't beat him.... Now let go!!!"
I ran over and pushed Polnareff off of Avdol.
The helicopter finally landed.
"That's enough you two!! Your acting like children! The helicopters already landed!!!"
I scolded them.
The door of the helicopter opened.
Two men peered out at us.
One with blonde hair and the other with very light almost white brown hair.
They got out.
"Which one of you is it?!"
Jotaro screamed and ran over to them before Joseph could say hello.
They looked at him confused.
"Which one of you is the stand user?!"
Jotaro repeated.
"Neither of us, he's in the back "
The back door of the helicopter opened.
I slowly peered in.
Nothing but a blanket.
"Ummm... Is the guy really short or somethin?"
Polnareff giggled and approached the door.
I backed away and sighed.
"Back away!!! He's in a foul mood after the ride!!!!!!!"
The blonde haired man yelled.
Polnareff started slamming on the seat.
He pulled up white sticky stuff on his hand.
Was someone doing it back there???
That's disgusting!!!
Polnareff's touching it!!!!
I barfed in my mouth.
Polnareff pulled up the blanket.
Something jumped out and landed on his face.
Polnareff screamed.
The blanket fell off and revealed.....
A dog?!?!?!! A black and white small doggy with big ears!!!!!!!!
He's adorable!!!!!!
The dog started to chew on Polnareff's hair.
"Your joking correct?? This dog isn't our new allie!"
Jotaro yelled
"Nope, he's the stand user of THE FOOL."
Joseph smiled.
"He loves to chew people's hair out."
Less adorable...
"And I should mention, when he's chewing out hair he likes to .....ummm."
The dog farted in Polnareff's face.
"His name's Iggy,"
Joseph smiled
"Avdol found him after no one could catch him in New York."
Avdol smiled.
"HELP ME!!!!!!!!"
Polnareff screamed as Iggy pushed him onto the floor, still ripping huge chunks out of his hair.
"Sorry Polnareff,"
I flicked my hair noodle.
"But I'd like to keep my hair."
I grinned.
Jotaro elbowed me.
I glared at him
"You really wanna look like a fucking cherry for your whole life???"
He glared at me
I smiled.
"Did you bring his favorite snack??"
Avdol asked.
"Duh! He wouldn't have come with us if we didn't."
The light brown haired man pulled out a pack of coffee flavored gum.
"What's that??"
I asked
"Iggy's favorite snack,"
Avdol waved the pack.
Iggy turned around and immediately stared running over to Avdol
I hid behind Jotaro.
As adorable as this dog is I don't want my hair missing...
"The dogs sense of smell is amazing!!"
Avdol smiled.
"Mr Avdol!! Put away the gum or-!!!"
Iggy jumped up and grabbed the whole packet.
Avdol screamed.
Polnareff got up
"You asshole of a mutt!!!!!!"
Polnareff screamed.
Iggy started to chew up the gum and the packet.
"The least he could do is take off the wrapper..."
Avdol sighed.
"Silver Chariot!!!"
Polnareff screamed.
"Polnareff no-!!!!"
I screamed.
The dog turned around.
All of a sudden sand started to form around him.
The sand formed into a...... A stand?!?!?
A dog looking stand appeared.
Silver Chariot attacked the stand.
But the stand turned into sand.
Then solidified again, grabbing hold of Chariots Rapier.
Polnareff screamed.
Iggy ran back over to him and started to chew on his hair.
THE FOOL vanishing after he jumped onto Polnareff.
"He'll be distracted when he's chewing on Polnareff's hair, let's get the supplies."
The Speedwagon foundation people led Jotaro and Joseph into the car, grabbing they're luggage.
"It includes a med kit, a change of clothes for all of you, and a camera for you stand."
The blonde haired one explained.
"I have a great idea!!!! Look sharp guys!!!!"
Joseph yelled and turned to us.

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