~Ebony Devil(but with Jotaro and Fem Kakyoin~!)

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Noriaki's pov

We got off the lifeboats.
We had arrived in Singapore,
A young prince was traveling the world as he came across a small island, inhabited by lion like creatures called Singa's, therefore he which names this island, SingaPurra!
Now, it's streets bussle with activity and people around the world to look at the beautiful landscape!
I thought it was weird how much I knew,
No matter.
We stood at the corner of a block.
"We should find a hotel, so we can rest for atleast a day or two."
Mr. Joestar said.
I almost was about to say yes, in response, but was cut off to some nearby yelling.
"Hey! You with the flat top! You dropped this trash right?!"
We all turned to an officer, he would scolding Polnareff.
The officer was furious.
"Th-Then it's a 500 Singapore fine!"
He yelled.
"500 Singapore fine?"
Polnareff questioned, he turned to me thinking I would know the answer.
"I think that'd be, about a million yen..."
I put a finger to my lip, my white scarf/shawl was wrapped around me tightly.
"A billion yen?!"
Mr. Joestar yelled,
"I honestly don't understand what's going on here, I don't see any trash."
Polnareff remarked to the officer.
He looked down at his bag and pointed at it.
"If you mean that, that's just my luggage."
He glared at the officer, the officer had a look of embarrassment on his face.
"Th-That bag is your luggage?"
He tried to sound chill. But he failed epicly.
It was funny to watch, I started to lightly giggled.
I felt Jotaro turn towards me.
"Yeah it is, so if that's all I'm obeying the law correct?"
Polnareff gave a shit eating grin to the officer.
"Terribly sorry sir!!"
The officer ran off in the opposite direction.
I couldn't hold in the laughter anymore.
It seemed like Mr. Joestar had to finally let it out too.
We both started laughing like maniacs,
But soon we quieted down.
But you could still hear laughter.
It was coming from Anne.
"Hey, we're here so go find your dad! You brat!"
Polnareff yelled at the little girl, who stopped laughing as soon as we all turned to her.
"Im meeting up with him in five days!! I can go wherever the hell I please!"
She yelled. Her face was full of angry as she turned to each of us.
She looked so soft when she turned to Jotaro.
For some reason... I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me as she looked at him, blushing.
"Maybe she wants a place to stay."
I said, gritting my teeth.
Avdol turned to me.
He looked suprised to see me so angry.
"Ah yes, we'll have to get her a hotel room then, Polnareff tell her to come with us but don't damage her ego."
Mr. Joestar nudged Polnareff.
Who sighed and walked over to the girl, who was turned to the ocean clicking her tounge.
God she's so god dam annoying!!!
Wait...what did I just say.....
My thoughts were cut off by Polnareff's voice.
"Hey, your stinking poor right? Come with us and we'll spot you!"
The girl looked at him in anger.
Time skip

Jotaro's pov

We walked into the hotel,
Avdol and the old man went up to the desk to get rooms.
As Polnareff and the annoying brat just stood by the wall.
I turned to Kakyoin.
She looked nervous.
She was looking around as if looking for if someone was here.
"Hey, you alright?"
It looked like I had interrupted her thoughts or something because she immediately came back into reality.
"I-I'm fine, just a bit...I don't know?"
She turned to me, a sweet smiled on her face.
Why does she look kinda....what the fuck am I thinking.
"What do you mean you don't know."
Before she could answer she was interrupted by that annoying old man.
"Looks like we're stuck, Avdol and I will share a room, what about you guys?"
The old man turned to us.
"JoJo and I can share a room, were both students."
Kakyoin said, she sounded like...she was trying to hold back excitement? No I'm just imagining things.
The old man looked unsure about it, but then agreed.
"And that leaves...."
He turned to Polnareff and the brat.
"No way!!!! I don't wanna share a room with someone disgusting like him!!!"
She yelled.
"You brat!!"
Polnareff yelled in response.
"Well, how about you both get single rooms then?"
Polnareff nodded.
The woman behind the desk handed us the keys.
Kakyoin reached her skinny arm across and grabbed a key.
"Well, I'm gonna head off. C'mon JoJo!"
She smiled at me and tugged on my uniform sleeve.
I nodded in response.
She dragged me out of the room, as we made our way to our room.

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