Why...Why did you save me?

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I woke up to feel someone on top of me.
My eyes shot open as I saw Jotaro sitting on me trying to pull something off my forehead?
"Don't move, I'd feel kinda guilty if a woman died today because of my actions."
He said to me.
I managed to get the words.
"Why....are you..."
Out of my mouth.
I realized a vein looking thing was crawling up under his skin to his brain,
Soon I felt something on my forehead go away, the vein was shot out of Jotaro's arm and he threw it to an old man who...made it disappear in mid air and turn into dust?
I got up as Jotaro walked to the rooms door.
I was furious with him.
"Why the hell did you save me?!?!!"
I yelled at him, standing up and regaining balance.
"I don't know, would you prefer me to have let you die instead?"
Jotaro asked, turning to me.
I blushed.
He just looked so......what are you saying?!! Shutup!!!!!
"N-No but I just wanna know why..."
I said, putting my shy act on.
He raised his eyebrows to me.
He blushed and smiled at me.
But then the smile and kind face faded quickly into a face of anger.
A blonde haired woman walked into the room.
"Oh my gosh!"
I said looking at her, she looked up at me, surprised.
"Your so cute! How are you related to him?!?!"
I kindly said to her and pointed to who she called her father.
She giggled.
"Thank you! And I don't know either! I get my looks from my mother,"
She said, she snickered a little bit.
The old man looked at her with his jaw wide open.
"Yare Yare,"
I heard Jotaro let out.
"Hey can you sit down so I can treat your wound?"
She asked, her voice was kind and gentle
"Are you sure? I can f-"
"Sit down!"
She cut me off.
I blushed and sat down.
"Kakyoin, was it? You should rest, Papa can you go get her futon ready? She'll be staying here tonight."
The woman known as Holly, said.
"Why do I have to get it?! I never even liked the idea of sleeping on the floor!!! In fact that futon in my room, replace it with a real bed now!!!"
The old man yelled.
"No way! Your in Japan now! We use futons in Japan!!"
Holly yelled, patting the floor.
The old man opened up his mouth but the woman turned to me
"Does it hurt Kakyoin?"
She asked kindly.
I put a hand in-between my chest and put a finger on my lip.
"Yes, a little, but are you sure you want me to stay? I can go home just fine,"
I said.
"Nope! Your stayin here, now let's get that school uniform off!!"
She said tugging at my uniform.
I turned as red as my hair.
"O-Ok!!! But can I take it off myself?"
I said looking away embarrassed,
"Of course! We'll go get your futon!"
She said dragging the old man with her as another man followed.
Jotaro lingered around.
"Um, can I change in private?"
I asked him blushing.
He glared at me and left.
That was strange....whatever
I thought to myself as I unbuttoned my uniform and slipped into a pair of purple pajamas.
Holly soon returned with a futon and laid it down for me.
I thanked her and got settled in it.
I was about to fall asleep as someone walked into the room.
I turned around.
It was Jotaro.
He walked over to me and grabbed my face.
"Your lucky your not alone. Because if you were...."
I woke up
I was in a cold sweat, I looked to my side and saw Jotaro doing some homework.
I said, he looked up from his homework with that same dead stare.
"I-I-I just wanted to say...."
I started to sputter out.
"Th-Th-Thank you for saving me..."
I said, smiling and a light blush on my cheeks as I turned away.
"Don't mention it, I didn't do it because I wanted to if that's what your wondering."
He said,
I felt my heart drop.
He didn't do it for me?.....
I frowned,
"Ok, I know..."
I said, sadly.
I saw that he actually looked sad too see me sad.
When I looked up he turned away and went back to his homework.
He soon left.
And I soon fell asleep.
~Next day~
I woke up, I looked over and saw my uniform and skirt,
I got changed into them and started to regain my balance.
I heard someone yell from another room.
"Ms. Kujo!!!!!"
I heard someone yell, I walked out of my room so I could stay undetected.
I stood by the door and heard someone let out the words.
The man whispered.
"God damnit!!!!"
The man yelled, he pushed Jotaro against the wall. I felt the wall I was leaning on move, I almost fell, that would've been bad if I did.
I poked at the bandage wrapped around my head.
"Tell me what we can do."
I heard Jotaro's voice break the silence.
"We have to find DIO!"
The old man yelled,
That name repeated in my head as I remembered all the things that man did to me......
Humiliate me.....control me...even...
I gulped.
I decided to stop there,
I heard them talking about how they would find DIO,
"Ill be back later!!"
A man said racing out of the room.
Crap!! He almost saw me.
I sighed quietly and followed him.
I arrived at a small library.
"You seem to be doing well,"
He said,
His words caught me off guard and I fell down with a loud thud.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, but I'm a bit busy."
He said, turning to me with a kind face.
I rubbed the back of my head.
I felt as if my skirt had been ripped at the back.
I felt the back of my skirt and
Yep, it was ripped.
I blushed to myself,
"Can your own stand.... Really kill you?"
I asked, trying to get my mind off of my ripped skirt.
"Yes, I've seen it happen to many times,"
He said disappointed.
"To any normal person, this would be considered a terrible desease with no cure.
The stand is only on her back, but will eventually take over her body and soon enough will..."
He said, and stopped.
"Kill her."
He said turning to me.
"Is-Is there anything we can do?"
I stammered.
"Yes, we kill DIO that should get rid of the curse on her body."
He said.
"We should get back."
He said,
"I never got your name,"
I said, turning to him.
"Avdol. And yours was Kakyoin, correct?"
I nodded.
We got back to the place and I went off in a different direction, but soon retreated to my hiding spot so I could hear what they were saying,
"This fly is from Egypt, most likely where DIO has dug a hole for himself."
Avdol said.
"So he's in Egypt after all eh?"
I said, walking into the room.
"Why does it matter to you?"
Jotaro asked.
"Because I wanna come!!!"
I said, putting a happy anime girl look on my face.
He asked.
I stopped my stupidity.
"Let's just say you opened my eyes,"
I said, tapping the bandage on my forehead.
"Also, this woman showed me so much kindness, even though I tried to kill her own son, I would do anything to see her feeling better."
I said, looking down at her worried.
"This might sound strange, but if I ever fall in love, I want it to be with someone like her. Like the male version of her. But with how I am I'll likely fall in with someone who's my exact opposite."
I chuckled.
Avdol and the old man nodded.
"Never got your name,"
I said, pointing to the old man.
"Joseph Joestar,"
He said,
I nodded happily.
Me and Jotaro went to wait outside.
Cars started to show up left and right and men ran out of each one.
I watched this like a curious puppy, Jotaro was watching the men too, but I feel as if he was mostly watching....me?
"This is the speed wagon foundation, they'll look after Holly"
Joseph said, as he and Avdol approached me and Jotaro.
"Alright everyone! Let's start heading to Egypt!!"

Hey, do you guys like this at all? I love writing it but I wonder what you guys think. I hope you enjoy this series, but if you don't, I'm sorry! Sorry if my chapters are short too, I'll make them longer if you guys like!

~Goodnight everyone, have sweet dreams~
🌊🍒~Your Cherry Ocean~🌊🍒

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