Bonus Chapter! Truth Or Dare

561 18 15

Jotaro's pov

"And you think he's gonna protect you?"
I slowly approached Kakyoin as she tried to hide herself behind Polnareff.
She let out a nervous giggle.
"Why wouldn't he! I'm the cutest thing alive!"
She broke out of her hiding spot and did a little pose.
"Get in the car, it's starting to rain and I don't want to be soaked, so we'll stay at a hotel."
Jiji sighed and motioned for us to get into the car.
"What hotel do you have in mind??"
Kakyoin smiled as she got into the backseat.
"It better be a nice one.."
Polnareff chuckled.
"Honest I don't have one in mind, I thought we could just drive around and find one."
The old man got into the passenger seat by Polnareff, so I had to get into the other backseat.
I happened to notice that our of all of us, Kakyoin didn't have her seatbelt on.
Why do I care anyway? It's her fault if she dies.
I sighed lightly
"So are you ok? You never answered my question earlier."
Kakyoin turned to me and smiled.
"Why would I not be- no fuck off."
She giggled at my response.
"You two really are highschoolers"
Jiji sighed.
"Hey Mr Joestar! I wanna know what were you like when your were me and Jotaro's age!"
Kakyoin exclaimed and leaned forward a little.
"Well, I did the same kinda thing you and Jotaro are doing now, fighting for someone important to me, but I was two years older than you both."
The old man smiled at Kakyoin.
"So when you were....19! You decided to fight someone even if I meant you could die?"
At this point I didn't know if she was trying to piss me off or just get off being bored.
"Yes, you know the names of the people I fought?"
Kakyoin nodded.
"The Pillar Men."
Kakyoin's lavender eyes lit up.
"My grandfather talks about th-!!!!!!!"
She immediately covered up her mouth.
The old man gave her a confused look.
Kakyoin sighed and turned her attention back to the window.
She really didn't want the old man to know that she wasn't a Kakyoin, she was a Zeppeli.
But why...
Soon enough Polnareff turned a hard corner of the road.
And I felt something fall into my side.
I looked down to see Kakyoin with a completely red face.
"Can you be any more of a careless driver!!!!"
She yelled at Polnareff and tried to get up, but was pushed back down again with how fast Polnareff was going.
"Your the one not wearing a seatbelt!!!!"
Polnareff scolded her.
"Yeah! Because I thought my driver had a little! More! Sense!!!!!"
She screamed.
A awkwardly put a hand on her back and pushed her back over to her side of the car.
For some reason I regret that decision.
She buckled her seatbelt finally.
"How about we stop at that hotel."
Jiji sighed and pointed to a small motor inn.
Polnareff pulled into the parking lot.


"We're all sharing a room, ok?"
The old man swung the keys around he had gotten from front desk on his finger.
"Yare yare...."
Kakyoin elbowed me in the side.
She immediately grabbed my hat.
"Yare Yare dawa!"
She whispered and held the hat on her head.
Polnareff and the old man burst out into fits if laughter.
"O-Oh my God!! You should see the look on your face Jotaro!!!"
Polnareff started to cry as my face started to burn up.
"Ok! Ok! I've had my fun!"
Kakyoin giggled as she placed my hat back on my head.
I glared at her.
Which just earned a stupid grin from her.
"I will fucking murder you....."
She giggled nervously at my words as the old man unlocked the door to our room.
Polnareff ran over to the window.
Kakyoin sighed at this and just followed him.
"The storm isn't gonna pass for a while."
I heard Kakyoin whisper to Polnareff.
"Wanna play a game to pass the time!"
Polnareff excitedly turned to her.
"What game."
She smiled at Polnareff.
"Truth or Dare!!!!"
Polnareff yelled happily.
The old man turned to him.
Kakyoin started to stutter.
"Sure I guess we could play Truth or Dare!"
The old man sat down and smiled.
Polnareff sat next to him.
I sighed and then sat on the other side of them.
Kakyoin kept her post by the window.
"What you don't wanna play?"
I smirked and turned to her.
She angrily shook her head.
"Too bad."
I had Star Platinum immediately grab her and sit her down in the circle.
"Who wants to go first!"
Polnareff giggled.
Kakyoin sighed.
"Mr Joestar, Truth or Dare..."
She mumbled
The old man grinned.
Kakyoin put a finger to her lips as if she were thinking.
"Got something???"
The old man was obviously impatient.
"P-Put ice in your pants?????"
Kakyoin shrugged.
Polnareff giggled earning a hit from Kakyoin.
The old man easily accomplished the dare and sat back down.
"Jotaro truth or dare!"
The old man laughed.
I sighed.
The old man tapped his chin for a moment.
"Ah!! I wanna know who your first kiss was."
The old man smirked.
"What kind of question is that??"
I glared at him.
"Just answer it!!"
Polnareff yelled.
"Fine, I haven't had a first kiss yet."
I sighed, hoping they would believe me.
Kakyoin looked at me as if she were surprised.
I nodded.
"Polnareff truth or dare,"
Polnareff gave out a little noise of relief.
"Finally someone chose me!!!! Dare!"
He exclaimed.
"Let someone mess up your hair."
I smirked at him.
"Wh-What?!? No way!!!!"
Polnareff huffed.
"This was your idea Polnareff."
Kakyoin smirked at him.
"Fine then you do it!!!!"
Polnareff crosses his arms.
"Gladly, anything for a friend."
Kakyoin smiled and began to push Polnareff's hair out of place.
Strand by strand it fell out of place and over his face.
Kakyoin and the old man giggled at the sight.
"Jotaro!!! Truth or Dare!!"
Polnareff glared at me.
"He just went..."
I managed to hear Kakyoin whisper.
I sighed.
"I dare you too have your first kiss with Kakyoin!!!"

Noriaki's pov

Jotaro yelled and jumped backwards.
I felt my face heat up.
He betrayed me!!!!
"You heard me, do it."
Polnareff smirked.
Jotaro was obviously embarrassed and I couldn't blame him.
I immediately got up and left the room.


I stared at the rain falling from the night sky and sighed.
Why did he have to humiliate me like that, I thought we were friends. Talk about depressing.
I turned to my side to see Hierophant standing next to me.
"When did you get out?"
I smiled at him.
He stared at me.
The face he was giving me meant.
So you gonna forgive your friend???
"Like any chance in hell I'd forgive him, I'm sorry I know your some sort of manifestation of my soul but you aren't too much like me."
I giggled nervously as I responded to his question.
Hierophant wrapped one of the emerald tentacles around me.
It always made me feel safe.
"I'm glad your my friend..."
I quietly whispered to my stand as I hugged it.
I looked in several directions to make sure no one was watching.
Because if anyone was watching they'd think I was hugging nothing.
"Hey Nori."
I turned around to find Jotaro.
"What'd you just call me?"
I nervously smiled.
"I don't know. I don't need to call you it either."
Jotaro stared off into the night.
"Ah! No it's fine!!"
I smiled at him
"You need a nickname too then!"
I grinned.
"Already have one it's JoJo."
Jotaro sighed.
"No! I mean one only I can call you! Hmm how about....."
I tapped my chin in thought.
"Ooh!!! I know it! Joot!"
I smiled widly at him.
"No way."
He turned to me.
I could tell he was pissed, which just and it more fun.
"I'll take that as a yes!"
I smirked.
He turned away and huffed in anger.
"So Joot, why did you come all the way out here to find me?"
I leaned up onto the railing of the second floor of the Inn
"Well I was gonna say sorry for letting Polnareff embarrass you and me like that..."
Jotaro sighed.
"It's fine, it wasn't your fault. I'll beat him later!"
I smirked at Jotaro.
"You beat your friends?"
I evilly smiled and nodded.
"Like you could actually hurt me."
He scoffed and smiled.
"Try me!!!"
I pulled up the sleeves of my uniform.
"You sure about this?"
He smirked at me.
"I wouldn't wanna break your Bones."
I glared at him.
"Fight me!!!!"


It was around 12am when me and Joot arrived back in our room.
"Where were you two?!! We were worried sick!!!!"

Yes ik my book kinda sucks, and I'm still super sorry about how long my updates can take. I just get pressured by it and then,. I don't know... Sorry if this chapter seems rushed, my greatest apologies
But I hope you all are having Great Dayz!!!!!

~Goodnight my lil Crusaders~
🌺🍒~Your Cherry Blossom~🍒🌺

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