The Mansion, part 2

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Maybe 2 hours and about 45 minutes
We exited the weird place D'arby had teleported us to.
Jotaro looked around, obviously annoyed that none of us knew where Avdol and Polnareff and Iggy were.
Joseph sighed at his grandsons angered expression.
He should get used to it.
I glared to myself.
Why am I being such a bitch....
I sighed a little.
I miss my mom....
I miss my grandpa...
I miss japan....
I'm scared....
Am I going to die?
What if I do?!?!
My-My mother would.....
My grandfather.....
I felt tears go to my eyes.
I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.
My head darted to the side, my red hair smacking my face.
Joseph had a worried expression and his hand resting on my shoulder.
"What's troubling you Kakyoin?"
"Nothing. "
I shoved his hand off.
His expression looking hurt.
Is what I was about to say.
But I couldn't speak, I couldn't even return a face to show him I'm sorry.
My glare stayed on my face,
Resting bitch face is what my grandfather calls it.
Instead if keep glaring I decided to cover up my face with my sunglasses.
"Hey guys look over there."
Jotaro finally spoke we turned around, a woman with black hair was crawling on the ground.
She looked at us and screamed.
"Pl-Please don't hurt me!!! You can touch me anywhere just don't hurt me!!!!!"
The woman screamed.
Who does this bitch think we are?
"We aren't going to hurt you, were good guys, well good men and woman."
Joseph walked over to the woman, glaring at me at the end of his sentence.
I feel horrible....
"Yeah we're good people."
Jotaro walked over to her.
The woman looked relieved.
Suddenly Jotaro summoned Star Platinum, punching the woman.
"Jesus christ Jotaro I didn't know you were that sexist!"
I yelled under my breath.
Jotaro must have heard me because he turned around flipping me off.
I was joking asshole...
I sighed.
"Why'd you punch her.."
Jotaro scoffed.
"You didn't notice, look closer."
Jotaro and Joseph started walking over to the woman.
You know what..
Fuck them,
I'm going to find Dio by myself, they won't care.
With that I turned around and ran off quietly, none of them noticing.

I found myself at a stair case, I looked up it.
Someone stood at the other side of it.....


Jotaro quickly looked around.
Kakyoin wasn't standing behind him and Joseph anymore.
Joseph finished bandaging Polnareff, not noticing.
"We need to get Avdol and Iggy to a hospital now."
Cool ice had bitten off Avdol's hands and kicked Iggy in the stomach, enough times his ribs where puncturing his lungs.
Jotaro tried to yell, but it came out in a whisper.
"Jotaro what's wrong?"
Joseph looked at his grandson.
"Kakyoin's gone."
Joseph and Polnareff let out terrified gasps.
"I'll get Avdol and Iggy out of here! You two go find her!!!!!"
Joseph ordered, Jotaro and Polnareff nodded,


I looked up the stairs in horror as I finally knew who I was looking at,
I quietly whispered.
"Kakyoin! My favorite servent~"
DIO smirked and got up.
"I did love you, you know that correct~?"
DIO mocked.
"Shut up!"
I yelled, it obviously echoing through the building.
"Oh? Are you embarrassed about what you did~?"
"I said shut up..."
"You know what you did~"
"Shut. Up."
"You enjoyed it as much as I did~"
I screamed.
DIO laughed.
I started to run up the stairs, I'm ready to punch this asshole.
Suddenly, I was teleported back down the stairs.
DIO laughed even more.


Jotaro and Polnareff ran around not stopping.
They needed to find Kakyoin.
She could get herself killed.
Specially with that smart ass attitude, Jotaro would say.
The rounded a corner.
Only to see Kakyoin standing on some steps.
She quietly whispered.
Jotaro and Polnareff were about to get her untill they heard another person's laughing.


I turned to my side, almost relieved to see Polnareff and Jotaro.
They motioned for me to come over.
I started to walk over to them.
Untill I was teleported.
I looked infront of me.
Dio stood directly in front of me.
"You thought your first kiss would be someone you loved~! But it was I DIO~!!!!!!
DIO smirked and laughed.
I felt anger in myself
What are his powers....
I heard DIO scream as I was grabbed from behind and dragged away.
To my surprise, Jotaro had grabbed me and Polnareff was running next to him.
I looked at how he was carrying me.
Bridal style accept.....
I smacked a hand he had rested on my chest.
Jotaro glared at me.
"Seriously nori?!?! Your worrying about how I'm saving your ass?!?!"
I 'hmped' in silence as I put his hand back on my chest.
I felt him lightly squeeze it.
I looked at him terrified as me, him and Polnareff finally exited DIO's mansion.
They hightailed it to a hospital.
Now I'm worried....

As we entered the hospital the Speedwagon foundation appeared and dragged us off to a room.
Avdol and Iggy were laying in a bed.
Both badly injured.
"We need to check the rest of you for injuries."
With that we were all pulled into different rooms.
Atleast they had woman check mine!
I was the first one done so I went into a room,
They said as soon as we were all checked we could go back.
Jotaro was the next one done surprisingly, I decided to take this moment to ask him why he squeezed my chest.
"Oi Jotaro."
I said, looking at him as he entered the room.
"What's up?"
Jotaro sighed.
"You squeezed my chest earlier, why?"
I blushed a little.
"I don't know, just felt right I guess."
Did he just?!?!
Th-This is my chance...bad timing but still a chance....
I'm gonna take it.

*roundabout starts playing*


Ha! I left you on a cliffhanger!
I'm sorry .....:(
Things might be a little heated next chapter if you know what I mean 😏
No it's not gonna get super intimate I promise,
Arrividerci my Crusaders~!
~Misa(that's my name irl)

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