~The Sun~

524 19 5

Noriaki's pov

I quietly stared out the car window.
It was an open area, kinda like a desert.
"Hey Kakyoin, what's wrong?"
Jotaro's voice broke into my thoughts.
I awkwardly smiled at him
"Well I'm just a little jumpy I guess, I know we could see anyone following us but I can't shake the feeling that someone's watching us."
I turned back to the window and sighed lightly.
"Can't say I blame you,"
Polnareff sighed.
"Well don't worry, Kakyoin! How about we review the route we take to, Saudi Arabia?"
I nodded and leaned forward in my seat.
"Now, it would take about 2 days on Cessna"
Mr Joestar pointed at the map.
"No way I'm going on a plane with you."
Jotaro glared at him.
Joseph sighed.
"Then we'll go on Camel back."
Polnareff and me looked at Joseph in shock
"A Cessna is one thing, but on Camel back?!?!"
Polnareff screamed, but kept a steady hand on the wheel.
"I've never even ridden a Camel!"
I sighed.
"Neither have I, how do you even know how to ride a Camel??"
Mr Joestar looked at me as if he'd seen a ghost.
"I didn't expect that answer from you."
He awkwardly smiled.
"Stop here."
Mr Joestar pointed at a small place with Camel's.
Polnareff stopped the car and we all got out.
"Aw look at them Joot! They're adorable!!!"
I grabbed Jotaro's hand and dragged him up to the Camel's.
He glared at them.
Polnareff giggled.
"Yeah! It's his nickname!!!"
I smiled.
"No, no it's not."
I glared at Jotaro.
Joseph looked at us and sighed.
"Yeah I'd like four Camel's."
Jotaro sighed at me.
"It is your nickname!"
I poked him.
"No it's not."
He poked my forehead right where I had my scar from the flesh bud.
I jumped backwards.
Polnareff ran next to me as I lifted my bangs and showed Jotaro the scar.
Jotaro sighed and glared at me.
"Saved by the scars,"
Polnareff chuckled.
"How about we give you that car for those Camel's?"
I was finally able to hear Mr Joestar again.
We all screamed.
"I couldn't possibly expect such a generous offer!!!"
The man yelled.
"Yeah Mr Joestar!!! You just bought that car!!!!"
Me and Polnareff were still screaming at him.
"Why do you think I had to buy such an expensive car? Money isn't excepted here."
Joseph smiled.
"Oh and how about the water in the tanks to make it more even!"
We all sighed.
"But the water isn't nearly as important as your car!! You are very strange indeed,"
Mr Joestar smiled.
"Let's hit the road, guys!"


Polnareff stood infront of the camel, glaring at it.
"Eeeeww!!!! Mr Joestar how are we gonna get on this it's like 3 meters tall!!!!!"
Polnareff screamed.
"Let me show you the proper way to mount a camel, you make em sit first."
Mr Joestar tugged on the Camel's(leash?) Leash.
"You make em sit then get on!!!!"
"You make them sit first!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Any moment now!!!!!!!!!"
We all watched in embarrassment as Mr Joestar attempted to mount the camel.
"M-Mr Joestar you have ridden one of these before right??"
Polnareff awkwardly giggled.
"I will let you know I've watched Lord's of Arabia 3 times!!!! Though two of those times I slept through most of it!!!!!!!!!"
Joseph giggled.
"You learned how to ride from a movie?!?!!"
I screamed.
Earning an awkward smile from Joseph.
The camel spat on its face.
I started to giggle a little.
"It's saliva makes great sunscreen!!!!"
Mr Joestar awkwardly giggled.
"Listen up, when your handling an animal you have to know exactly how they feel."
Mr Joestar ran over to his bag and grabbed out an apple
"And I mean exactly."
Joseph walked over to the camel and showed it the Apple.
"Look at this yummy apple!!! Doesn't it look absolutely scrumptious!!!"
Mr Joestar started to lead the camel down to the ground.
"It sounds like he's talking to a baby."
I whispered to the others and Polnareff giggled.
"That's it!!! Look I made the camel sit!!!"
The camel sat down on the floor and started eating the apple.
"Hahahah!!!! I did it!!!"
Mr Joestar got into the camel.
The camel started to rise off the ground.
Mr Joestar exclaimed.
"It's so high off the ground!!!!"
He giggled.
Jotaro and me lightly sighed.
"By the way!! Did you know Camel's can close their nostrils to keep the sand out."
We all nodded.
"Ok then! Well, I'm forbidding anyone from making stupid camel jokes!!!"
He yelled.
"No promises,"
I giggled.
"I said no!!!!! Now let me tell you the finer points of riding a camel."
Mr Joestar sighed
"First of all, Camel's walk nothing like horses, the front and back legs move at the same time, that means they can away alot!"
Mr Joestar started making the camel walk forward.
"If you learn how to ride with a camels rythm you'll have no probl-!!!! Ohhh noooo!!!! I didn't tell you to go that way!!!!!!'
The camel started to run around crazily.
"Should we be watching him suffer???"
I started to grab my white scarf and wrap it around my head like a hood.
"I wanna watch him suffer,"
Jotaro smirked.

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