~Mariah's Bast, Part 1~

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Noriaki's pov

I sighed lightly as I walked around the desert like sand area, Egypt's full of spots like this.
I put my sun glasses on.
"Where's Joestar~San?"
I turned to Avdol and the others,
"He went to find the bathroom I think, he took Iggy with him to search for enemy's."
Avdol sighed.
"A bathroom? In this area??"
I asked
"Yes, do you need to go?"
Avdol gave me a weird look.
"Um, maybe! Lemme check what the bathroom looks like!"
I smiled and started to walk off.
I saw a small shack.
"Nope, I'm waiting."
I shook my head, turning around.
Something caught my eye.
I looked to my side.
It was an outlet???
All the way out here???
I went over to the outlet and crouched down.
"That's pretty neat! The cables must run underground!"
I exclaimed to myself.
I wonder,
I smirked as I reached my arm out and touched the outlet.
"Mother fucker!!!!!"
I pulled my hand away from the outlet in pain.
I turned around to see Joseph behind me.
"Oh! Joestar~San it's you!"
I smiled politely and got up.
"What are you doing??"
He asked me, scratching his head.
"Well, I wanted to see where you went, and i found this outlet!"
I pointed to the outlet.
"What outlet??"
Joseph gave me a look of pure confusion.
"That outl-!!!! Where'd it go?!?!"
I turned around to find the outlet was gone.
Joseph shook his head and smiled.
"Highschoolers and they're shanonigins, let's go."
He turned around and started walking back to the others.
I heard a small bark.
I happily smiled as I turned around to the small black and white dog.
Iggy growled at me.
Ouch, that kinda stung.
I sighed and started to follow the others.
I could've sworn I saw an outlet.


"Kakyoin get your ass up."
Jotaro yelled at me.
I hugged my pillow and dug myself deeper into the blankets.
I sighed.
"No, there's no later, we're going to get breakfast, and Polnareff won't stop screaming."
Jotaro sighed and grabbed his stuff,
"We'll be waiting for you outside, get changed and out of bed soon."
Jotaro ordered me before walking out of the room.
The door shut loudly.
I glared.
I sighed and sat up in bed.
"Why can't they just leave without me.
Can't I just sleep??"
I yawned a little and finally got out of bed.
Quickly getting dressed and brushing my hair as I walked toward the open window.
I heard Polnareff shout from down below.
I peered out the window.
"I'm getting up!!! Jeese!!!!"
I glared at him.
I felt something push onto me.
I turned around
A chair was stuck to me.
"Is this hotel slanted????"
I quietly sighed and pushed the chair off me.
Grabbing my sunglasses and putting them on, I made my way to the door, as I was fiddling with my keys I felt something yet again push into my side.
I turned to my side.
The chair, again???
I pushed it off and walked out the door.
Two boys were walking down the hallway.
One with brown hair and the other with blonde
I tried to smiled as they walked by,
Why would they pay attention to me??
I sighed lightly and began walking.
I felt something slap me.
I screamed and turned around.
A belt was stuck to my back???
"What's wrong with you, slut!!!!!!"
The boy with brown hair immediately hit me across the face and grabbed the belt.
Running off and leaving me confused.
When did I take that boys belt???
Jeese, did Hierophant try to steal something again.
I glared at the thought of my stand trying to get me into trouble.
Another boy was walking past me.
He had swept back blue hair.
I stared at him as he walked by,
I turned around as soon as he was past me.
But as soon as I started walking I was pushed backwards.
I landed on top of something.
I opened my eyes, I had shut them as soon as I hit impact with whatever I knocked into.
I saw the boy with blue hair.
I immediately got up.
"I'm so sorry! I don't know how I fell,"
I bowed apologetically to the boy I had fell onto.
"Aw, no need to say sorry, in fact I'm free on Sunday, 50$ an hour."
He winked at me.
I immediately hit him in the shin.
He was trying to flirt with me?!?!
"I like my girls rough."
He winked again.
"Mama fuckin Mia."
I said with my Italian accent, trying to tell the guy to fuck off.
He just smiled at me,
I got annoyed and started to walk away.
I walked past a cart full of silverware.
I sighed.
All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my back,
"What the?!?!"
I turned around, a fork was gouged into my back.
I looked up a little and saw more silverware flying towards me.
I started to run.
Why the hell is everything magnetic coming towards me!!!
I screamed inside my head as I felt a knife sink into my back.
I rounded a corner and pulled the two pieces of silverware out.
I began to run again, just to get to my friends quicker.
Polnareff was obviously already annoyed at how slow I am.
I finally got to an escalator and stopped running to get on.
Is this the work of an enemy stand?
I sighed quietly as I panted to regain my breath.
All of a sudden I fell down.
I tried to get up but couldn't.
The rest of my body started to get stuck to the escalator.
I looked infront of me.
Stings wrapped around me only to pull me into an even more uncomfortable position I couldn't get out of.
A girl with a micro miniskirt had the stings attached to the bottom of her skirt.

Jotaro's pov

Kakyoin's taking a while.
"Jotaro go check on Kakyoin."
Jiji ordered me
"Why me?"
I turned to him.
"Because, your her friend!"
He smiled.
I sighed.
"Yare Yare"
And began to walk inside the hotel again.
I heard screaming.
A familiar high pitched voice screamed.
I ran over.
Kakyoin was laying down on the escalator and screaming.
She was super close to getting diced up by the escalator, I sighed and went to push the emergency stop button.
"Mama Mia!!!!!! Someone Help Me!!!!"
Still screaming.
I looked at the side.
There where two buttons, a red one and one that looked like an outlet.
I pushed both of them, the escalator stopped.
"HELP ME!!!!"
Kakyoin yelled.
She had quite the crowd watching her.
I coughed to get her attention.
She was screaming even louder.
"Kakyoin stop!!!!"
I screamed at her and knealed down next to her.
Her eyes opened.
Her face immediately few dark with blush.
"U-Um! Are you the owner of this escalator?"
She got up and hid her face with her sunglasses
"I'm happy to inform you it's working fine!!!!"
She laughed awkwardly and tried to get everyone's eyes off her.
No one looked away from her.
"Alright all of you fuck off!!!!!"
Kakyoin screamed at the top of her lungs.
All of the people immediately looked away, most likely startled by her sudden outburst.
"What wrong?"
I asked quietly.
"I-I think I'm getting a-attacked by a-an enemy stand..."
Kakyoin coughed.
"What!?! Where's the-!!!"
"She's right there!!!! Catch that bitch!!!!!"
Kakyoin pointed, I turned around to see a girl in red running off.
Kakyoin started to run.
I began to run after her.
We rounded a corner, there was only one door, a door to a women's bathroom.
"Dammit, c'mon Jotaro!"
She tugged on my uniform.
"Excuse me?!?!? Your a girl you go in there!!!"
I screamed at her as heat rose on my face.
Kakyoin frowned at me.
"I don't wanna go in alone!!!!"
She whined.
I yelled at her and grabbed her arm, dragging her into the girls bathroom.
"Now we need to find her!"
Kakyoin giggled quietly.
"Do you wanna look under the stalls??"
She teased.
"What?!? No!!!!!"
I whisper yelled at her.
Kakyoin walked infront of a stall and bent down.
"Not here."
I was completely disgusted with what she was doing, looking under girls stalls like that?? Why should I even care.
I huffed out in anger.
"Mama Mia!!!!!!"
Kakyoin screamed quietly and jumped back from a stall she had looked under.
I walked over to her.
"I-I found the girls le-legs but, listen....."
Kakyoin stuttered.
I heard weird noises
"That's fucking disgusting."
I backed away from the door.
Kakyoin walked over to the sinks.
But after she passed every door, a small click was heard.
I turned to my side....
All the stalls turned to vacant.
I immediately ran over to the sinks next to her.
"Why the hell did you-?!?!"
All of the doors opened.
Kakyoin's face turned as red as her hair.
All of the girls inside there stalls screamed.
A boy walked out of one,
He had blue hair and winked at Kakyoin.
"Oh, so you wanted a turn in the girls bathroom too?? Your such a naughty girl...."
He smirked at her.
"Oh God it's that Playboy dude from earlier!!!!!!!! Run Jotaro!!!!!!"
Kakyoin immediately grabbed my arm and ran back to the back of the bathroom and jumped out the window.
"Your both so disgusting!!!!!!!"
Is all we heard as we ran off.
All of a sudden I felt Kakyoin's body get pried onto mine as I spotted the stand user.
I shrugged it off and kept running, but my running was slowed down.
"Kakyoin piss off!!!!!"
I yelled at Kakyoin as my running kept getting slower.
"Could say the same too you!!!!!!"
She glared at me.
"Wait...did you touch an electrical outlet?!?!"
Kakyoin screamed at me.
"Yeah I touched one when I had turned off the escalator earli-!!!!"
Kakyoin immediately made me fall to the ground.
Kakyoin quietly whispered as she tried to get off me.
"The electrical outlets make you into a fucking magnet!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I felt my eyes widen.
"Then I'm guessing you touched one!!!!"
I yelled at her as I tried to push her off.
I looked up, the girl we were chasing was watching us.
"I think we're fucked Jotaro...."
Kakyoin angrily sighed.
The stand user laughed.

Yee, it's done I wanna thank the people that are reading this and vote for every chapter! I'm trying to post chapters quicker, I tried to make it more obvious with Kakyoin being Caesar's granddaughter by her yelling Mama Mia! Like Caesar would, yeeah I'm stoopid.
A shout out for my friend Kakyoin_The_Cherry because they make really good content and on the last chapter they posted of there book they mentioned me and I wanted to give them a shout-out as well!!! Please go check out there stuff if you haven't already,
No more announcements,
~Good day my Crusaders,
~Your Cherry Girl 🌺🍒

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