~Cameo( sorry if short and boring)~

440 19 5

Noriaki's pov

I stared blankly at the sea as we rushed through the ocean clear water.
I stuck my hand into the water gently.
The silence of all four of us was so loud.
You would only hear the motor boats engine.
Was is because of what happened yesterday?
None of them have any recall of the baby's stand, DEATH 13.
I sighed lightly, hoping it would start up atleast a small conversation.
We were on our way to Egypt.
We only had about, well maybe four weeks atleast.
Maybe not even that.
Our time was being slowly but by each second.
"Hey, old man."
Jotaro finally spoke up.
Joseph turned to Jotaro.
"Shouldn't we be going in the way of Egypt???"
His words confused me, I looked up in front of us.
We weren't going in the way of Egypt.
We were heading towards a small island.
I couldn't recognize it.
"We seem to be heading towards that island."
Jotaro sighed.
Joseph nodded.
"Ah, yes. Someone's waiting for us on that island."
I felt my eyes widen.
I leaned forward.
"A man who's very important to our journey."


"A man told me he was here while we were in India."
Joseph sighed as we all excited the boat and jumped onto the sandy beach of this small island.
"Wh-What?! When you say India you don-!!"
"What?! Mangos from India?!"
I glared at Polnareff and slowly walked toward him.
He stared down at me.
"Shut the fuck up and let me speak."
I gently smacked him.
Polnareff sighed, but the sigh turned into laughter.
Only making me sigh.
"Oi, I think I should tell you guys someone's watching us from the grass over there."
Jotaro sighed.
All of us turned.
Brownish red eyes glared at us through the glass.
The person immediately turned around and started running.
It was a man, from the back he looked like....
I immediately started running after the man.
"W-Wait!! Kakyoin what are you talking about!!!!!"
My friends started racing after me.
I stopped to catch my breath.
I looked forward.
A small hut, the man ran inside the gate.
"Ka-!!!! Wait!"
I started to run again.
I stopped in front of the hut.
The man was feeding some chickens.
"Kakyoin, what made you start running all of a sudden?!"
Jotaro glared at me.
Then he turned his attention to where I was looking.
Joseph immediately ran infont of me and Jotaro.
"Let me do the talking,"
He sighed.
"Hey, me and my friends are on a jou-!"
"Go away!!!!!!! No one comes here when they have good news!!!!!! Now leave me alone!!!!!"
The man ran inside his house.
"Wait! That's impossible!!!!!!"
Me, Jotaro, and Polnareff yelled at the top of our lungs.
"That wasn't Avdol."
"It was his father.
Sadly I have to tell him what every parent fears,
That his son is dead...."
Joseph sadly sighed.
"I'm just hoping my words will reach him...."


I slowly stood by the shore and stared out at the sparkling blue water of the ocean.
The moon shone on it, it was really a sight of beauty.
If only I could sketch it...
I smiled.
"What are you doing?"
A familiar deep voice glared at me.
I turned around.
Jotaro was standing there with his hands on his hips, he looked like he always did.
Pissed off as hell.
"Why does it matter to you!"
I scoffed and turned back around.
My hair swayed in the wind.
Jotaro walked over and stood by me.
I sat down on the sand.
"What do you thinks gonna happen when were done with this journey."
I smiled at him as he sat down next to me.
He glared at me.
I giggled.
"You know, what do you think you'll do after this journey."
He sighed lightly.
"Maybe study fucking dolphins, why?"
He sarcastically grinned.
Even though it was sarcastic it still made me smile as well.
I started to lightly chuckle.
"Is that surprising?"
He glared at me.
I started to laugh harder.
"What the fuck do you mean it's surprising?!?!?!!"
He grabbed me by my uniform and held me as if he were going to punch me.
I couldn't stop laughing.
"Will you two get a grip? Or a room."
Joseph finally walked over to us.
Jotaro let me go.
"Where's Polnareff??"
I stared blankly into the woods.
"No idea, but me and Jotaro have to confess something."
Joseph sat down on the opposite side of me from Jotaro.
I nodded.
"What is it, Joestar~San??"
Joseph sighed.
"Avdol's, alive...."
I choked on my saliva.
Joseph sighed
"I said, Avdol's alive. That man earlier wasn't his father.
It was him in disguise."
I stared in shock.
I was still trying to process this
Avdol was shot in the head.

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