~High Priestess~

434 19 11

Noriaki's pov

I walked around the submarine Avdol had bought.
It was pretty big, compared to what I'd heard.
But it is a cruiser for the wealthy, I patted the metal on the side lightly.
The submarine shook.
Just the same way Avdol agressivly shook Polnareff.
"Please Polnareff, for gods sake be more careful!!!!!!"
He shouted at him.
"I-I didn't do that!!!!!!"
Polnareff stammered.
I sighed lightly at this.
"Do any of you want a drink?.."
I quietly asked trying not to sound awkward.
I turned to a small kitchen to see what they had.
All I could spot was a coffee maker and a small cooler.
"Is ummm.....Cola ok???"
I opened up the cooler.
"Everyone please be quiet."
Joseph quietly yelled at us before anyone could answer my question.
"What are you doing??"
Polnareff questioned.
"I need to call someone."
Joseph sighed and picked a phone.
"Who the fuck do you need to call in a submarine?!"
I ran back into the room the others were in.
"Someone important, now like I said shush."
I glared at him.
But before I could open my mouth to scream at him Jotaro slapped his hand over my mouth.
"He said shut up, what do you not understand about that."
He sounded emotionless as always.
But this time like something was on his mind.
Just something he didn't like to talk about.
Joseph had picked up the phone and began a call not too long ago.
We were all close enough to hear what they were saying.
"Hey, Suzie Q!"
"Joseph Darling!!!!! Oh my God it's you!!! I missed you so much!! Where are you calling from?!"
"I'm at a hotel."
Joseph was lying, but why
"This is what he meant by a delicate matter??"
Jotaro turned to Avdol.
Avdol nodded.
I tried again and again to pry Jotaro's hand off my mouth so I could say something.
"You grandmother, Madam Joestar is as eppervesint as someone her age,"
Avdol sighed.
"So Joestar~San is lying to his wife?!"
My muffled screams escaped the small gaps between Jotaro's fingers.
"Yes and no. Jotaro let go of her."
Avdol glared at us.
"No, if I do she'll just scream. It's the only thing woman are good at."
Why was Jotaro being so rude to me.
Earlier at the beach when we were alone he was just fine.
"She won't scream."
Polnareff giggled.
"Yeah she wi-"
Polnareff pried Jotaro's hand off my mouth
I lost my temper and ran off
"Told you."
I ran off to a small room and shut the door behind me.
I heard footsteps approaching the door.
I looked up as soon as I heard the door open.
It was Avdol, Polnareff, and Mr Joestar.
"You ok, Kakyoin??"
Joseph knealed down.
I turned away in a scoff.
"It's because she likes Jotaro."
Polnareff giggled.
It took me minutes before I had finally realized what he said.
Avdol looked at Polnareff.
I turned away in embarrassment.
"I fucking hate you your the worst friend ever........."
I sighed quietly.
"What! Kakyoin you like my grandson?!"
Joseph giggled.
I nodded in embarrassment.
Joseph hugged me happily.
I was utterly confused.
"You know we'll help you!"
Joseph smirked.
"We don't even know if Jotaro likes her back, Mr Joestar, you can't force things."
Avdol sighed
"I'm getting uncomfortable...."
I quietly got up and the left the room.


"So we take this route to Egypt, right now we're on the red sea floor."
Avdol pointed, we were all gathered around a table.
Polnareff happily chuckled.
I turned to him.
"Nothing, it's just so great to be gathered as a group together like this, it's been a while."
I felt myself smile,
Yes indeed, you're all annoying assholes, specially you, Polnareff.
But yes, it does feel good to be gathered like this.
I turned around and started walking to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Hey Kakyoin! Could you make me something to drink?"
Polnareff sighed.
"Do you like coffee???"
I opened up a small drawer.
There were exactly five cups, how "convenient".
I grabbed the cups and started the coffee maker.
As soon as it was done I grabbed it and took the cups to everyone.
"Oi Kakyoin, why'd you grab six cups for five people?"
Jotaro questioned me.
I looked at the cups.
He was right, they're were six but I swear I only saw five.
"Well maybe I'm just not good at counting."
I jokingly sighed.
Joseph picked up a cup and smiled
"Yes I gue-!!!!!!"
All of a sudden the coffee cup transformed into something.
It looked like .....a stand?!?!
"WHAT THE?!?!?!"
The stand cut through Joseph's prostetic hand.
Joseph screamed as the fingers of his hand were dug into his throat
Jotaro screamed as Joseph fell unconscious.
I immediately ran over and picked him up.
Studying his wound.
The stand jumped into some of the machinery.
"It doesn't look like his major arteries were injured!"
I pointed out as I hoisted him onto my back.
He was heavy as hell.
I guess being buff prevents you from being kidnapped!
That's not funny .....
"Everyone listen."
Avdol's considering voice broke my thoughts.
"We're fighting a stand called the High Priestess."
I turned to him.
"The stand users name is most likely Rose, since it is a common name for a user of this type of stand."
He sighed
"How do we fight it?"
Polnareff asked, lifting Joseph off my back and onto his.
"How did the stand ev-"
A piece of glass shot out from one of the windows.
The submarine was going to fill to the brim with water within minutes.
"I get it now!!!"
"We're losing altitude and air quickly!!!!"
I stared at the others in terror.
"Oi Kakyoin."
I turned around.
Jotaro was glaring at all of the machinery around him.
"What's up??"
I walked over to him.
"Which gage did the stand turn into?"
He glared at me.
"I-I-I....umm.... I-I think it turned into.....
That one."
I pointed at a small gage.
I walked backwards as Jotaro summoned Star Platinum.
Avdol turned to me.
"J-Jotaro!!! The stands already moved it's behind Kakyoin!!!!!!!!!"
I turned around in terror.
Sure enough the stand was right behind me.
"Hierophant gr-!!!!!!!"
The stand immediately attacked my throat.
I screamed in pain.

Jotaro's pov

The others yelled as Kakyoin fell to the ground.
Avdol ran to her side.
"Just like with Mr Joestar! Her major arteries aren't damaged but she's unconscious!!!!"
He picked her up.
"We can't stay here."
Avdol wrapped something around her wound.
For some reason my chest is aching.
Why is that.
The phone started to ring.
Polnareff was so stressed you couldn't even tell what he was saying.
I walked over to the phone.
"Jotaro don-!!!"
I picked up the phone.
"Oh Joseph! We didn't finish talking earlier so I had Rosa's give me your number!!!!"
I stood there.
Staying as quiet as I could.
It was my grandmother......
"Um, Joseph? Why aren't you speaking? And why do I hear running water! Is the bathtub overflowing!"
"The old man...can't come to the phone."
"I know that voice!!!! Jotaro?!?!?! Your supposed to be with your mother!!!!!!!!!"
"...........there's nothing to worry about, he's right with me and I'll help him."
I hung up.
Everyone was glaring at me.

The stand immediately reappeared.
Screaming and running over to attack Polnareff.
But Polnareff was on guard.
He immediately jumped back.
But dropped the old man.
The sound of water awoke Kakyoin and the old man.
Kakyoin screamed as she fell off Avdol's back and into the water just like the old man.
"Get up!!!!"
I screamed at her and ran to her.
She tried to stand up.
But fell back down.
I had a dumb idea.
"Can you stand?"
Avdol and Polnareff and the old man ran to the door.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine!!!"
Kakyoin looked up at me with a red face.
Attempting to stand up again.
But to fail once more.
"We have no time!!!!!!"
Avdol screamed at us
They had gotten the door open.
I glared at Kakyoin.
"You better pay me back for this."
I immediately picked her up and began to run after the others.
"What the fuck are you doing?!?!?!"
She screamed at me.
"Saving your stupid ass."
I sighed
"I don't need your help!!!!! Put me down!!!"
We arrived in a small room
Avdol shut the door behind us.
I set Kakyoin down.
She glared at me
"I believe what your trying to say is, thank you."
I glared back at her
"Do you guys know how to scuba dive??"
The old man's voice peirced my ears.
Kakyoin groaned.
"We're scuba diving to Egypt, with this stand we have too."

~*time skip*~

"It's been pretty Bizarre eh! We've been inside a brain! And even in our dreams!"
Kakyoin smiled as we all looked at the red sea
I turned to her confused.
"Um, what do you mean Kakyoin??"
We never fought a stand that we had to go inside a brain.
"It's morning wake up already, silly!"
Polnareff polder her face and giggled.
"Oh, you guys don't remember that."
She sighed.
"Whatever let's go."
We all turned around and started to walk on the sandy beach of Egypt.

Yeah, I'm sorry I skipped the High Priestess fight I just feel it's kinda the same.
Also I wanna ask if I should start doing no one's pov, where it's all just 3rd person.
If not than that's fine! But I wanna know how I can make you guys enjoy this!!!
I will not do any more skips, Sept for the Oingo Boingo brothers.
And here's something I wanna say.
In my version, Kakyoin gets released earlier, but it's her and Jotaro fighting Alessi and Bast!
~Ok, Goodnight my Stardust Crusaders
~Cherry Girl🍒🌺

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