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"What are you gonna name her?"
The man smiled at the woman infront of him.
The woman smiled.
"What's her middle name?"
Her husband joked.
The woman smiled as the husband blushed.
"But that's my name-"
"I know."
The woman smiled even more as her husband planted a kiss on her forehead.
"I can sense potential in her."
A blonde italian male, the woman's father smiled at the baby.
"Oh god."
The woman laughed a little.


Maybe around 3 years old
"Mom look what I found!!!!"
A little girl ran over to her mother holding something in her hands.
"What'd you catch nori?"
The mother smiled and leaned forward.
The little girl excitedly squealed as she revealed a small frog in her hands.
"Aw he's adorable!!!"
The mother exclaimed, as her daughter beamed with proud.

This, is some of the most fondest and memorable memories of Noriaki Kakyoin Zeppeli.


The little girl, Kakyoin when she was four years old, walked around her home, her father, at work, her grandfather, in italy, maybe coming to visit this month. Her mother was the only one home.
Kakyoin ran into her mother room to see her cutting her hair.
"Oh hey nori, is something wrong?"
Her mother smiled.
"No! But what are your doing to your hair?! Your Killin it!!!!!!!"
Kakyoin screamed as she ran into the room and hugged her mother.
"No, sweetie, I'm cutting it."
Kakyoin looked up.
"Want me to cut yours?"
Her mother bent down.
"Will I die if you do?"
Kakyoin's mother, who's name is Reiko chuckled.
"Nope! Now sit down,"
As asked, Kakyoin sat down in the chair infront of her mother.
Slowly her mom cut her hair.
Leaving nothing but what looked like a hair noodle.
Her mother bent down.
"Now we have matching hair!"
Kakyoin smiled at her mom.
"I love it!!! I hope when I grow up I look like you!!!"
Reiko felt her heart melt at those words.
"I'm sure you will."


5 years old
"Is grandpa still coming?"
Kakyoin turned to her mother and father, Reiko nodded, her father, who's first name was Kakyoin shrugged. All three of them had been waiting there for thirty minutes.
"Alright let's-"
"Mama Mia! I'm so sorry, my plane was late!"
A familiar Italian voice was heard, Kakyoin turned around in excitement.
A blonde male stood there, he had blonde hair and a blonde mustache covering under his nose, he looked like he was in his twenties despite being 39.
Kakyoin ran over and jumped into her grandfather's arms.
"My sweet Temnei!!!!!!!"
Her grandfather gave her a tight squeeze. Reiko laughed while Kakyoin's father shook his head in anger.
"Caesar put her down she gets scared!"
Kakyoin's father ordered, shocking Caesar and Reiko.
"No I'm not I'm brave!!!!"
Kakyoin exclaimed.
"Yes you are!!!!!!"
Caesar exclaimed as he tossed his granddaughter up in the air.
Kakyoin squealed in delight.


6 years old
"Ok! That should finish it!"
Caesar exclaimed as he tighted a headband around Kakyoin's head.
He put her in a smaller version of the outfit he wore during battle Tendancy.
"Put your hands like this...."
Caesar out his hands together as his granddaughters purple eyes watched in excitement.
Caesar pulled his hands apart, bubbles forming.
He yelled excitedly as Reiko watched from the door.
"I wanna do that!!!!!!"
Reiko smiled and left, going back to her husband.


7 years old
"Don't listen to your grandfather,"
Kakyoin's father ordered her.
"Why not?"
Kakyoin pouted.
"He's insane..."
"What do you mean?"
Kakyoin frowned.
"He's insane."


8 years old
"Is school cool?"
Caesar turned to his granddaughter trying to start conversation.
His granddaughter had been upset all week and no one knew why.
Caesar was the only one she trusted.
"I have no friends!!!!!"
Kakyoin screamed, close to crying.
Caesar frowned and hugged his granddaughter, comforting her.
"Why not?"
Caesar tried to smile.
"They can't see him..."
Kakyoin frowned.
"See who?"
Caesar finally smiled.
Caesar looked at his granddaughter puzzled.
"Oh? He sounds cool tell me about him!!"
Caesar smiled, obviously buying into his granddaughters imaginary friend.
Kakyoin smiled.
"He's really bizarre!!! He can do magic tricks too!!! Like shoot emeralds out of his hands!!!"
Kakyoin exclaimed.
"Oh? You think that's bizarre? Have I told you a story I call Battle Tendency."
Caesar smiled, Kakyoin shook her head.
"I used to have a friend, his name was Joseph Joestar, we had to fight these people called the pillar men, and I got hurt-"

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