Bonus Chapter! Hospital Visit

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Jotaro's pov

I quietly waited by the door, the doctors where still taking care of Kakyoin's eyes.
Avdol's neck had already been bandaged,
The old man and Polnareff took him somewhere,
Who knows where Iggy is.
"Ah, so you have been the one waiting, she's ready to be visited."
A doctor walked out of her room and smiled at me.
I nodded and went inside.
"Who's there?!?!!"
Kakyoin screamed, obviously hearing the door creak.
"No one."
I laughed.
"Wh-?! Jotaro?!"
She was still yelling.
"Yes now shut up."
I sat down in the chair next to her bed.
"Mm ok."
She laid down.
"Hey! Don't go to sleep!"
I shouted at her.
"Make me...."
She yawned.
"Where are Joestar~San and the others."
She sat back up.
"I don't know, they took Avdol somewhere."
I sighed.
"When did they say you could be released."
She tapped her chin in thought.
"They said if everything goes well I can leave tonight."
She smiled.
"Do those bandages hurt??"
I asked, I was kinda hoping to start a conversation with her.
But why...
"Eh, they would only if I hadn't tooken the pain killers!"
Her voice was calm yet energetic as always.
"But why do you want to know? Does the, Jotaro Kujo, care about me?"
She giggled.
"Shut up!"
I punched the spot next to her
A doctor walked in.
"Hey, Ms. Kakyoin,"
Kakyoin started to look around.
"Um,,,, yes??"
I sighed lightly.
"The treatment went well, you'll be leaving tonight."
Kakyoin smiled.
"Thanks for letting me know!"
I looked at her, her smile was pretty.
Genuine, sudden, and...perfect.
I sighed at my thoughts.
"What's wrong Joot??"
Kakyoin broke me out of my thoughts.
"Nothing, don't call me that."
I glared at her and pulled my hat down.
But it was tooken off my head.
"Did I get it??"
She smirked as she held my hat.
"Yes now give it back."
I demanded.
"Hmph! Fine."
She threw my hat.
"Do you have any aim??"
I glared at her as I picked my hat off the ground and brushed it off.
"I have a fucking bandage wrapped around my eyes, do you think I can see??"
The tone of her voice was angry.
"Can you tell me why you don't talk to my old man about well, your old man."
I sighed and sat back down.
"Well...... They were friends when they were younger,"
She sighed.
"And Joestar~San thinks he's dead, but that's the only way for him to live."
"Bullshit!!! No one can only live if everyone thinks they're dead!!!!!!!"
I screamed at her.
"N-No they can't, but he can't stay safe if over to many people found out that, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli lived."
She sighed again.
"Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli???"
She nodded, I can remember the old man mentioning him from time to time.
"Why can't you tell my old man he's alive? Jiji misses him more than anything."
Kakyoin sighed sadly.
"Maybe after this journey we can go to my house and they can meet up again."
She smiled.
I nodded, but could tell she couldn't see.
The room soon fell silent.
You could here the doctors whispering from other rooms.
A loud knock on the door broke the silence.
"Hey lovebirds!"
The old man walked in with Avdol and Polnareff behind him.
I finally realized what he had said and screamed at him.
"Oh she didn't tell you?"
Polnareff smirked.
"Polnareff shut the fuck up or I will tell Avdol!!!!"
Kakyoin screamed.
Avdol looked confused.
"Tell me what?"
Polnareff hid his face
He was...blushing?
"Ah nothing,"
Polnareff sighed.
Avdol sighed.
Kakyoin giggled.
I turned to her.
She pouted.
I whispered.
"Scuse me?!?!"
She screamed.
"What are you gonna kill me?"
I scoffed.
"Non, Non, Non, no one's killing anyone."
Polnareff sat on the right side of Kakyoin's bed.
"Can we take off your bandages and get out of here???"
Polnareff smiled.
"M-Maybe the bandage part, but only with a doctor's approval."
Kakyoin stuttered,
It's amazing how one person emotions can change on a dime, one moment their a smartass and the next their acting like they're the shyest and most fragile thing on the planet.
I sighed at my thoughts.
Polnareff got up and ran out of the room.
"Who left??"
Kakyoin asked.
The old man smiled and shook his head.
"How much time do we have left...."
Kakyoin frowned
"What do you mean??"
The old man asked her.
"For Seiko~Chan, how much time does she have left????"
She sighed
"You mean Holly?? And I think only three or two weeks left...."
The old man frowned.
Kakyoin sounded upset.
She cared about my mom???
I glared at Kakyoin.
The door creaked open.
"The doctor said I could take off the bandages."
Polnareff smiled and sat back down by Kakyoin.
"Can you stay still for one moment, Kak?"
She nodded.
Polnareff began to undo the bandage wrapped around her eyes.
He took the bandage off.
"Nice scar."
I smirked.
I have to admit her scars were kinda cool, only kinda.
She smiled at me.
"It's nice to see you without that bandage wrapped around your eyes."
Avdol smiled.
"Oh wait but the doctors said you have to wear these."
Polnareff pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on Kakyoin.
She took them off.
"I don't know,"
Polnareff shrugged.
"Oh wait Jotaro we need to ask Kakyoin some stuff, can you go out of the room for a moment?"
The old man smiled awkwardly.
"I guess."
I sighed and left the room.

Noriaki's pov

Don't leave me here!!!!!
"Kakyoin we wanna talk about when you said you like-"
"I don't like your grandson!!!!!"
I angrly shot at Joseph.
"Honestly you think your fooling anyone?
We can see right through you."
Polnareff smirked.
I felt my face burn up.
"Guys we said we wouldn't ask about this."
Avdol sighed and shook his head.
"Well, they make a cute couple-!"
"We're not a couple!!!!!!!"
I screamed, most likely loud enough for Jotaro to hear.
"Not yet!"
Joseph smirked.
"Mr Joestar, Polnareff, both of you stop it,"
Avdol glared at them.
"You can't force love."
Avdol frowned.
"Y-Yeah you can't...."
I whispered quietly, I felt myself start to cry.
Jotaro was the first ever friend I had, even crush.....
"Woah! Kakyoin are you ok?!"
Polnareff ran to my side and hugged me.
"Y-Yes I'm fine now fuck off..."
I wiped some tears from my face.
"Kakyoin, are yo-"
"Yes I'm sure I'm fucking fine!!!!!!"
I snapped at Avdol.
Polnareff stopped hugging me and walked back over next to Avdol by the door.
"I-I like him ok?!!? Not a big deal!!!!!!"
I yelled at them
"I think you wanna be alone, we'll be back to pick you up tonight."
Joseph patted my head as him and the other two left the room.
I huffed out in anger.
Jotaro's probably not even straight, why would he be??? He screams at every girl who says hello.
Except for me......
That doesn't mean anything!!!!
I started to lightly sob into the hospital pillow I was propped on.
The door creaked open.
"I told you guys to fuck off for a while...."
I screamed through my pillow.
"Don't remember you ever saying that too me."
A familiar deep voice said.
I turned around.
"Oh it's just you...."
I frowned at Jotaro and tried to hide the fact I had been crying.
"What's wrong?"
He sat beside me.
"N-Nothing now fuck off!!'
I hid my face even more.
He pulled my face out of the pillow.
"You don't look like it's nothing, but whatever."
Jotaro sighed and shoved my face back into my pillow.
I groaned.
"No problem."
I heard the smirk in his voice.

~Time skip brought to you by Kakyoin's screaming~

I sighed as I got out of my hospital bed.
It was finally time I could get out of the hospital.
I slipped into the bathroom and changed out of my pajamas and back into my green uniform.
God I've had this for so long and I still haven't grown it out.
I chuckled at my thoughts.

~Few years ago~

"Alright Nori! What uniform do you wanna pick out?"
My mother smiled.
I looked at all the school uniforms in front of me, one finally caught my eyes.
I grabbed a green one.
"Sweetheart that's a boys blouse,"
My mother giggled.
"Yeah I know, but I think it's pretty."
I smiled at my mother.
"Well if it fits you well enough then you could probably get it, "
She shook her head happily.
"Thanks mom!"
I jumped into my mother's arms.
She smiled and hugged me back.
"No problem, Nori, your my everything."


Jeese have I really had this since 7th grade???
That's messed up, I sighed and walked out of my hospital room.
But grabbing the sunglasses the doctors had given me before leaving.
I sighed and let them rest on my head.
Soon finding myself in the lobby I waited for my friends to come and pick me up
I feel kinda worthless, I feel like they always have to worry about me.
Hierophant Green appeared next to me.
"You still like Star Platinum?"
I giggled and turned to my stand.
My stands face got a little redder.
I smiled a little.
"Eh Star Platinums kinda cool so I'd understand why you like him,"
I teased.
Your stand is a manifestation of the soul, technically that means it can have crushes and feelings as well, if you assume not it's just cruel.
I started to have a long conversation with my stand.
I got alot of weird looks from people.
Soon enough someone tapped my shoulder.
"You ready to get out of here bitch."
I turned around and saw Jotaro and Joseph.
Joseph was swinging keys around his finger
"Yes, I'm guessing Polnareff and Avdol~San are waiting??"
I smiled.
Joseph nodded.
"Alright bitches let's get out of here."

Yeah, this chapter kinda sucks for a bonus chapter, but I wanted to do a bonus chapter ok??? I feel like its been a while since I have made one,
Not many announcements today, ummmmm.
I cried today because I was playing a Fighting game and my friend deflected the emerald Splash???? Not really an announcement just something you can all laugh at because I'm stupid,
Yeah I know that was stupid to say but I wanted to say something,
~Goodnight my lil crusaders
~Your Cherry Girl 🍒🌺

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