~Darby Elder, Part 1~

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Noriaki's pov

We finally were in Cairo,
"It's important that we search for the middle of this area."
Avdol sighed, as we all stood by a train station.
Joseph fixed his hat
"We're finally here!"
We all stared out at the structures that laid before us.
Iggy ran off


We all walked up to the counter, the bartender turned to us.
I hid awkwardly behind the others.
"What can I help you gentleman with today?"
I immediately showed myself.
"I-I mean, gentleman and madam...."
The bartender sighed.
"That's right you little cunt."
I whispered under my breath.
Joseph handed him the picture.
The bartender took the picture,
"I'm sorry sir, this is cafe, you should order something first."
The bartender glared at us.
"Fine then, 5 iced teas."
Joseph sighed as Avdol pressed money down onto the table.
The bartender fixed our teas as he stared at the photo.
He set our teas down,
"Never seen the place."
He shook his head.
Avdol, Polnareff,Joseph, and Jotaro grabbed their teas.
"Excuse me!!!! You tell us to buy something and then tell us the place we're looking for you have no idea about!!!!!"
I screamed at the bartender and slammed my hands down on the table.
Knocking my tea to the floor.
"Oi Kakyoin, stop it."
Jotaro grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
All of the people in the cafe finally spoke up, all saying they had no clue.
Jotaro apprehended me enough so I couldn't break free.
"Sorry for wasting your time, and about my friend."
Joseph giggled and patted my head.
We all started to walk out of the cafe.
"I know where that building is,"
A man said, we all turned around.
I ran towards the voice.
I saw a man sitting down, he was shuffling cards,
He had blackish blue hair, pink redish eyes, and quite a strange outfit on.
"I'm quite familiar with it,"
Jotaro and the others ran over
"Really?! That's amazing!!!"
Joseph smiled and leaned on the table.
"Could you tell us where it is?"
Joseph questioned and got off the table.
"You can't get something for nothing."
The man glared at us.
"A-Ah, your right, how about 10 pounds?"
Joseph awkwardly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm more of a gambling man,"
The man sighed.
I glared at him.
"And?! We'll give you the money yell us where that area is!!!!"
I screamed at him, just earning an even deeper glare.
"We don't have time to gamble with you!!!!!!"
I slammed my fist on the table.
"Mother fucker!!!"
I winced in pain and pulled my hand back.
"Gambling isn't always poker little lady,"
He glared at me.
"For example, see that cat?"
He turned around and pointed to the top of a wall.
A cute grey kitty was playing on it.
The man threw two pieces of fish towards the direction of the wall.
"Which one will the cat go after first?"
The man chuckled a little.
"Really man?!"
Polnareff pushed past me, shoving me into Jotaro's side.
I quickly regained composure in my standing place.
"I bet the cat will take the right one! If I was the cat I'd take the bigger piece first!"
Polnareff pointed at the man.
"Alright,I'll put my bet on the left."
The man smiled.
"And I'm guessing if I lose I'll owe you alot of money correct???"
Polnareff giggled.
"Money isn't useful to me, how about your soul???"
Wow! A fucking comedian
"Yeah yeah whatever."
Polnareff waved his hand dismissively.
The cat took notice of the fish and jumped off the wall.
"Seems the cats tooken notice of the fish."
The man smiled.
Why do I seem so pissed lately? Is it just because my eyes fucking sting every two seconds or because of something else....
My thoughts clouded my mind in a tick dust, why am I thinking about this now.
I looked back over at the cat.
The cat began to race over to the fish.
It grabbed the left, then the right.
"Happy Polnareff??"
I glared at my friend as the cat ran off.
"Ugh!!! How much do I owe you..."
Polnareff sighed, glaring at me, but still had eyes on the man infront of him.
I smirked at him.
"Money is no use to me ...."
The man gritted through his teeth.
"I want your soul,"
He glared.
Polnareff shook his head.
"Stop I don't need a fucking com-!!!!!"
All of a sudden, Polnareff's soul was ripped from his body.

Jotaro's pov

Polnareff's now unconscious body fell down to the ground.
Kakyoin screamed as she ran over to him.
"Who the hell are you?!?"
Avdol screeched at the man.
"Darby, D A R B Y."
He smirked.
The cat from earlier walked into his lap.
"And you've already met my cat."
I felt myself rise up in anger, this asshole cheated.
Kakyoin immediately got up at those words, quick enough that it knocked off her sunglasses and showed her scars.
She held Darby up by his T-Shirt collar.
"You fucking dickwad!!!!! You-You-You!!!!!!"
The old man pushed Kakyoin off Darby, pushing her into my side.
She was about to stop leaning on my side, but I felt that I didn't want her to stop, I held onto her and pulled her closer to me.
I felt heat everywhere, on myself and on Kakyoin, I just ignored it.
"It's not cheating if you don't get caught, little lady."
Darby smirked at Kakyoin, I pulled her closer in a protective way, Jesus why am I acting like this.
"Oh and by the way, my stands name is Osiris, it may be weak physically, but you'll see your no match for my stand."
Darby smiled at us.
He pulled out a book,
"Untill another one of you bet your souls and win, Polnareff is mine."
He opened the book, it was full of what looked like human faces.
But they were chips.
I heard a small gag.
I turned to my side, Kakyoin was gagging because of how disgusting this was, I honestly can't blame her.
The old man sat down infront of Darby, pulling out a glass and filling it up to the brim with an alcohol.
"You know what surface tension is?"
Jiji sighed and set the bottle down.
"Yes, what do you have in mind?"
Darby smiled widely.
"We're gonna gamble, I'm making the rules, drop a coin in Everytime it's your turn, whoever it spills on loses."
The old man set a few coins down on the table.
"Jotaro, make sure you watch for cheating."
The old man turned to me, I nodded.
"B-But Mr Joestar!!!!"
"Joestar~San you can't be serious!!!!!"
Avdol and Kakyoin yelled.
"Can I inspect the glass?"
Darby said, his voice was annoyed.
The old man sighed as Darby looked at the glass from each angle.
"Alright, I'm just waiting for you too say it."
Darby glared at us.
"I bet my soul."

Noriaki's pov

"Joestar~San!!!! You can't be serious!!"
I screamed at Joseph,
"It's alright, Kak, remember I made up the rules, and Star Platinums watching everything."
Joseph smiled at me, I guess it made me feel a little better about our situation.
"Alright, you go first, Barbie."
Joseph said.
Barbie? I thought his name was- ohh...
"My name's Darby!!! I'd it ok if I drop in more than one coin?"
Darby glared.
"As long as they all go in at the same time."
Joseph glared back at him.
Darby grabbed five coins.
Making Avdol and Joseph let out small gasps.
It made me chuckle a little, it was like a weird anime.
"Shut up and let me focus!!!!!"
Darby screamed.
I'm surprised no one in the bar is turning to us in confusion.
Darby finally dropped in all five coins.
The beer of whatever didn't spill.
"It takes nerves of steel to drop in five coins, I'll just go with one."
Joseph said, he picked up a coin, but before putting it in he held it above the glass for 10seconds.
I found this confusing, but the splash of the coin falling broke my thoughts.
"Woah! I thought it was gonna spill for sure!"
Joseph smirked.
I immediately caught on,
He was cheating!!!!!!
That bastard!!!!
"Hmph, can I drop the coin in from a different angle the shadows too dark over here."
Darby implied.
"Drop it in from whichever side."
Joseph smiled as Darby waked to the side of the table, shining the light on the glass.
Why did he need to move, it wasn't even shady where he was sitting.
I sighed at my thoughts
"You probably think the cup has reached it limit huh? Well your wrong,"
Darby smirked.
Joseph immediately let out a noise of surprise as Darby dropped in another coin.
"What?!? Why didn't it spill??!?!"
Joseph screamed, I felt like kickin him to shut him up, but Jotaro was holding me onto his side.
I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, it's just weird for someone like him.
"Your question confuses me, what do you mean????"
Darby smirked.
Joseph shook with fear as he reached for another coin.
But before he could drop it in
His soul was tooken away

Hello! I'm sorry for not making the new chapter sooner! My bestie came over the day before yesterday and had sleepover and I didn't wanna write while she was here, cuz quarantine was keeping us apart, than when I tried to do this last night, the internet went out, so I'm really sorry!!!!
I don't have many announcements!
But um, I was wondering if I should make a book where it's vines but it's jojo and their quoting vines, yeah I'm weird but I kinda like the idea XD
I hope you still enjoyed this chapter!!
~Arrevederci, my crusaders
~Cherry girl🍒❤️🌺

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