~Darby Elder, Part 2~

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Noriaki's pov

I shouted as I looked at Joseph's lifeless body.
"His soul admitted defeat,"
D'arby smiled.
"I won this bet like all the others!!!!"
D'arby bragged as his soul was turned into a chip just like Polnareff's.
"Only three left, would you enjoy to try and win their souls back or run away?"
Avdol immediately lost his shit.
"You bastard!!!!"
He jumped onto d'arby.
"Y-You don't get it if you kill me your friends will die as well..."
D'arby groaned.
"Avdol~San!!! Stand down!!!"
I pushed Avdol off of D'arby,
"Hey if you people are gonna cause trouble I'm gonna have to ask you too-"
"SHUT UP!!!!!!!"
Jotaro screamed at the bartender.
"Y-Yes sir!!"
The bartender ran off.
Jotaro immediately grabbed the cup.
He spilled the booze everywhere.
"You noticed too soon..."
D'arby smirked.
My view kept switching from Jotaro to d'arby.
"He cheated,"
Jotaro glared.
Me and Avdol shouted.
"There's a piece of melted chocolate at the bottom of the glass,"
Jotaro showed us the bottom.
Avdol looked confused.
I immediately realized what he had done to cheat.
"It doesn't count as cheating if you don't get caught,"
D'arby smirked.
"How did the piece of chocolate make him cheat???"
Avdol turned to me.
"The chocolate used to be a solid chunk, making the glass lift up, but not enough for us to notice, once the chocolate melted and the booze steadied it made room for another coin."
Jotaro sighed.
"But how did he know it would melt just when he needed it???"
Avdol turned back to Jotaro
"When he moved to the side of the table the sun shone on the chocolate, making it melt,"
Jotaro shook his head angrily.
"I don't understand how you guys didn't find that somewhat suspicious,"
I sighed.
D'arby stood up and patted off his leg.
"Alright D'arby! Get your cards because we're playing poker!!!"
Jotaro glared as he sat down in a chair.
"What?!?! Jotaro you can't!!!! This man outsmarted Mr Joestar!!!!!"
Avdol screamed at Jotaro
"I know, but he can't cheat with me.
Thats it D'arby, we're playing for keeps."


"Before we get things started, go ahead and shuffle those cards."
Jotaro glared at d'arby.
D'arby started to shuffle the cards as m and Avdol watched.
"Shuffled they are,"
D'arby sighed.
"Draw a card doesn't matter which one, but don't show anyone."
Jotaro ordered him.
D'arby grabbed atleast 8 cards.
"Now I'll call it."
Jotaro sighed.
"It's the 6 of hearts, now I'll name the rest of them.
5 of spades.
Queen of diamonds.
Jack of spades.
Ace of hearts.
7 of diamonds.
Plus the 6 of clubs.
King of clubs, and 2 of diamonds."
D'arby put down his cards.
J-Jotaro guessed them all!!!
"No way!!! How did he do that?!?!"
Avdol screamed.
"I could call the whole deck, remember when you were shuffling the cards? Star Platinum was busy watching their order as you did."
Jotaro glared at him.
"Nice strategy, but I can easily defeat your plan by shuffling them in a way you can't see them."
D'arby sighed.
"You're that deaf? I said you couldn't cheat with me as an opponent."
Jotaro glared at him.
"Kakyoin, go get us some different cards."
Jotaro turned to me.
"Why me?!"
I glared at him.
"Because, I need Avdol here."
He smirked at me.
I flipped Jotaro off quickly and started to go and find some cards.

*Time skip too when Jotaro tells d'arby he'll bet Kakyoin and Avdol's souls*

"Jotaro what the hell!!!!!'
I screamed at Jotaro as he signed a contract,
I was fine with him betting Avdol's soul.
But mine???! When did I agree to this?!
He sighed lightly as he handed the contract to d'arby.
"Jotaro it is kinda rude, you didn't even ask Kakyoin if she wanted to bet her soul."
Avdol sighed lightly.
"Thank you!"
I smiled at him.
"You'd do it for my mom right?"
Jotaro smirked at me, I scoffed a little, making my hair jump to the side.
Obviously it was kinda a yes,
I did go on this trip to save his mother, yet also kill DIO.
When a man does something terrible to a woman, they wouldn't want anything besides revenge wouldn't they?
And that's exactly what I want.
Jotaro's deep voice cut off my thoughts.
"Milf hunter."
He smirked a little.
"You just called your mom a milf...."
I giggled.
Jotaro's face immediately was dusted with a deep blush.

I'm gonna skip Darby's thing, I'm sorry!

We all watched at d'arby passed out,
Freeing Polnareff and Josephs souls.
"What happened?"
Polnareff groaned.
"Polnareff! Joestar~San!!"
I smiled at both of them.
I slowly started to walk off.

Jotaro's pov

"You know I have to wonder, Kakyoin's been acting strange lately."
Polnareff sighed as we all watched Kakyoin walk off.
"Strange? You say happy is strange?"
Avdol laughed a little.
"I almost have to say it's cute-"
I quickly covered up my mouth after I said that.
"Jotaro? Do you like Kakyoin?"
The old man smirked at me.
"Shut up!!!!!!!!!!"
I started to run after Kakyoin, hopefully if I got close enough they would stop talking.
"Jotaro has a crush!"
I heard Polnareff scream from behind me.
I heard Kakyoin giggle as I finally caught up to her.
"Who's the lucky guy?"
She smirked.
"What do you mea- Fuck you."
She started to laugh hysterically.
"So, who do you have a crush on?"
Kakyoin smiled at me.
Her smiles adorable.....
And her li-
"I don't have a crush on anyone!!!! Polnareff's just an idiot!"
I screamed at her.
"Aw~! So you don't have a Senpai~?"
I glared at her.
"No I don't."
For some reasons, after those words were said, she looked sadder.
"Yare Yare, what's wrong?"
She looked at me, her face was red.
"Do you have a fever?"
"N-No!!! Just shut up! Stupid-Stupid idiot!!!!!"
Yep old Kakyoin's back.

Hello, I'm sorry this chapter took so long to post and that it's shorter than you would think, I'm really sorry! I just got so stressed with this book, but I won't allow myself to do that! The next updates might be slow, I'm really sorry.
~Your Cherry Blossom🌺🍒

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