~DEATH 13~

424 16 14

Warning!!! Attempt of self harm
Noriaki's pov

I stared at the wound carved in my arm.
Baby stand?!?!
What does that mean?!?!
My thoughts clouded my mind with a thick dust.
I don't remember cutting myself.
I pulled out my pocket knife I had in my back skirt pocket.
That's why I wear a long uniform.
I can hide the back pockets on my skirt that hold my weapons of someone attacked me, or even kidnapped me.
They only failed once......
I stared at my knife.
It was free of blood.
My knife isn't bloody, but...
The cuts were made with this blade
I'm sure of it.
It's even in my handwriting.
Indeed, the words were in my handwriting.
Sloppy and messy handwriting.
Not like you would expect from an honor student on Junior year.
I looked up for a second over at the baby.
When I looked at it.
It looked as if it looked away at the exact moment out eyes met with one another.
The baby had this look on his face.
Not like you would see on just a 6 month old.
I put my face in my hands.
My headstrong side was crumbling.
I was turning into who I was 10 years ago.
A shy sensitive person who broke easily and let they're emotions get in the way.
I hate that person.
My gaze turned back to the baby instead of my wound
I got up.
God....my mental health is getting even worse.
I'm losing my mind.
I started walking over to the baby.
Mr Joestar and Jotaro and Polnareff where getting things out of the crashed plane.
I payed no attention to this fact.
I immediately grabbed the baby by its shirt.
I'm starting to think this baby.... Is a stand user!!!!!!!
The baby started crying.
My face of anger went away.
"Kakyoin!!!!! What the fuck are you doing!!!!!!!"
Mr Joestar ran over to me and ripped the baby out of my grasp.
"You could strangle the boy!!!!!!!!"
He screamed at me.
He even raised his hand even to hit me.
But immediately put his hand back down.
"I-I'm sorry!!!!!"
I fell to the floor and started to cry.
God fucking dammit......
Mr Joestar's and the others eyes widened at my action.
I was stopped by a hand being rested on my shoulder.
"Get some rest ok? The baby should calm down once he has food.."
Mr Joestar quietly said.
So quiet it was almost considered a whisper.
I got up quietly and sat back on my rock.
I pulled up my sleeve.
I shook my head angrly at this and pulled my sleeve back down.
I thought I was done cutting myself.
The last time I recall doing this was when I was 13....

A few years ago

I stared blankly at the mirror in front of me.
My red hair was soaked with tears.
I don't know why I am crying....
I pulled out my small knife.
Preparing to hurt myself.
"Noriaki Zeppeli!!!!!!!"
My grandfather rushed into the room and pried the knife out of my hands.
His faded purple triangle tattoos scrunched up in anger.
I looked up at him with teary eyes.
He put the knife away.
And faced me back towards the mirror.
"Listen.... Your father's death had nothing to do with you."
He quietly whispered in my ear and pulled my hair back.
"B-But I was in the car with him...."
I sobbed.
He quietly hugged me from behind.
After a few minutes of being in my arms I felt better.
He pulled out a small headband.
It was decorated with purple and yellow triangles.
He wrapped it tightly around my head.
I smiled at him.
"I'm happy your here with me..... Grandpa Caesarino....."


I sighed at that memory.
I was a coward, and still am.
I turned to my side
Jotaro and Polnareff were whispering about something.
I didn't pay attention to this.
Joseph walked over to me.
He handed me a bowl.
I smiled at him lightly as a thanks.
But I wasn't hungry.
So I just set the bowl next to me.
A light sigh once again escaping my lips.
Not long after Mr Joestar gave me the bowl I put it back.
But as I was getting up.
My glance turned to the baby.
It was sitting up, safety pin in hand, and a scorpion impaled on the sharp end.
The shock of seeing this...
Made me drop the bowl to the floor.
Glass shattered everywhere.
Jotaro turned to me.
I looked in horror at the baby.
The baby shared the exact look of horror I did.
I immediately raced over to Mr Joestar and Polnareff, who were sitting by the fire.
Joseph turned to me.
I finally used the proper way to address someone in Japanese.
"I-I!!!!! Th-That baby!!!! I-It!!!!"
I sputtered out
"Spit it out, Kak!!"
Polnareff giggled.
"The baby just killed a scorpion!!!!!"
I screamed.
Mr Joestar and Polnareff exchanged confused looks.
Joseph began
"Kakyoin, what the hell are you talking about???"
He nervously giggled.
I glared at him.
"Th-The baby God damnit!!!!!! It just killed a scorpion!!! He skewered it with his safety pin!!!!!"
I heard a small gasp.
"Wait!!! A scorpion!!!! Where is it?!?!"
I grabbed him and dragged him over to the baby.
He picked the baby up.
I dug through its blankets.
"Where is it?"
Mr Joestar looked at me, it was obvious he didn't believe me.
"Th-There should be a dead scorpion in here!!!!"
I screamed and threw his blankets and pillows in multiple directions.
"I know what I saw!!!!!! He must have hidden it!!!"
I jumped up from my spot on the sandy desert floor.
"Check his clothes!!!!!"
I started tugging at the baby.
"Knock it off Kakyoin!!!!!"
Mr Joestar shoved me.
My eyebrows furrowed.
"Look I know you miss us paying attention to you!!!!!"
He sighed.
I yelled at him.
"You think I'm jealous of that baby?!?!!!"
I shoved him.
"Well, yes actually."
He turned away.
"Look, I know I sound crazy but I'm telling the truth!!! I'll even show you!!!!!"
The baby turned away from us and spat something out.
"L-Look he just spat it out!!!"
The others turned behind Mr Joestar.
Their was nothing.
"Th-That's not what I was gonna show you!!!"
I screamed.
"Alright, then show us."
Jotaro finally appeared out of the dark.
I pulled up my sleeve with the cuts on it.
"Look!!!!! Look at what these cuts say!!!!! It's a warning!!!! It must have happened to me when I was sleeping!!!"
I screamed.
"Ohhhhhhh myyyyyyy goooooodddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Joseph screamed and jumped back in fear.
Jotaro raced over to me and grabbed my shoulders.
"You didn't do that too yourself did you?!?!!!"
He glared down at me.
I almost thought it was......well hot I guess.
"S-Say what?!?!!"
I screamed and tried to hold back embarrassment.
"Oh my God......it's finally happened.... Kakyoin,...."
Polnareff whispered.
"Oh God..........."
Mr Joestar looked terrified.
Jotaro let go.
He turned around and put his face in his hands.
I was done.
I couldn't bare to be weak anymore.
I jumped up in the air.
"Time to use a little force!!!!!!!"
Hierophant appeared behind me.
But before I could attack, I felt something hit me in the back of my head .....
Knocking me out.

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