~Dark Blue Moon~

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We all looked at Polnareff in disbelief.
He wanted to come with us too Egypt?!
"Sure Polnareff, you can come."
Joseph said, Polnareff nodded and smiled.
"Excuse me!"
A girl shouted.
Jotaro turned around to a group of two girls.
Me and the others watched to see what his reaction would be.
He let out staring at the female.
"Would you mind taking our picture!"
She asked,
She and her friend started blabbing about where they wanted the picture.
"Shut up!!! And go bother someone else!!!!!"
He yelled at them
"Now, now."
Polnareff began,
We turned to him.
"I'd take your picture ladies!"
He exclaimed, walking over to them.
"Now, if only I could capture your heart's instead of your pictures!"
I heard him say.
Jotaro let out a small "Yare Yare"
"What the?"
Joseph began.
"Looks like he has two personalities, one below and above the belt, and the harder one started taking the shots."
I said, pointing to Polnareff who was taking the pictures of the girls.
Avdol said.
I wanted a chuckle more than someone just to nod in agreement. But I shrugged it off.
The boat soon arrived and we all got on.
I situated myself with a book in a chair that let you look at the ocean.
Surprisingly, Jojo decided to sit next to me.
"What are you reading."
He asked, his question startled me, it had been pretty quiet for a while.
"I'm reading about the ocean!"
I exclaimed.
Leaning over to him to let him see.
"Wanna, read it with me?"
He looked like he wanted to nod, but instead he shook his head.
I frowned.
Mr. Joestar walked out soon enough.
"We should arrive in Singapore, in....three days,"
I heard him say.
Oh shit!!!!
It's been almost a week since I met Jojo and the others!!
If we don't defeat DIO soon.....
My parents are going to kill me....
"Hey you two, I have to ask you something."
The question interrupted my thoughts.
I looked up, at Mr. Joestar.
"What's with the school uniforms!!?!?!"
He yelled pointing at me and Jojo,
I sighed at his question.
"Isn't it extremely hot?!?!?!"
He yelled,
"Well, we are students, and good students should always play the part, correct?"
I asked.
"Too much of a stretch?"
I whispered to Jojo, he laughed slightly.
I looked back up at Mr. Joestar.
"Well also because I didn't bring anything else to wear...."
I blushed lightly, rubbing the back of my head.
"Yeah sur-!"
He began.
"Let go of me you jerk!!!!!"
We all turned to see a little boy in the arms of a crew member.
"Hey!!! We said us and the crew would be on!!!"
Joseph yelled, pointing at the boy.
"Sorry sir! It's a stowaway!"
The crew member said, holding onto the little boy.
"Let go of me or I'll break your balls!!!!".
The boy yelled.
Struggling in the older man's arms.
I giggled quietly under my breath.
"Tell that to the coast guard you little shit!!!!!"
The member explained to the boy.
Holding him tighter.
The boy stopped.
"The police?!?!?"
The boy broke free of the crew members arms.
"Look, I only wanted to go to Singapore to see my Dad!! I'll work my my ticket!!!"
The boy sat on the floor pleading.
"Let's see, should I let you go, or let you stay."
The member said, crouching down to the boy.
"No way I'm just gonna let you go!!!"
He yelled, flicking the boys face.
The little runt was pretty quick to anger.
He bit the crew members arm.
The crew member screamed.
The kid jumped into the ocean.
I immediately got up.
"Woah! Diving right in that kids got guts!!"
Polnareff exclaimed.
"Does he plan to swim to shore from here?!?!!"
I yelled.
"These waters are likely infested with sharks!!!!!"
The others stared at me in shock.
"Hey kid come back!!!!!"
Polnareff yelled, motioning for the boy to come back.
I managed to see a sharks fin pop up from the water.
Jojo immediately jumped in after the kid.
His stand let out as it punched the shark away from the little boy.
"What the hell?!?!"
The boy shouted, looking up at the shark in the air.
"Good grief."
Jotaro said as he grabbed the little boy.
Jotaro patted the boys chest and the boy formed a deep blush.
Jotaro immediately three off the boys hat.
Long brownish black hair was flowing down what we thought was a boys shoulders.
"Jotaro is that how you tell if everyone's a woman?!?!"
I yelled under my breath.
Polnareff must have heard me because he laughed.
"A girl? And a young one at that."
Jotaro said, glaring at the girl.
"Don't feel me up like that, you creep!!!"
The girl said, ignoring Jotaro's words.
She attempted to hit Jojo, but he blocked it.
He said grabbing her arm and started swimming back towards the boat.
Avdol said, looking at the sharks beat up body that Star Platinum had punches earlier.
It was split in half?!?!
Something in the water started racing towards Jotaro.
"Jojo!!! Get back to the boat now!! Something's chasing you and it's closing in!!!!!"
Joseph yelled.
Jotaro started swimming faster.
"He won't make it in time!!!"
Polnareff whined.
"Hierophant Green!!!!!"
I yelled in panic as my stand grabbed Jotaro's arm and pulled him and the girl up.
The girl was panting heavily.
"Is this girl a stand user?"
I asked turning to them.
"If she is than we have to keep our guard up."
Avdol explained.
We all nodded in agreement and went back to staring at the girl.
"Hey quit staring at me like that!!! You creeps!!!"
She yelled.
"We can only know for one way."
Joseph said, turning to Avdol who nodded.
"So, how's DIO been these days?"
He asked.
"DIO huh?! What the hell is that!!"
She exclaimed.
"Don't pretend like you don't know!!!"
Polnareff yelled.
"Don't play dumb with me because I'll fight you!!!Don't even think about it punks!!!!"
She said, pulling out a knife.
"My demon blade wants the blood..."
She stuck her tounge out and out her knife next to her tounge.
"Of it's 340th victim!!"
She yelled.
I started to giggle.
"What's so funny, stupid jerk hole?!?!"
She yelled at me.
"Jerk hole? I'm starting to get the feeling that she could never be our stand user."
I said, still giggling.
"Yes, but who then?"
"This girl our stowaway? Thanks for grabbing her."
A man with blonde hair said grabbing the girl.
Joseph began.
"I'm pretty strict when it comes to stowaway on my ship, you may be a girl but if I go easy on you we'll get even more stowaways"
The captain said, apprehending the girls knife.
"Captain, you've reviewed all of the members identities on this ship yes?"
Joseph questioned.
Jotaro lit a cigarette, as Avdol and Polnareff were talking, and I stared at the ocean but still listened in from time to time.
"Yes of course, their all veterans and have worked with me for over ten years, I don't understand why this is of importance."
The captain said.
"I think we're lock you up downstairs untill we arrive at port."
He handed the girl to some crew members.
"Oh, and I must ask you not to smoke on deck."
The captain said, turning around and swiping the cigarette Jotaro once had in his mouth into his fingers.
I turned around to watch how this would play out.
"What did you plan to do with the ash and Budd when you were done? Toss them into this gorgeous sea? You may be a guest on my ship but you will obey by my rules."
He said glaring at Jotaro.
I watched in shock as the captain started to put the cigarette out on JoJo's hat.
"You got that?"
He turned around and began walking away.
I stood there frozen to what had just happened.
"Hold it pops,"
Jotaro said, breaking the silence.
"If you don't want me to smoke on deck you could just ask, no need to be a condescending prick about the whole thing."
Jotaro yelled at the captain who stopped.
"Jotaro we're guests on his ship so just obey his rules."
Joseph began, staring at his grandson angryly.
"His rules don't mean shit,
And I've figured it out."
Jotaro said, grabbing the brim of his hat.
"That man is the stand user!!"
He yelled.
Making everyone gasp.
"What are you guys doing?..."
The girl asked.
"What made you think he was the stand user?! That's crazy Jotaro Captain Dragon was chose to us by the speed wagon foundation."
Joseph complained.
"Stand...user? What the hell are you talking about??"
The captain asked.
I sighed.
"Do you have any actual proof, JoJo?"
I asked him walking to his side and looking up into his eyes.
He looked down at me and lightly blushed and turned back to Joseph and the others.
"I've found out, that when stand users inhale even the slightest little breath of cigarette smoke, a vein pops up on there nose right here."
Jotaro said, pointing to the top of his nose.
We all gasped in shock....including the captain.
"What's goin on????"
The girl asked quietly.
"You can't be serious Jotaro! Your joking right?!"
Polnareff said, running to Jotaro and grabbing his shoulder.
"Yeah, I am kidding, but it looks like someone fell for it."
The captain gasped.
We all turned to him in horror.
"Amazing! But what tipped you off that it was the captain?"
Avdol asked.
"Honestly, I had no clue."
We all glared at his response.
"I planned to try this will all the crew members."
"And I fell for it! My hats off too you boy."
The captain said, taking his hat off.
"Your right, I'm not the captain, the real captains underwater back in Hong Kong Port."
He smiled.
"Then you'll be sleeping in hell!!!!"
Jotaro yelled at him.
The girl screamed as someone grabbed her ankle and held on too her.
A stand!!!
Me and the others shouted, but Jotaro stayed quiet.
"This girl just shows that lady luck is on my side!"
The captain yelled.
"That's a pretty sexist statement..."
I whispered.
Putting a finger to my lips.
"The moon card lies for trouble on the water, and fear of the unknown! Therefore my stands name is!!!
Dark Blue Moon!!"
The captain exclaimed.
Ignoring what I said, it was obvious he heard me because he kept shooting glares at me.
The captain began to jump off the deck but Star Platinum ran up to him and punched him a million times before he could fall.
"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!!"
Star Platinum yelled, sending the captain flying.
He grabbed the girl who was falling and almost hit the water.
"I-Impossible you hit me before I could fall...."
The captain choked out.
"There he goes!"
Polnareff exclaimed, pointing to the captains body that was now floating away.
"Pull the girl up already, JoJo!"
I insisted.
Jotaro coughed and fell down a little.
I walked over to him.
"Th-There are barnacles on your stands arm!!!!"
I yelled. Pointing to the barnacles.
Joseph ran over.
"Jotaro pull in your stand now!!!!"
He yelled.
"Wh-What do you think I'm trying to do, if I could pull in my stand would I be sweating like this?!?!"
Jotaro yelled at the old man.
I wrapped my arms around the back of Jotaro and tried to help him pull his stand in.
He looked at me with an angered face and a deep blush as he saw his arm was in-between my chest.
Joseph joined in on the other side.
Jotaro soon was pulled in.
I yelled. Attempting to grab him and the girl with my stand.
But he fell in too quick for me to grab him.
I yelled at Hierophant pulled the girl onto the ship.
It had been 5minutes since Jotaro had dove under
"We have to help him!!!!"
I yelled, unbuttoning my uniform and throwing it off to the side.
My white undershirt clung to my body, it was a bit small.
I tried to dive in but Polnareff grabbed me.
"You should send your stand in first, Kakyoin!"
He said blushing.
"Ohhhhh, right!"
I said putting a playful fist up.
"Hierophant Green!!!!"
Hierophant ran over to the water.
Polnareff grabbed my uniform and handed it too me.
I yelled, as my stands hand went into the water.
"There....there are scales in this water!!! And look a giant whirlpool is forming!!!!"
I yelled, buttoning my uniform back up.
"That's like a ant lion pit!! If we jumped in we would be sliced up!!!"
Avdol yelled.
I pointed to a black schoolboy uniform in the water
"I just saw JoJo in the whirlpool!!"
I said turning to my friends.
"It doesn't look like he's moving!!"
Polnareff exclaimed.
"So he went limp? He wasn't struggling at all? That could be a great thing!"
Joseph said z turning to us.
I had complete concern on my face.
Soon enough the whirlpool stopped and JoJo appeared out of the water.
I said happily.
"That's my grandson!"
Joseph bragged.
"Wait do you hear that...."
I put a hand to my ear and stopped.
We all heard explosions.
"He bombed the ship!!!! Everyone to the life boats!!!!!"
Avdol exclaimed leading us in the direction of the lifeboats.
~Few mins later~
"I sent out a distress call, someone should be here soon."
Joseph informed the little girl.
She grabbed the canteen, but stopped to look at me and JoJo.
I was combing my hair back into place while he smoke a cigarette.
She blushed lightly.
Joseph looked to where she was looking and saw me and Jotaro talking about something as we did our separate things.
She opened it up and took a sip.
But the girl immediately spat out the water she drank from the canteen.
"Hey that's the only fresh water we have! Don't spit it out like it's trash!!!"
Joseph yelled at her.
"Everyone!! Look there!!!"
She pointed.
Joseph froze in fear.

Oh my God!!!! Did I just write a chapter that was over 2,400 words?!?! Jesus. Well, I wanna know if people actually like this, so when I get enough people saying they like it I might continue writing, or will just keep writing because I love doing this.

~Goodnight y'all, tell me whatcha think~

🌺🌊~Your Cherry Ocean~🌊🌺

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