~Set's Alessi~

412 14 11

Noriaki's pov

Letting a small sigh escape my lips I stood up, we were at this pretty weird hotel, it had room service but I wanted to cook something.
I grabbed my scarf.
"Hey I was thinking about going to a market, do you guys want anything?"
I smiled and walked over to my friends.
They were all looking at some map, most likely to find the quickest route to Cairo.
"Ah no thanks, but thanks for letting us know, keep your stand on guard."
Avdol smiled at me.
"Will do,"
With that I walked out the door.
I slowly walked down the corridor like hallway.
Passing each door with nothing but the sound of my shoes clacking against the concrete floor.
I finally made it to the lobby and walked out the front door,
I quietly sighed as the loud bang from the door rang in my ears.
Walking around for what seemed to be forever, I finally came across a small market.
What did I even wanna cook???
I tapped my chin in thought.
I still hadn't figured it out.
I was in the middle of thinking when something caught my eye.
I slowly walked over to a stand(user?!?) It was surprisingly far away from other ones.
They were selling hair clips, some of them were actually cute.
(yeah I know people don't sell hair clips at markets ok! Just pretend they do!)
One of a little Star caught my eye, I picked it up.
It was blue, yet still pretty small.
"How um, much for this?"
I asked the owner of the stand(user!!!!!) I was standing infront of,
"Your Japanese correct?"
The man asked.
I nodded.
"Then it's 25¥,"
The man said, I handed him my money
That seemed way too cheap for something like this.
I have the perfect idea!!!!! I'm gonna put it on Jotaro while he's sleeping!
I started to walk away.
But I felt I was getting smaller.
"What the?!!!"
A high pitched voice that I didn't know screamed.
I looked down.
My clothes were bigger??.
I started to get dizzy.
"You'll never remember me or what happened here ..."

Jotaro's pov

"Hey, Kakyoin's been gone a while."
The old man sighed
"Maybe she got attacked by a stand user."
Polnareff laughed awkwardly.
Kakyoin was the one who would always be getting into trouble, specially with stand users.
"I'll go look for her, I am starting to get worried."
I quietly sighed and walked out the door.
"Yare Yare...."
I quietly whispered as I exited the hotel we were at.
As soon as I walked outside I heard crying.
It sounded like a child's crying.
For some reason, my instincts are telling me to go check out that crying..
I slowly started to walk towards the crying, it was coming from an alleyway.
A child sat in the alleyway, but this child looked familiar.
It was a little girl with red hair.
I ran over to the child.
The little girl looked up at me
"Pl-Please d-d-don't h-hurt me I j-just wanna fi-find my m-mom an-and gr-grandpa!"
She sobbed.
This child was definitely Kakyoin, she was wearing her uniform even,
Did a stand do this?
"I'm not gonna hurt you."
I sat down next to her.
"Is your name Noriaki Zeppeli?"
I asked her.
"Y-Yes....h-how did y-you kn-know my name???"
She was still crying.
"I-I...I ummm. Y-You're parents asked me to look after you."
I lied, why didn't she remember me.
Kakyoin's purple eyes grew wide.
I picked her up.
"Yare Yare..."
I slowly started to walk back to the hotel.
I noticed that as soon as I picked Kakyoin up she fell asleep.


I opened the door to the room all of us were staying in.
Kakyoin was still asleep in my arms.
"Jot-!!! Where did you find that kid?!"
The old man screamed
"Shut the fuck up, you mean you don't recognize her??"
I glared at him.
"Now that you mention it the child kinda looks like Ka-!!! Did Kakyoin get turned into a child by an enemy stand?!!!"
Polnareff whisper yelled.
"Yeah, it looks that way."
I sighed.
"Do you think we should get her some different clothes??"
Avdol peered down at Kakyoin.
"Maybe, but I don't know what size she wears..."
I quietly shook my head.
"Well, then we just pick up all the kid's sizes."
Avdol chuckled.
"I guess,"
I set down Kakyoin on her bed and wrapped her in her school uniform.

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