Emperor and Tonth(THOT!)

374 15 7

Kakyoin's pov

3 days left....

We slowly walked around in the streets of Cairo,
Still searching for that God damn building!!!!! How hard could that be!?!
The answers very hard!!!!!!!!!!!
We rounded a corner, yet Polnareff stopped.
"What's wrong Polnareff?"
Joseph turned around as the rest of us stopped.
"Well I'm just wondering where Iggy is."
Polnareff sighed.
"You sure that's all?"
I smiled at him.
"W-Well, I also feel like someone's following us."
All of us screamed.
Polnareff kinda leaned back.
He fell onto the floor.
"How about you go check?"
I quietly giggled.
Polnareff got up and walked off.
We all sighed a little and tried to keep walking.

*Skip five minutes*

He's been checking for a while.
A little too long atleast.
"Is Polnareff alright?"
I questioned my friends.
"I have no idea,"
Avdol sighed.
"Maybe we should go check on him."
Joseph started to walk in the direction Polnareff went in.
We all ran after Joseph.
Finally, Joseph stopped,
Looks like he found Polnareff.
I stared into the little area we stopped in.
Polnareff was leaning against the wall, pretty nonchalontly too
Jotaro looked at Polnareff.
I'll find out who your crush is you asshole.
"Have you been standing here this whole time?"
I asked, pushing my angry yet caring thoughts towards Jotaro to the back of my mind.
Polnareff smiled.
Keeping the same face?
"Why are you standing in the corner like that?"
Joseph gave Polnareff a weird look.
"O-Oh! I-"
Polnareff looked like he was glaring behind him?
"I had to piss!"
Polnareff giggled.
"That's disgusting!!!!!!!!!"
I screamed at him.
"Your lack of shame amazes me."
Avdol shook his head at Polnareff.
"Well anyways, was someone's stalking us?"
Jotaro sighed lightly at Polnareff.
Polnareff answered, rather quickly, too quickly.
"You sure??"
I gave him a concerned look.
"Well you can see there's nothing strange going on here!"
Polnareff giggled.
"Like I'd believe that!!!"
I yelled at him.
Quickly I used hierophant's tentacles to scout around Polnareff quickly.
Before I could find something Polnareff sneezed and shot forward.
A man appeared from behind him.
We all screamed.
"Th-That's Hol horse!!!!!!!"
I screamed.
Silver Chariot appeared and grabbed Hol horse.
"Everyone look out!! Hol horse is back and he has a friend under the box!!!"
Polnareff screamed as silver Chariot stuck his sword next to Hol horses throat.
For some reason, I started to hear a cars engine.
I turned quickly to my side.
Only to spot a car racing towards us.
I couldn't speak.
I couldn't even tell for my friends that a car was coming.
I passed out along with the rest of my friends as the car ran into all of us.

Jotaro's pov

I slowly got up, groaning along the way.
Why the fuck did a car come out of no where...
I looked around slowly.
Kakyoin, Polnareff, Avdol and the old man had all been hit head on by the car.
So it wasn't a surprise they were all knocked out.
Instead of going over to help them I looked around for Hol horse.
That fuckers gonna pay for this..
After looking around for a few minutes I gave up and walked back over to the others.
"Jiji wake up."
I slowly shook the old man awake.
"Wha- J-Jotaro???"
He opened his eyes.
"Yeah now get up."
I sighed as I started to walk over to Avdol.
Which he was already awake.
"You ok?"
I quietly asked him.
"Y-Yes, but look over at Kakyoin and Polnareff..."
Avdol pointed over to a broken wall.
I hadn't even tooken the time earlier to see if they were both ok.
I looked closer.
Both of them were crushed under a big piece of wall.
Polnareff was awake while Kakyoin wasn't.
I rushed over quietly.
"Do you need help?"
I bent down slowly.
"Y-Yes I need help!!! I'm not trying to be a bother but seriously get this shit off me!!!!!"
Polnareff yelled at me.
I started to lift the piece off of him and Kakyoin.
Polnareff started to try and shake her awake.
"Get up Kak."
Kakyoin groaned a little.
So she was awake.
"Five more minutes..."
I glared at her and started to help Polnareff up.

Kakyoin's pov

I finally started to slowly open my eyes.
Everyone was awake.
Yet still injured.
I looked up, to see Polnareff getting help from Jotaro.
They were standing infront of a pipe.
Polnareff suddenly sneezed onto Jotaro's face.
I quietly giggled.
"Watch it."
Jotaro glared at him a wiped his face off.
"S-Sorry for some reason Hol horse shoved his fingers in my nose...."
Polnareff sighed lightly.
I finally slowly got up.
"Disgusting~! But anyway where did Hol horse go???"
I asked and looked around.
"We shouldn't worry about it."
Avdol sighed.
I nodded.

"Hey! Hey help me!"
I shouted at Jotaro.
He turned to me.
"I can't walk help me."
I smirked at him.
"Are you saying that because your lazy?'
He glared at me.
"What?!?! Fuck you Kujo!!!!!"
I glared at him.
"I seriously can't walk!!!!! I don't think you noticed but I don't have a hot muscular body like you guys!!!!!"
I shouted.
But soon enough I processed what I said and turned red.
"I didn't mean it like that!!!!!!"
I glared at him as he smirked.
"Ha! You called your friends hot."
He laughed a little.
God...his laugh is so cute when you can actually hear it.
"I hate you."
I grabbed onto Jotaro's hand and pulled myself up.
"What are you doing?!"
Jotaro screamed at me.
"Getting ready to leave.
Now let's go."

Sorry for the short and rushed chapter. The next chapter is gonna be skipped to after Iggy gets hurt cause I don't really know what they'd do while he got but so yeah.

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