D'arby younger, part 2

370 14 28

Only about 5 hours left...

I smirked a little as Darby's face went from shock to complete anger.
I have to admit it was a little funny.
It was quiet while out cars finally exited the tunnel.
Darby was infront of me....
He smirked.
"Well guess that you aren't as good as you think."
Hs laughed a little as I glared at him.
Before feeling complete anger I felt arms wrap around me.
I quickly looked up, quick enough that I wouldn't miss any of the game.
Jotaro had hid arms wrapped around me.
"What are you doing?!"
I quietly whisper yelled at him as I turned my attention back to the screen.
I seemed pissed but I wasn't...
I-I'm so happy.....
"It's a comfort thing cos I think your gonna lose."
I could hear the smirk in Jotaro's voice despite my attention being in front of me.
"Fuck you Kujo."
I heard him laugh at that.

"Looks like I'll win Kakyoin!"
Darby smirked at me once more, childish or not it pissed me off.
I-I can't always deal with people beating me in games.
I'm uh, sensitive
So, I quickly looked up at my power meter, I still had enough power to do one move to defeat him.
"I have to say, your a very brave girl."
I stopped from starting to do my move.
"What do you mean?"
I glared at him.
"Well, you've concered your fears."

A few months ago
The girl stood their, petrified,
Staring at the sight before her.
A man with blonde hair stood infront of her.
The girls breathing picked up, she was already scared of strangers.
But this one was even more terrifying.
"Oh calm yourself Kakyoin~"
The man laughed at the girls suspense.
All of a sudden he was behind her.
"Let's be friends~"
Her scared thoughts somehow stopped at those words.
She all of a sudden felt...
"I-I-! I w-would lo-love to b-bu-but I-I-I do-dont kn-kno-know you!!!!"
The girl screamed as she tried to run away from the man.
Despite feeling calm and safe.
"Struggling are you~? Well we can deal with that~"
Suddenly the girls legs were grabbed as she fell to the ground.
She screamed in pain as her arms hit the hard floor.
"You will work for me~
Even if it betrays your family and it's legacy~
I don't give two shits~"


I guess that's kind of him to say,
I smiled a little.
"Thank you."
I grinned even more as I began to do my move to push him off.
"But that doesn't mean anything to me!"
I shouted and stood up as my car spin around knocking his off the track.
"But how?!"
He screamed as he also got up.
I looked behind me, remembering Jotaro had had his face resting on my head.
I smiled at him.
"Now as the deal you are going to release my friends, I didn't say it before but I will now, even if I doesn't matter.
I bet my soul."
Darby started to laugh.
I glared at him.
"What's so funny?!?"
I screamed at him.
"I have to say thank you Noriaki!"
He smiled at me.
"That is your first name correct?"
I glared at him
"What did you do?!?!!"
He smirked.
"Look closer to where you 'knocked me off'"
I looked towards the screen.
His car hadn't been knocked off.....
I'd just pushed him towards the goal!!!!
I was going to act tough.
I felt myself crumbling...
I couldn't move...
My breathing became harsh....
"Looks like your betting of soul wasn't a waste after all!!!"

Jotaro's pov

I yelled as Kakyoin's soul was ripped from her soul.
"For such a show off she got scared at the drop of a hat."
Darby laughed.
"You bastard!!!!!"
I ran towards him and grabbed him.
"Uh oh! Jotaro you seriously haven't forgotten if you kill me Kakyoin, Avdol, Polnareff, and Iggy die have you?!"
He smiled, i felt defeated and let go.

"Oh she's a magnificent doll to add to my collection!"
Darby laughed,
I hadnt even remembered what he did to there souls.
I slowly looked up to see him tracing his fingers in, well, Kakyoin's body for now.
I heard the old man whisper as he picked up Kakyoin real body and hugged it a little.
"She has an amazing body, I've never seen anyone like this!"
Darby laughed again as he slowly lifted up the bottom of the dolls uniform.
"You pervert stop!!!!!!!!"
I screamed at him.
"What is she your girlfriend?"
Darby turned to me.
I felt my face heat up.
"Then shut up."
He glared at me before slowly tracing along the dolls body once more.
"It's pedophilia!"
I screamed at him.
"Who's here to stop me?"
He smirked.
" I am."

Time skip to after that

Noriaki's pov

3 hours or less left...
I slowly woke up.
I first saw Joseph holding me.
Which freaked me out for two seconds before hearing the constant shout of ora.
I quickly looked around.
The Avdol, Polnareff, and Iggy dolls where gone.
"You guys did it..."
I quietly cheered.
Joseph finally noticed I was awake.
He screamed as he dropped me.
"S-So-Sorry kak, you scared me..."
I giggled slightly and got up.
"We should go look for Avdol and the others."

Yay new chapter, sorry for being short,
Luv you all~!
Arrividerci my crusaders~!
~Cherry girl💞🍒🌺

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