~The Lovers~

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Noriaki's pov

We slowly started to ride to Karachi with the old woman aboard.
Surprisingly, the ride was quiet, much more quieter than it would usually be with a group like us.
But I guess that's just how it be sometimes,
Soon enough we found ourselves in a small little town.
"Ah, a downer kebab stand! Let's stop and get something to eat!"
Joseph stopped the carriage (kinda???) And walked over to the downer Kebab.
"Excuse me sir! I'd like Five of those!"
Joseph smiled.
"That'll be a thousand yen!"
The man laughed.
"Thousand yen? Really??? Hah! Don't mock me now that's way to much for a handful of kebabs!"
Joseph laughed more harder than the man already had.
"How much would you buy em for??"
The man put a finger up to his lips.
"Make it 250¥ for five!!"
Joseph yelled.
The man laughed.
"If I sold em for that cheap my wife and seven children would starve to death!"
He gestured a throat slash.
"Than maybe I'll buy them somewhere else!"
Joseph yelled.
"Alright sir, I'd very much like to give you a foreners, I'll sell you five for 700¥!"
He smiled
"Than make it 300!!!"
Joseph screamed.
They both finally agreed.
"I'll take em! Here,"
Joseph handed him 425¥
Than Joseph turned around but dropped the bag of kebabs
"Holy shit! That old lady's awake!"
Joseph screamed as me, Polnareff, and Jotaro turned to the old hag.
"I-I promised you, I haven't said anything yet! Wh-Why are you here? What could you possibly want with me?! Do you think I would actually tell them the secret of Lord DIO's stand! I am and shall always be his loyal servent!!!"
She screamed.
Joseph turned around, the guy at the Kebab stand was taking off his robe.
(Ik I'm Stoopid)
Enyaba screamed as tentacles started to come out of her face.
They wrapped around the carriage and scared the horse off.
"Gross! What are they done of kind of worm?!?"
Polnareff me and Jotaro jumped off the carriage.
Enyaba screamed.
"Lord DIO places his trust in no one, not even you Enyaba, that is why and it's my job to make sure you never speak again."
The man at the Kebab Stand took off his coat.
"As for the rest of you, the only way you'll be leaving is in pieces."
He sighed and turned to us.
The tentacles started to multiply.
Polnareff screamed and looked at Enyaba.
Joseph exclaimed.
"Call me Dan, Dan of Steel my stand is the one and only Lovers Card."
He smiled at us.
"How could you! That woman was one of your own!!!! MeMeh!!!"
Polnareff ran to Enyaba's side.
"Lies...Lies... There are all lies! This isn't happening! Lord DIO wouldn't do this to me!!"
Enyaba yelled.
"These things coming out of her body are not a stand! Look their actual tentacles!!!!"
I finally spoke up.
"Lord DIO would never do me such harm, he'd never plant a flesh bud in me!!!"
Enyaba exclaimed.
"What the hell did she say?!?!"
Me and Jotaro yelled.
"Hold on!!"
Polnareff chopped up the tentacles with Silver Chariots Rapier.
"You see that?! The sun just discentgrated them! The flesh buds made out of DIO's own cells!!!"
Joseph exclaimed as the tentacles turned to dust.
"Precisely, you are quit the preceptive one, this is what a full grown flesh bud looks like. I wanna kill her not control her, so I just grew it inside the old bag."
Dan laughed.
"Enyaba, you may have been the one who told Lord DIO about the stands, but your a fool to think a man with such power would trust a feeble old woman like yourself."
Dan smiled at Enyaba.
"Unfortunately it's a point you failed to realize."
Joseph ran to Enyaba's side.
"Old lady! What's the true identity of DIO's stand?!"
I felt my eyes widen in shock at Joseph's actions.
"You places all your hope in DIO! You trusted him with your own life and even your son's!! And now you know he's not who you thought he is you know I'm right!!!!"
Joseph yelled.
"We need to defeat DIO no matter what!!!"
Mr Joestar was practically screaming now.
"H-He believes in me so I'll serve him even in death..."
Enyaba's dead body fell to the ground.
"Oh gooooddddd!!!!!!!!!"
Dan laughed.
"Ha! How pathetic, it's laughable how sad that old woman was! But she tells you something, Lord DIO'S evil charm is more powerful than you could imagine."
Dan giggled and took a sip of some tea he had found.
"The old woman may have had it out for us, but she was mislead and sure didn't deserve that death! I'll see you join her!"
Polnareff screamed at Dan.
"Four against one, and we won't hold back."
I glared.
"Prepare yourself Dan."
Polnareff nodded.
"On your feet,"
Dan took another sip of tea, obviously ignoring Jotaro's harsh voice.
"Hey jackass, stop trying to act cool and get up and fight."
Jotaro put a fist up at him.
"Go ahead, but you can't touch me! I'm Dan of Steel!!"
Dan exclaimed.
Star Please punched Dan's abdomen.
He flew backwards, but at the same time, Mr Joestar flew backwards and had the same wound.
"What happened Mr Joestar! He flew back just like that guy!"
Polnareff screamed.
"I was about to explain my powers you fool! That inpatients almost killed your grandpa! I suggest you listen next time."
Dan got up.
"My jobs not over, I have more things to do, I wouldn't show up just to kill Enyaba."
Dan spat out blood.
"You...You dam bastard!! You told us your stand is the Lovers!! Wha.....What does it do?!?!"
Joseph yelled and attempted to stand back up.
"Why does it matter? The battles already begun Mr Joestar,"
Dan glared.
We all glared back at him.
"Your all simpletons, you won't be able to see my stand no matter how hard you look!"
Dan laughed.
"Hey half pint?"
Dan turned around to a kid.
"Want some cash? It's all your if you can hit me with that broom,"
Dan handed the kid a piece of cash.
"Wh-What?! Why would he??!!!"
Joseph screamed as the kid hit Dan in the leg with his broom.
Joseph screamed in pain.
"Now what???"
I whispered in annoyance.
"I don't get it it's like my legs broken!!!!"
Joseph yelled and fell onto the ground.
"You still haven't figured it out? My stand can't be seen because it's rooted inside you. The moment Enyaba it entered you, it got to your brain through your ear and that's how I'll get the you!!!"
Dan giggled.
"Me and my stand are connected, just like yours. If my stand gets hurt I get hurt, and the reverse it also true. Your utterly helpless, if you so much as scratch me, my stand will go bezerk in your head, inflincting the same agony on you but several times greater!"
Dan laughed.
"Now I'll say it once more, alone or together you won't be able to lay a single finger on me!!!"
All of our eyes widened in shock.
"Plus the Lovers tooken one of Lord DIO'S flesh buds into your brain!!!"
Dan smiled as if he and won.
"It's growing in your brain as we speak, just as it did to Enyaba it will eat you from the inside out."
The not from earlier giggled and hit Dan in the leg again, earning another scream of pain from Mr Joestar.
"I don't recall asking you to hit me again, stupid little brat!!!"
Dan immediately turned around and kicked the kid in the face.
"Well to be honest, my stand The Lovers isn't as strong as you think it is, it doesn't have enough strength to even lift a small stand of hair."
Dan sighed,
"Making it the world's weakest stand, but power isn't necessary if all you wanna do is kill your opponent! Understand, Gentleman and woman."
He turned back to us with a look of evil on his face.
"Say something unfortunate happens, I get into an accident, a baseball hits me, or I just trip and fall, how do you think that would affect you, Mr Joestar."
Dan grinned and started to crack his knuckles.
"Wha?!!! How am I feeling your knuckles crack in my prostetic hand?!!!"
Joseph screamed as it looked like his fingers where moving on there own.
"You've got ten seconds old man, before your dead like Enyaba."
Jotaro immediately grabbed Dan in anger.
Star Platinums fist appeared by his head.
I immediately ran infront of him as if to prevent him from punching Dan.
"Jotaro!! Stop it now! Don't do anything rash!!!"
I screamed at Jotaro as his grip tightened on Dan.
"Sorry but no!! I'm gonna kill this tool so quickly he want have time to feel pain!"
Jotaro pushed me out of his way.
Joseph started to have trouble breathing, Jotaro released his grip on Dan's shirt.
Joseph began to steady his breathing.
"Kill me before I feel it eh? Sounds interesting, do it then! I wanna see it happen!!"
Dan smirked.
"What are you waiting for, Jotaro? C'mon let's see it! What were you planning to strike? Maybe my throat, or maybe slashing a giant hole in my chest, or give up using your stand and crack my head open with a rock!"
Dan walked over to a rock.
"This on looks like a prime specimen!"
He picked it up.
"You do not want to underestimate me, pretty boy! When I say something I do it!!!!"
Jotaro screamed as he grabbed Dan.
Dan looked at him in horror as Jotaro pulled out Star Platinum, and Joseph struggled to breath.
I knew exactly what he was going to do.
I sent Hierophant to grab Star Platinum before he could attack him and grabbed Jotaro from behind.
"Stop it now, Jotaro!!!!!! You've seen how strong his stand is!!!!! Are you trying to kill your grandfather?!?!!"
I screamed at him and tightened my grip.
Star Platinum disappeared.
"This is Jotaro we're talking about he might be!"
Polnareff walked over and pushed Jotaro backwards, making me fall to the ground.
"You dumb good for nothing punk!"
Dan released Jotaro's grip on him.
Jotaro fell backwards as I stood up.
Dan pulled out the rock from earlier and hit Jotaro in the far with it.
He spat out blood.
Joseph yelled.
Once again Dan attempted to hit Jotaro with the rock.
"Look out!!!!"
But I didn't notice quick enough, Jotaro was hit with the rock again.
Making him fall to the ground.
We all ran to Jotaro's side.
"Stop! What the hell do you think your doing?!!"
Dan laughed as Jotaro let out an angry groan.
Joseph turned to me.
I knew what he meant and nodded.
We both got up and started running.
Polnareff started running after us.
"Jotaro!! Keep him away from Mr Joestar at all costs! We're gonna try and get away as far away from him as we can!!!"
All three of us ran off.

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