Bonus Chapter! Pocky Game

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Jotaro's pov

"Crap we ran out of gas,"
Polnareff groaned, I sighed to this.
Polnareff pulled up to a small gas station.
"I wanna see if there's anything cool inside!"
Kakyoin smiled and ran inside the store,
"Jotaro could you follow her?"
The old man akwardly smiled,
I nodded and walked inside,
I saw Kakyoin, she was staring at a shelf,
"Oh Jotaro! Look at this!"
She pointed to the shelf,
"For a place like this you wouldn't expect they sell Pocky,"
I nodded.
"And I'm guessing you wanna buy some?"
"Hm, maybe"
She smiled.
"This reminds me of grade school,"
I sighed and looked at the shelf of Pocky.
"What do you mean?"
Kakyoin turned to me.
"Well my mom would buy me stuff like this,"
She nodded.
She grabbed a box of Pocky, unsurprisingly it was cherry flavored.
She glared at me
"Yes really,"
She went up to the cashier and gave him some money.
"You ever heard of the Pocky game?"
She opened the box.
"You mean the game I was the best at in middle school? Yeah of course I've fucking heard of it I played it."
I glared down at her.
"I bet I could beat you,"
She bit down on a piece of pocky.
"Really? Is that a challenge."
I smirked at her.
She screamed.
A deep blush formed across her face
"Scaredy cat, I know I'm just too intimidating."
I looked at her blushing face.
"Fuck you!"
She yelled and ran to the car.
"What were you two yelling about?"
Polnareff asked as I approached the car.
"Just a stupid game,"
Polnareff sighed.
"Well we can't drive for the whole day, we're gonna stay at a hotel tonight k?"
I nodded and got into the seat next to Kakyoin.
She turned to me and glared.
"Still mad about how intimidating I am?"
I smirked.
"You know, we're stopping at a hotel later right?"
She ignored my question, I nodded.
"I dare you to play the Pocky game with Polnareff and Mr. Joestar!"
She cheered and shoved a stick of Pocky in my mouth.
"No way."
I pulled the piece out.(I was gonna say stick, but that sounds SUPER wrong. Just listen, Jotaro pulled the stick out. Just no)
She giggled.
"Fine you know what I will."
She turned to me and I shoved the piece of Pocky back to her.
"Wait really?"
She sounded surprised.
"Um yeah?"
She giggled and whispered.
"I'm not gay you asshole."
She started to laugh louder.
"Mhm sure,"
"I'm not!!!!!!!"
I felt my face burning up.
Polnareff and the old man got into the car.
"Hey you two, you wanna play the Pocky game later?"
Kakyoin leaned on Polnareff's chair.
"How do you play? It sounds fun."
Polnareff smiled at her.
"Well, you have a piece of Pocky and you divide it to two people, one person biting on each side, with every turn one person takes a bite, you can choose how big or small you bite, and whoever chickens out first loses!"
She giggled
"Not what I was expecting,"
The old man sighed.
"Your on!"
Polnareff exclaimed.
"I wanted you to play with Jotaro first! Since he says he's the best at it!"
Kakyoin smirked at me, I just glared at her and turned away.
"I bet I could beat you Jotaro. I don't chicken out easy."
Kakyoin and the old man laughed at this.
"You sure?"
Kakyoin giggled.
Polnareff sighed.
"We'll see when we get to the hotel!"
Kakyoin giggled, she sounded like a middle schooler on helium.
"Jesus fucking Crist are you ok?"
She stopped giggling and smiled at me stupidly.
"Yeah I'm fine,"
She bit onto another stick of Pocky.
We arrived at the hotel.

Noriaki's pov

We walked inside, I kept glaring at Jotaro, I still was upset with him, he was intimating and if I ever played the Pocky game with him, I would die.
We arrived in a small room.
"So you ready to play Jotaro!"
Polnareff giggled and sat on one of the beds,
There were only two beds, Polnareff and Joseph would share one, and me and Jotaro would share the other....
"Fuck I forgot, sure"
Jotaro facepalmed himself and then sat down by Polnareff.
I handed him a piece of cherry Pocky.
"You really only bought the cherry flavor?"
Polnareff chuckled as I glared at Jotaro.
"Yeah, the strawberry one taste weird, now you two just start already!"
I took off my shoes and sat on the bed next to Jotaro and Polnareff.
Jotaro bit on one end while Polnareff bit on the other
"Are you ready?"
Jotaro smirked.
Polnareff took a small bite.
While Jotaro took a bite that swallowed most of the Pocky.
Polnareff took a small bite.
They were only cenimeters apart.
I turned away, I didn't wanna watch their lips touch.
Polnareff must have seen me upset
So he immediately let go of the Pocky.
"Jeese Jotaro your gay!!!!"
He yelled, I turned to him, and he smiled.
He was the only one that knew I liked Jotaro, and I plan on keeping it that way.
"I win,"
Jotaro smirked.
"Y-Yeah you actually scared the shit out of me."
Polnareff giggled.
"Kakyoin you wanna play it with me?"
Jotaro took the box of Pocky out of my hand.
"Aren't you gonna play it with Joseph first?"
I blushed.
"Nah I wanna see the look on your face when you chicken out."
"Oh your on bitch!!"
I grabbed his hand and bit on the end of a Pocky stick.
He seemed surprised by how determined I was.
He bit on the other end.
"You rea-"
I took a big bite of my side and glared at him.
Polnareff and Joseph just watched in shock.
But I could tell Polnareff was screaming with joy inside.
Jotaro took a big bite of the other side.
We were only an inch apart.
I attempted to bite off a small bit, but I felt something soft and soothing on my lips after I took a bite.
I opened my eyes to see Jotaro with a completely red face.
I'm kissing him!!!!
What the fuck!!!!!!
I immediately moved backwards.
"Oh my God!!! Jotaro I'm so sorry please say you forgive me!!!!"
I hugged him.
Surprising he hugged me back,
"Oh yeah I'll forgive you."
He smirked.
"I don't like you!!!!"
I screamed.
He shrugged
"Honestly I don't care if you do or don't, I'll be your friend no matter what."
I smiled at him.
Polnareff and me walked outside after it got dark.
"You went pretty far in that Pocky game huh?"
Polnareff smirked.
"Oh shut up!!!!!"

Hello! I wanna thank, Flosasia shes been really nice and telling people about this book, I wanted to add this chapters before I met her but as i met her I decided,hell yeah I'mma do that! You're so kind!

~Goodnight my lil crusaders~♥
🍒🌺!~Your cherry blossom~!🌺🍒

♥~Goodnight my lil crusaders~♥🍒🌺!~Your cherry blossom~!🌺🍒

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Polnareff's watching u too make sure u no judge

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