The Mansion....

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/skipped the other one cuz I don't know what to write/
Kakyoin's pov

1 day left
"Where the hell is Iggy?"
Polnareff glared as he looked around.
"I'm starting to get worried, he's been gone a while."
Joseph sighed.
Suddenly I heard something.
I looked around quickly, observing everything in my view with my purple hues.
"Spot anythi-"
I spotted Iggy in a corner, he was hiding and limping.
I ran over
As I did, I noticed his leg was...gone?!
"Iggy what happened!!!"
I screamed as I finally picked up the small dog.
My friends footsteps could be heard from the distance, quickly getting closer.
"Is this a work of an enemy stand?!"
Joseph screamed as he fell down to his knees next to me.
Looking at Iggy with a very concerned look.
"Maybe Iggy got attacked by an enemy..."
Jotaro sighed.
Polnareff ripped Iggy out of my arms.
Which surprised me at first, but soon made me smile.
"Look at his leg!!!!!!"
Polnareff screamed.
"Yeah, it's gone, but I must say, whoever treated him did an amazing job!"
Avdol bent down to slowly pet Iggy.
"Who fixed him?"
Joseph looked around quickly.
I decided to look around as well.
I noticed a figure walking towards us.
"Who are you!"
I yelled as the figure slowed his pace as he got closer.
As soon as the figure was close enough I could make out his features.
Brown hair, gleaming yellow eyes, the ones you would find on a cat.
He was actually kinda..cute.
Not as cute as jot-! Shut up!
Looked like he worked with the SPWF, most likely too old for me.
"We found Iggy in the arms of a child, he was half dead."
The man spoke, his voice was kinda rough, like Jotaro's.
But had a softness added to it.
"Luckily, we had our best doctors work on it."
The man bent down infront of me.
"Ma'am, can you take off your glasses, they wanted me to check on your eyes before I left."
I akwardly nodded and took off my glasses.
"Looks like they're fine."
The man sighed
"I would stay longer but who knows what could happen, goodbye Mr Joestar."
The man quickly got up and left.
Iggy growled as he left and jumped out of Polnareff's arms.
Polnareff sighed a little as Iggy turned to us.
He nudged his head forward.
Does he want us to follow him-
Before I could completely finish my thought Iggy started walking forward.
"Iggy wait up!"
We all started to run after him.

Soon enough we heard a car, I turned to the side.
And felt vomit in the back of my throat.
A car was being towed, but this car was familiar.
A man we talked to earlier had this same car!
The car was damaged badly and had a hole right through the front window.
"Guys look!!!!"
I tugged onto my friends and pointed to the car.
"That's the same car the dealer from earlier had!!!"
Polnareff yelled.
Jotaro yelled before his grandfather could finish screaming.
"Is this the work of the user that attacked Iggy?"
Avdol questioned.
We all looked back at Iggy, who was still walking.
"Iggy wait up!"
"You stupid mutt wait for us!!"
"Slow down Iggy you could get hurt again!!!!"

"Where is Iggy taking us-"
Soon enough a building was in view.
The building wasn't familiar when we were far away.
But the closer we got...
The more familiar it looked.
This is the building from the photo!!!!!!!
Looks like the others noticed this.
Because they stopped.
Polnareff stared in shock.
"What are you guys waiting for!?"
I yelled at them.
"What are you not waiting for?"
Jotaro glared at me as he spat out something.
"Let's kill this guy now!!!"
I screamed.
"Kakyoin, we can't go to quickly into thi-"
"Don't care!!! Let's go!!!!"
I yelled, cutting off Mr Joestar.
"What's your problem?!"
Jotaro yelled as he grabbed me by the uniform and glared at me.

That stone mask Dio used to become a vampire killed my great great grandfather!!!
And almost killed my grandfather!!!
How can I just act chill?!?!
Us Zeppeli's do not care no matter what danger we face.
And th-These Joestar's and this stone mask keep killing off this bloodline!!!!!
I won't let that happen!!!!
I can't!!!!!!!!!
I don't care if I die!!!!!

I screamed in my head at Jotaro as I shoved him off me.
"This stone mask Dio used killed my great great grandfather!!!!!!!"
I screamed as I pushed Jotaro off me.
"Kakyoin what are you taking about?"
Avdol looked at me and sighed.

Jotaro's pov

Kakyoin was screaming at us about Dio killing her great great grandfather.
First of all, how??
"Kakyoin does that me-!!!"
Kakyoin turned around and started to dash away to the Mansion.
I screamed as I stated to run after her.
I have to give her credit she's fast as fuck.
When we finally caught up to her, she was standing inside the Mansion.
"He didn't just kill my grandfather! He took something from me!!!! Something someone my age shouldn't have lost!!!"
Kakyoin screamed at us.
I was about to yell something back at her to get her bitch ass back here.
But before I could, she was grabbed by someone and a hole appeared beneath her.
God fucking dammit.
I ran over and jumped into the hole, grabbing her quickly.
"Jiji pull me out!!!"
I yelled as the old man summoned his stand and threw it over to pull us out.
Instead of it pulling us out.
It only took the old man in with us.

oh my God.
Finally new chapter!!!!!
I'm sorry this took so long!
Also yeah the way they meet Darby younger is different,
Later my Crusaders!
Hope this chapter didn't disappoint!

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