~The Empress(But with Jotaro and fem Kakyoin!)

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Noriaki's pov

"It's definitely infected, shouldn't you get a doctor to look at it, Mr. Joestar?"
I asked Mr. Joestar and examined the weird piece of flesh sticking out.
"Ah yeah, that's a good idea. I'll be back later, Polnareff keep those two out of trouble!"
Joseph ran off,
"You two can take care of yourselves right?"
Polnareff turned to me and Jotaro,
"Yes, do you wanna run off with that dumb bitch next to you?"
Jotaro pointed to Nena,
"She's not a dumb bitch like other girls!"
Polnareff yelled, and then realized what he said,
"I-I didn't mean it like that Nori!"
He yelled, I chuckled,
"It's fine, go get yourself a girlfriend!"
I giggled as Polnareff and Nena began to walk away,
"What now?"
Jotaro turned to me,
"How about go find a quiet spot where I can draw and you can smoke, sound good?"
Jotaro nodded as I grabbed his hand,
We got weird stares throughout the walk to a quiet spot.
I finally settled on a spot in an alleyway where no sun came through,
"Didn't expect you were the alleyway type,"
Jotaro lit a cigarette.
"Eh I used to run into alot of  alleyways when i was younger,"
I pulled out a sketchbook and pen,
"Well I.. I um will talk about it later,"
I smiled as Jotaro nodded in understandment, 
"Hey, I've gotta ask what's your favorite type of girls?"
I turned to Jotaro, not that he needed to answer my question,
"Why do you wanna know?"
He smirked,
"Oh fuck off, I was just curious,"
I turned away to hide my blushing face,
"I don't like girls,"
"So you're gay?"
I giggled,
"Fuck you,"
He puffed out cigarette smoke.
I started to draw a picture or a cherry tree,
"What are you drawing?"
He sat down next to me,
"I'm drawing a picture of the cherry tree behind my house, once this trips over I can take you there!"
I smiled,
"Sounds girly as fuck, no way."
I glared at him, 
"Well it's really pretty, but if it's not your thing it's fine,"
I shrugged off what he said and smiled,
"Still no,"
He glared,
I smiled,
I got up,
"Wanna go find somewhere else? You can pick this time,"
I tucked my sketchbook into my bag,
He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the alleyway,
But he was holding on to tight, it hurt...
I started to try and pull away from his grasp.
But it only made him hold on tighter,
I whispered, he turned around and let go,
"I wasn't holding that tight don't be a moron,"
He glared, I looked at my arm and saw a red mark from where he was holding.
"Oh ok.."
I frowned and rubbed my arm,
We heard yelling and turned around,
"OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Mr. Joestar came racing out of a hospital,
Police officers were chasing him as he ran off into the distance,
"Mr. Joestar!"
I yelled and tried to run after him,
"The old man's fine, he always gets out of these things in one piece,"
Jotaro was holding onto my arm,
"I guess you're right."
I smiled and Jotaro let go of my arm,
For some reason I thought he made that up just so I would hangout with him, but Jotaro doesn't do that.

I wanna do Jotaro's pov now so ya,
Jotaro's pov

I turned to Kakyoin, she was looking around this place like a curious puppy,
"Calcutta is different than it was when I was a kid,"
She whispered and smiled
"What do you mean."
I turned to her, she looked up at me,
"Oh! I-I didn't know you heard that, I just mean that the buildings are different and some I went to when I was younger are gone, ya know?"
"Which ones did you go to when you were younger?"
She smiled and turned to the ground,
"They used to have a pocky store around the ocean, it's probably gone though."
"Maybe we can go there before we leave Calcutta??"
Kakyoin looked back up at me, 
She smiled, but than the smile faded into a look of shock,
"Kakyoin wh-"
She pulled me down to her height and pointed to an alleyway.
Polnareff and that dumb bitch from earlier where there,
"I think it worked!!"
She beamed, sometimes she can be too bright and happy for my liking.
"Yeah you think, you don't know."
I turned to her and frowned.
"Don't be such a bummer JoJo!!!!"
She scolded me,
"If I think that means it could've happened!"
She yelled,
"Did you hear something?"
Polnareff started to look around,
"Ah fak."
Kakyoin face palmed herself,
I grabbed her small arm, 
"C'mon let's go before he screams at us,"
I started to drag her away,
"Jotaro? Kakyoin??"
As soon as I heard those words I knew I had to say it,
"Kakyoin, do you know the secret Joestar strategie."
I whispered in her ear,
"No I'm not a Joestar,"
"What are you then?!"
"I didn't wanna say it but, I'm a Zeppeli."
"Whatever! Just, wait you lied to me about you're name?"
I turned to her, she nodded. Polnareff was getting closer.
I immediatly picked up Kakyoin.
I started to run, Kakyoin looked at me with a blushing face,
As soon as we got away from Polnareff I put her down,
"What's full and real name than?"
"Oh it's, Noriaki Kakyoin Zeppeli."
I glared at her,
"Just, don't tell Mr. Joestar..."
She turned away,
"Uh, sure but why?"
"I can't say,"
She smiled,
The moon emerged from the night clouds,
We hadn't even realized that it was night...
Kakyoin grabbed my arm and took me to a dock,
She sat down by the water, and turned around to say something to me.
"There you two are!!!!!!!!!!"
I turned around, it was the old man and Polnareff.
"Oh Mr. Joestar! Polnareff how'd it go with Nena?"
Kakyoin smiled,
Polnareff looked terrified and sat down next to her and started whispering.
"We can't sleep in a hotel tonight, due to an enemy stand user,"
The old man sighed.
"Yare Yare.."
"Heard that!"
Kakyoin giggled, I turned to her and Polnareff was hugging her as if he were scared.
I felt something weird sting my chest...Probably just tiredness.
"Here Polnareff you're driving."

Hello~! Hope this chapter wasn't too terrible, and yes in my version Caesar lives but lives his life in secret and has a daughter who has Kakyoin, and tries to teach Kakyoin Hamon as she grows up but she doesn't have enough strengh to weild it, so yeah! Sorry if that's dumb and all.... Don't got alot to say so yeah.

~Good day my lil Crusaders!~
!~You're Cherry Blosssom~!

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