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Noriaki's pov

"Here's her ticket,"
I handed the man at the plane station Anne's ticket back to Hong Kong.
"Quit touching me there creep!!!!!"
Anne screamed at Polnareff.
"Don't say it like that!!!!!"
He screamed back at her, I have to admit it's fun to watch.
"No!!!! I wanna keep going with you guys!!!!!"
Joseph put a hand on her head.
"Listen, we're not vacationing, we're on a journey to save my daughter, Jotaro's mother."
Joseph explained.
"We can put our own lives at risk, but not yours."
He smiled at her.
"Fine! I'll make you look good this time grampa...."
Anne released herself from Polnareff's grasp,
She looked around the room as if looking for someone.
"Something wrong?"
I had to try and be nice,
"No! Goodbye!"
Anne raced up the planes steps.
I just shrugged it off,
The plane started up, and soon left ground.
I sighed.
"Now we just have to wait for Jotaro.."
Joseph leaned against a wall.
"He's late,"
"No I'm not."
Jotaro appeared beside Joseph.
"Speak of the devil."
I giggled.
"We have to keep going, Pakistan isn't too far from here, I'll drive."
Polnareff walked in the direction of the car.
We all joined him in the car.
Polnareff turned to me.
"So, when do you think your gonnaa-"
"Shut up!!!!!"
I screamed at him.
Joseph and Jotaro looked up.
"What's wrong Kakyoin?"
Joseph sighed at this,
We'd been driving for at least to hours.
"I can't believe you got a school uniform made here in pakistan though, the fit is perfect!"
Joseph examined Jotaro's uniform.
"It's a 100% wool,"
Jotaro sighed.
"Wool???? You made your school uniform out if the strangest materials..."
I whispered.
"But Polnareff, are you ok driving in this kind of fog? I can drive if you need me to,"
I smiled at Polnareff.
"No, it's ok, these aren't the safest conditions and that doesn't mean I want you out of all people to drive the car."
Polnareff smirked.
"Did you ever even get your license?"
I glared at him.
"Hey Jotaro are you ok?"
Joseph turned to Jotaro,
When I turned behind me to face Jotaro he looked worried as hell.
Jotaro whispered and hid his face with his hat.
I glared at him.
He turned up to me.
"Hm? Oh nothing sweet heart."
I giggled.
"The fuck did you call me?!"
"I was joking with you idiot."
I glared at him, he pulled up his hand to grab his hat but I grabbed it before he could.
"Give me back my hat,"
Jotaro glared at me.
"Nah! Hey Polnareff I don't think we can drive all day, so maybe we can stop in that town and find a hotel with nice bathrooms for your concern."
I giggled and pointed to a small town.
"Yeah we should,"
Polnareff turned to me and smiled.
"You look like a mini Jotaro!"
Polnareff giggled.
Jotaro glared at me and Polnareff with a completely red face.
I smiled at him and patted his head.
"Here you can have it back,"
I took off the hat and shoved it back onto his head.
"I fucking hate you...."
Jotaro turned away.
"Aw I hate you too,"
I giggled before turning away from him I booped his nose.
Which made him even angrier.
We drove into the small town and parked,
"Let's ask about a hotel."
Polnareff sighed and locked the car doors.
"Ok guys, when greeting people in the middle east you have to say this..."
Joseph turned to a man in a shop.
"Ah,Salam! Bel a coo!"
(Am I spelling that right???)
Joseph shouted at the man.
The man stared at him with a dead glare,
"Hmm, uh anybody home?"
Joseph shouted.
"I do not know."
The man put up the closed sign on the shop.
"Uh! No need to close up shop just for us!"
Joseph said in embarrassment.
The man turned around and went inside.
Joseph glared.
"Mr. Joestar, he couldn't understand you because your pronounceation was wrong,"
I giggled,
"I think you should do it more like this,"
Polnareff walked over to a man sitting down.
"Hey, do you know any hotels, preferably ones with nice and clean bathrooms."
Polnareff smiled,
Polnareff stared in shock.
"This man is dead with a look of fear on his face!!!!"
Polnareff screamed.
Jotaro and Mr. Joestar ran over to the man, but I looked around.
"He has a gun, and the way he died is mostly unnatural, you gotta wonder what he shot at."
Jotaro sighed and sat down next to the man.
"The guns been recently fired, so why isn't anyone stopping to help?!?!"
I screamed.
I spotted a woman walking with her son's.
"Ma'am can you please call the police!!!"
I ran over to her, she turned to me.
A disgusting yellow liquid fell from stuff on her face,
"Pardon me miss, my boils seem to be vestering."
She covered up her face.
"You had a question?"
She glared at me, it was obvious she just wanted to ignore me and walk away.
"I-I asked if you could call the police ma'am..."
I whispered, but loud enough so she could hear.
"Why should I do that exactly??"
I glared at her.
"A man's lying dead in the streets!!!!!"
I screamed and pointed at the dead man.
"Someone is dead you say? I'm terribly sorry but I don't think I can do anything about that,"
"I just told you to call the police!!!!"
I was losing my patience, two more seconds of this and I'm going to murder this woman.
"Yes call the police you did say that, well good day Miss."
She turned away.
"My boils are infected they are so terribly itchy..."
She whispered, to which I vomited at.
"Kakyoin you alright?"
I turned to Jotaro and wipes my mouth with a handkerchief,
"Y-Y-Y-Yes I'm fine..."
I slowly started walking back to the dead man's body.
"No one cares, or has stopped to help, they're more epervesent than the nearest New yorker or Tokyoite..."
I stared at the man's body.
"Kakyoin you look sick you alright?"
I started to taste vile in the back of my throat again.
I covered up my mouth with the handkerchief again as if to prevent myself from vomiting.
"We should inspect the body before the police arrive,"
Jotaro sighed, Joseph nodded and grabbed out a pen to search the man.
"Oh? Seems he was traveling like us, he has traveling tickets and plane tickets, and from the looks of it. He's indian, he has indian money on him."
Joseph observed.
"Wait! Look at that!"
I pointed to a hole in the man's chest.
"What the?"
"Did he shoot himself?!?"
"No, with a chest wound this big blood would be gushing everywhere."
Jotaro sighed.
"Let's take off his clothes to check for other wounds, look away Kakyoin."
Jotaro glared at me and then pulled down the man's shirt.
I whispered and giggled.
"What the?! There are more wounds like this on his body!!"
Jotaro pointed at a bunch of holes in the man's body.
"Would a stand user attack someone we weren't accociated with before we even arrived?"
I looked at the man's wounds.
"No way, there's no motive!"
Polnareff yelled at me.
"Either way we have to get out of here!!!"
Joseph ran over to a fence.
"Everyone get in the car!"
Joseph hoisted himself on the fence.
"What the hell?!??!"
He screamed.
"Oh no!!!!!! Hermit Purple!!!"
Hermit Purple appeared out of Mr Joestar's hand and grabbed onto something and pulled him up.
"Um, what are you doing, Mr Joestar??"
I looked at him as he panted on the ground.
"What do you mean what am I doing?!? The car was right here!!!!"
Joseph yelled at me.
"What?? We parked the car over there."
Polnareff pointed to our car
"What? But I could've sworn....."
Joseph got up.
An old woman appeared out of the fog and walked up to us.
We all greeted her.
"Well hello good sirs and miss! I see you are travelers, I have my own bed and breakfast not far from here if you wanna come!"
She smiled.
We all agreed.

Jotaro's pov

We'd been walking for a while, but eventually the old hag stopped us and said.
"There's my bed and breakfast master Joestar!"
Master Joestar? How does she know our name...
I glared at her.
"I know this hotel may be old."
I tuned the old woman out to Kakyoin pulling on my coat sleeve.
I turned to her.
"Are you getting a weird vibe from that old woman??"
She whispered.
She wasn't too far off, this old woman was giving me bad vibes.
"What's on your mind?"
"Well, she called you master Joestar, or she called Joseph that, either way you should ask her why she said it."
I nodded and turned back to the old hag.
"Hold it grandma, you called me Joestar earlier how did you know my name."
Kakyoin smirked, as the old woman jumped, as if she was startled.
"Why that wonderful girl next to you said Mr. Joestar a second ago didn't she? I may be old but my hearings fine!"
Kakyoin glared at her.
"Yes I did say Mr. Joestar but I want talking to him..."
Kakyoin murmured
"By the way madam, I just noticed your hand, what happened?"
Polnareff pointed to bandages on the old bags hand.
"Oh this? Just a minor burn, I accidentally poored boiling water on it."
The old hag smiled.
"What? Oh dear madam! Why don't you and me get dinner alone tonight?"
Polnareff giggled
"Oh you naughty boy! Dont tease an old woman like that!"
"Polnareff's letting his dick talk again."
I turned to Kakyoin and she sighed but still nodded.
"What? Old woman? You don't look a day over fifty and that's God's honest truth!"
Polnareff smiled.
"Well why don't you gentleman and woman come inside."
The old hag opened up the door
"Right now just sign the guest book."
The old hag handed JiJi a book.
He signed it then passed it to Polnareff,
"Here K-"
Polnareff handed Kakyoin the notebook but she covered up his mouth before he said her name.
"Shut. Up..."
She glared at him, but soon enough signed the book and handed it to me.
I noticed she was being more cautious than I thought and wrote a fake name, she wrote
Temnei Zeppeli.
I decided to do the same and write a false name.
I handed the old woman her stupid book.
"Thank you! Your rooms are on the third floor."
She smiled as we all began to walk up the stairs.
"I saw you wrote a fake name,"
I whispered to Kakyoin, she nodded.
"What made you come up with Temnei?"
She turned to me,
"It's what my grandfather calls me."
She smiled.
"Didn't even know you had one, what's his name?"
I sighed,
"Oh my grandfather's name is Caesar! But don't tell Mr Joestar please."
Why was she being so weird about me telling JiJi her real last name and her grandfather's name.
I'll ask her later.
"Kakyoin, Jotaro follow me to my room you too can help me set up the TV so we can use Hermit Purple."
JiJi motioned for us to follow him.
Kakyoin smacked at his TV,
"Looks like it's broken"
She sighed
"Hey Mr Joestar does your room have a bathroom?"
Polnareff barged in.
"Maybe the bathroom here is communal,"
Kakyoin sighed.
"Oh right!"
Polnareff shut the door and walked off.
"He's so care free, good grief,"

Hey, I hope this chapter isn't too boring but I promise I'll try to post a new chapter every night k? I wanted to still try and do two parts of justice just like in the anime, so I made this one with no combat but technically is still part one of justice, next chapter will have combat! Yayyy!! Also sorry I haven't posted on, Manga lessons in a while I don't have much inspiration for it at the moment, but when I do I'll post ok?

⭐🌠~Goodnight my lil Crusaders~🌠⭐
🍒🌺~Your Cherry Girl~🌺🍒

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