~Hol Horse and Centerfold~

647 21 4

Noriaki's pov

"Avdol you can't be serious! Polnareff said he wanted to go alone!!!"
I yelled at Avdol, but he ignored me and got up and left.
Joseph yelled at the top of his lungs,
"C'mon lets go get him, what a pain in the ass.."
Jotaro pulled me out of my chair and we began to look for Avdol with Mr. Joestar.
"I'll go this way you two go that way!"
I ran off in the direction I once pointed in.
Where are you Avdol...I have a terrible feeling..
"Hey there's a weird fight going on over there!!!!"
A man pointed to the streets and interrupted my thoughts.
I ran to where he pointed...to find Avdol lying on the floor....
"M-Mr Avdol!!!!!"
I screamed in horror.
I ran over to him and held him in my arms and started to shake him as if to wake him up.
No response
N-No, h-he's just hurt he's going to say something!!!
I started to shake him harder,
"Right Mister Avdol!!??! Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I was crying by now, I had cried two times today, that's the new record of the year.
I set Avdol down,
"It-It was too quick, he didn't deserve this...."
I stared down at his lifeless body
The silence was broken by Polnareff spitting something out,
"That's what he gets for lecturing people!!!"
Polnareff scoffed,
"You can't fuckin say that too a man who just saved you're life. HE WAS FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT YOU I GUESS HE SHOULDN'T HAVE WORRIED!!!!!!!!!!"
I screamed at Polnareff,
I was angry, until I heard crying,
I got up and started to walk toward him.
"I'm so sick of it..... Having people up and die on me!!!"
Polnareff screamed at me.
I hugged him as if trying to calm a scared child, and looked over at a car.
"What luck! We thought Avdol would be our most scariest opponent. Talk about luck!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Hol Horse yelled,
"that cars our way out Polnareff, now c'mon"
I started to walk towards the car, but Polnareff didn't follow, instead he let The hanged man attack him.
The car was pretty easy to start up, but I'll return it later, as if there is a later.
Polnareff fell to the ground in pain, which was my que to grab him,
I grabbed his arm and hoisted him into the car, and started to drive away.
"I get what Avdol was trying to tell me now, I just guess i thought that if i could avenge my sister it wouldn't matter if I was killed or was able to survive,"
I glared at him, yet again I was on the verge of crying.
"I'll fight to keep living,"
I was surprised by his words.
"You sure you mean that, Polnareff?"
I turned to him,
"Yes I'm sur-"
I immedantly stuck my elbow into his face,
"That's all I'm giving you to make sure we've made up,"
Tears formed in my eyes.
I handed him a handkerchief, for some reason I always have them on hand.
He covered up his nose with the handkerchief,
"M-Merci, Kakyoin,"
"Next time those stand users come after us we'll kill them together alright? For Mr. Avdol's sake."
I turned away from him,
"You know, I smashed every mirror I saw him in, but he attacked from the shards, his stand is in the mirror world, a place my stand can't go..."
Polnareff sighed,
"Mirror world? What are you talking about Polnareff? There's no such thing as a mirror world."
I sighed at him,
"You've gotta be kidding, Nori! You saw he can only attack from the mirror!"
He screamed at me,
I chuckled,
"Just as I said, there's no such thing, I think that'll tell us more about The secret of The Hanged Man."
Polnareff grabbed the review mirror and threw it out of my open window.
"Hey you could've h-!!!!"
I looked at a small mirror on the wheel, the Hanged Man had already caught up to us.
I screamed as I lost control of the car,
We crashed....
"Nori!! Are you ok?!?!"
Polnareff screamed,
"Y-Yes I'm fine, I just banged my chest...."
Polnareff, to my surprise picked me up and sat me down by a rock.
"I just saw it, he reflected off something else to get on the wheel,"
Polnareff looked at me concerned,
"That makes perfect sense! His stand is light!!"
I yelled.
"Yes, but that means we have to take anything shiny off, like our earrings, and your uniform buttons!"
Polnareff took off his earrings and put them in his pocket.
I proceeded to take off the uniform buttons and my earrings,
"Hey Mister, and you, Miss! You guys totally messed up your car are you ok!"
A kid ran over to us.
We both looked up at him with our scratched up faces that were stained with blood.
"Woah! I've got some bandages and medicine since your hurt!"
I saw a flash in the kids eye.
"That bastard!!!!"
I screamed as the realization that the Hanged Man had went into the kids eye
"Dammit, don't look at us!!!!!!"
Polnareff screamed as we both jumped out of the kids view, but the kid followed Polnareff with his eyes.
"But your bleeding!"
The child pointed at Polnareff's wounds,
"I'm fine see?! Now go look in a different direction!!!!!"
Polnareff screamed and jumped to the side,
"Now now Polnareff, you wouldn't poke out this cute Lil kids eye just so I can't hurt you would you?"
A cold voice whispered, and Polnareff was stabbed in the arm.
I screamed,
I couldn't just stand back and watch this happen.
"I'm so sorry kid! I'll buy you whatever candy you want!"
I kicked sand into the kids eye,
"Y-You kicked sand in my eye!!!"
The kid screamed, but I turned to Polnareff.
"Polnareff! He's in your eye!"
Polnareff shrugged,
"I don't understand how, but for some reason he can only exist in the world of reflection, and when one world is about to be destroyed he has to migrate! But if we know exactly where he is, we can cut him!
Now, my name is Jean Pierre Polnareff, and in order to make the souls of my dead sister and friend Avdol at peace, I'm going to kill you!"
Silver Chariot stabbed the Hanged Man,
We heard a loud and ear piercing scream.
"His real body's over there!"
We ran over to a man who was stabbed and panting roughly.
Polnareff was yelling at the man, but I zoned out, and noticed something...
"Polnareff, wait! This isn't the man with two right hands!!!"
I pointed to the man's hands, he had one right hand and one left.
"Hehe, Polnareff it sure is easy to trick you."
Someone snickered as Polnareff was cut across the chest.
"That was just some beggar in the wrong place around the wrong time."
We turned, to a man that had what looked like eyes with no pupils and scars everywhere.
"So your centerfold,..."
Polnareff whispered,
"By the way, Polnareff do me a favor, after I'm done with you ask your sister about how I killed her in full detail!"
He screamed, Polnareff tried to run over to the man but was interrupted by his words.
"Hey, this gentleman and gentlewoman are handing out free money for anyone who asks!"
Before we knew it we were surrounded by people.
"That bastard...."
"Hey Polnareff, remember what you said earlier? At this point you shouldn't say, that bastard, say something like this!
My name is Noriaki Kakyoin, and in order to make Avdol's and Polnareff's sister at peace in the world above, I'm going to give anyone this gold coin!"
Polnareff turned to me confused.
"Anyone you picks up this coin can have it!"
I threw the coin in the air,
"Their view is only on one object,"
"Oh I see..."
Polnareff kicked sand into everyone's eyes, the Hanged Man had no choice but to go to the coin, we saw a flash, and that was when Polnareff sent Silver Chariot to cut him.
The Hanged Man fell back in pain, as we walked towards him he had a look of horror on his face,
"Hey, doesn't that look like a face too you?"

Sorry if this chapters too short for your liking, and sorry it took so long to post,
I don't have much too say, other than that after the empress' card I'll do a bonus chapter that has ship moments! I'm gonna make the chapter just before Wheel of Fortune,

~Goodnight my lil gay Crusaders~😂
🍒🌺🌸~Your cherry blossom~🌸🌺🍒

~Goodnight my lil gay Crusaders~😂🍒🌺🌸~Your cherry blossom~🌸🌺🍒

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