~Calcutta India~

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Hey, so I decided I'm only gonna be working on three stories, This, My other Jotaro x Kakyoin, and a Rohan X Josuke fanfic, so thats all enjoy this chapter!

Jotaro's pov

It was a long boat ride to Calcutta, but we eventually were about to dock.
"So, uh Avdol, I've been wondering, I've always heard India was a land of curry and disease, is there anywhere to get American food there?"
The old man broke the silence between the 5 of us.
"Yeah, I know! I'm afraid my stomach will die within a few hours!"
Polnareff yelled dramatically. To which Avdol chuckled.
Avdol answered with something but I couldn't hear it, I tuned out,
My mind kept flashing to when Kakyoin had kissed me on the movie night, she was obviously alseep, but I should ask her about it.
The boat docked and we all got out,
Polnareff, Avdol, and the old man just talked about some things, while Kakyoin just stared at the ocean.
I decided now it was time to ask her.
"Hey Kakyoin, I wanna ask you abo-"
I stood by her.
"No! Don't push me into the ocean!!"
She screamed and turned to me.
"Oh... It-Its just you, Jotaro..."
She stammered.
"Y-You were saying?"
I sighed, I didn't like to ask about his kinda stuff.
"So about the night before yesterday, you whispered my name and then..."
I stopped, I felt my body heat up with every word.
"You kissed me."
Kakyoin just stared up at me.
And I just back down at her.
"I-I didn't mean to if I did!! I kiss things and hug things in my sleep!!!!"
She yelled, a deep blush thickening at every word she spoke.
"Oh ok,"
I walked away from her, but turned back.
She was staring at me, frowning a hand up to her face covering her mouth, but her white scarf moved with the wind and covered up her face so her hand wouldn't have to.
I found this strange, she didn't look like the stalker type, but sure could act like it.
We soon found ourselves in a crowd of people.
Kids tugged on my highschool uniform, which just made me pissed as hell.
I turned to the others, but then felt something grab my arm, I looked down and saw Kakyoin, she was grasping my arm and trying to hide herself.
"Want a tattoo your very pretty!"
I looked infront of her to see a guy keep talking her.
She buried her face into my side, I felt heat rise up on my face.
"Hey, Kakyoin, what's wrong?"
I asked, she looked up at me, embarrassed and looked overall shy as hell.
"R-Remember when I told you my stand doesn't like open spaces?"
She covered up her face with her scarf.
"Well, he kinda inherited that from me....."
I just stared at her, she was acting awfully...cu- Stupid!
For someone like her.
We soon started to walk off in the direction of a restaurant Avdol, picked out.
We arrived at the restaurant, and sat down.
"Here try some of this, it's chai."
Avdol said, handing a cup to the old man.
Kakyoin leaned over to me.
"You wanna know what chai is because I'm cultured unlike you,"
She giggled.
I just nodded.
"Well, chai is a sweet concoction of black tea, boiled with ginger(kinda)"
She explained, how far her intelligence went on other countries never stopped to amaze me.
"Ah, finally a little peace."
The old man aid, taking a sip of chai.
"Ya know I kinda like this place, it's cool."
I sarcastically said.
"You suck at being sarcastic.."
I heard someone whisper,
"What?! You can't be serious Jotaro!!"
The old man slammed his hands on the table.
"Well it's a hell of lot of culture shock, guess I'll like it later,"
Polnareff got up.
"Where's the john?"
He asked a man, who pointed to a door.
"Aren't you going to order first Polnareff?"
The old man turned to him
"Pick for me! Make it something fitting for a Frenchman such as mwah!"
The old man stared at him with his mouth agape.
"Which means it doesn't matter,"
Kakyoin giggled,
"Now let's see something that'll look gross but he'll love! Excuse me!"
Kakyoin called over a waitress,
She was planning to prank him I guess,
"Oh wait, what do you guys want?"
She asked turning to us.
We all answered, to which she nodded and told the waitress.
"Here you go!"
The waitress came back with our food.
I sighed, as Kakyoin hugged the waitress.
She's too kind to everyone,
"Where's the user!?!?!?!! Where's that stand user?!?!"
Polnareff barged out of the bathroom.
"Polnareff, what's wrong?!"
Kakyoin got up, she looked at Polnareff as he ran out of the restaurant.
We all raced after him,
"If that was him...."
He whispered,
"Polnareff what's wrong?"
I asked, I felt Kakyoin turn to me, I turned to her and she had a face of,
'oh you actually care about someone'
"Jotaro! The man with two right hands, he's here!"
Polnareff yelled,
I stared at him shocked,
"Mr. Joestar, if it's ok with you, I'll be traveling on my own from now on, with my sisters killer in reach I can't just wait for him to attack me."
Kakyoin looked so sad too here him say that, I knew they were friends but I didn't know they were that good of friends.
Polnareff started walking away.
"Funny talk for a man who's digging his own grave,"
Avdol yelled at Polnareff,
"And that means?!"
Avdol chuckled,
"Exactly as it sounds."
"Are you implying I'm going to lose?!"
"Yes, we don't know his powers so your digging your death sentence."
Polnareff glared at Avdol's words.
"Whatever! I'm always fighting alone and I won't stop! I heard the last time you saw DIO you ran away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs!!!"
I heard a soft sobbing,
Kakyoin was starting to tear up.
I wrapped an arm around her for a second, when she turned to me I let go.
"I'm gonna fucking kill you!!!!!!!"
Avdol yelled, jumping toward Polnareff.
Hierophant appeared and held Avdol back,
"Don't kill him, just let him go, we can't change his mind now..."
Kakyoin sobbed.
Everyone turned to her.
"Oh Nori, I'm sorry...."
Polnareff walked over to her.
"Don't touch me!!!"
She yelled.
"Just go fucking do what you said you would!!!!!"
She covered up her mouth.
"I-I-I'm sorry...."
Polnareff turned away from her and started to walk away,
While me and Avdol and the old man just stared in shock.
Kakyoin held her face in her hands sobbing.
"I hope he's ok....."
She looked at the ground.
"Kakyoin, how about we go to a hotel and check in too rest?"
Avdol wrapped an arm around her.
She looked at him, he wiped her tears off.
She smiled and nodded,
He smiled back,
I felt jealousy wash over me.
I'd fallen for a girl I haven't even know for over a week.
We all walked to a hotel,
Soon enough it was dark and we went down to get dinner.
"So he really didn't come back?"
The old man looked at the empty chair in between Kakyoin and Avdol.
"I'm going to go look for him."

Hey! I'm really happy that, my friend AlessandraBravo4 likes this story, so I've wrote this chapter for her and am going to write more! And the more people who start to like this the more people I can write for!

Here's some art I found online, I didn't draw it.

~Goodnigh my lil crusaders~
🍒🌊~Your cherry ocean~🌊🍒

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