~I feel like i just had a horrible nightmare, but I cant remember what happened~

477 17 4

Noriaki's pov

"Th-That piercing noise....."
For some reason, I could hear the cries of a baby.
I slowly got up and opened my eyes.
I immediately got off what I was laying on and looked out at the structure that laid before me
"An.... amusement park????"
I looked down at whatever I was standing on.
"The fuck??? Why am I on a ferris wheel in my pajamas?!?!!'"
I screamed and jumped backwards, hitting my head on the Ferris Wheels metal.
"What am I even doing here? God if this is one of Polnareff's stupid pranks I'm gonna kill him,"
I sighed.
"I remember riding throughout Saudi Arabia on Camel back, so where are the others? Did those assholes abandon me?!?!??!"
I all of a sudden heard a whimper, like an animal whimper.
I turned around, to my correction a dog was sitting on the chair I once laid on.
I kneeled down and pet his head.
I could still hear the faint cries of a baby.
I looked around.
No one was around me.
"This doesn't make any sense...."
I cuddled up next to the dog.
After I was next to the dog for about a minute I got up.
"I still hear it!!!! Where the fuck is that dam baby?!??!"
I screamed and pounded my hand on Ferris Wheels metal.
I sighed.
But then started to hear light music, it was carnival music.
I looked up and saw a card flying slowly towards me tied onto the string of a balloon.
I grabbed it and turned it around.
"Th-This card is!!!!!"
I dropped the card in panic.
"DEATH 13!!!!!!!!"
I screamed and fell backwards.
The card started to move.
The small Rapier on the card immediately jumped out of the photo and stabbed the dog and the side of my hand.
The dogs head was split in half.
Spilling it's brains everywhere.


I jumped up in my bed.
"Kakyoin!! Kakyoin!!!"
Polnareff grabbed me.
I stopped screaming and turned to him.
He giggled.
"Jeese, stop shaking the bed like that creepy girl from The Exorsist!!!! Your freaking me out, girl!"
He scratches the back of his head and sat on the bed next to me.
"Wh-Where are we???"
I looked around.
I didn't recognize anything.
"Don't ask stupid questions!!!! Now get up and change!!!!"
Polnareff got up and opened the curtains.
I covered myself up in my blanket to shield myself from the sun.
"After breakfast we're gonna take to the skies!!!!"
Polnareff excitedly giggled.
I sighed.
"I had the most horrible nightmare...."
I whispered quietly, but not quietly enough.
"Really? Lay on the details I wanna hear all about it!!!!"
Polnareff ran back over to me.
"God I sound like an 8 year old.... I would tell you but I can't remember what happened at all...."
I looked at him with puppy eyes.
"Come again??"
Polnareff sounded more than confused, and put a hand up to his ear as if he didn't hear me.
"Whatever happened, it was terrifying and that's all I need to know."
I got out of bed.
"Wish we could talk more about it, your uniforms over there."
Polnareff picked up his bag and pointed to a chair then left.
I sighed and began to get dressed.
What was my nightmare about, why can't I remember what happened???
I felt a twitch of pain, I looked at my hand, their was a small cut
I sighed quietly and grabbed my bag and started to walk out the door.
When did I cut my hand??
Polnareff was waiting for me outside.
As soon as I closed the door I heard someone crying.
"Wh-Who did this?!?!!"
I ran over to the sound of crying and saw a little boy looking at something.
I got closer and examined what he was crying about
"M-My dog is dead!!!!!"
He screamed and fell to the ground.
As soon as I saw the dog I ran back over to Polnareff.
The dog looked like it's head had been smashed in and it's brains were falling out.
"I could've sworn I saw that same dog a few minutes ago...."
I covered my expression up with my hair.
"Whoever did this is sick."
Polnareff angrily somehow calmly said.
I sighed.
"C'mon Kakyoin, Mr Joestar and Jotaro are waiting for us."
Polnareff started walking
"Oh um yeah!!"
I ran up to him.
"When are you gonna just come out and tell him?"
Polnareff turned to me.
I was naturally confused.
"You know what I mean, when are you gonna tell Jotaro how you feel?"
Polnareff smirked at me.
I felt my face heat up.
"I-I don't like Jotaro!!!!!"
I lied, actually I'm not sure if I am lying about not liking or not.
"Besides, even if I did he would shrug me off like any other girl...."
I sadly sighed.
Polnareff put a hand on my shoulder.
"Cheer up! I know just how to make him fall for you!!!"
He giggled.
My face got even redder, if that was even possible at this moment.
We stopped in front of an area where you could buy a plane.
" Shut up Polnareff!!! They're right over there!!!!"
I immediately put my hand over Polnareff's mouth as we slowly approached Mr Joestar and Jotaro.
"Hey what's up?"
Jotaro turned to us
"Nothing, it's just that Ka-!!!!"
I smacked Polnareff,
Polnareff winced in pain.
I turned to Jotaro with a completely red face
I awkwardly smiled.
"Forget it."
Jotaro shook his head.
I turned to Mr Joestar, he was fighting with these people.
One of them was holding a....
A baby?? I could've sworn I heard a baby's cries earlier....but where.

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