~Mariah's Bast, Part 2~

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(this chapter has what you could call 18+ content and language, if you don't like that shit then go away! )
Noriaki's pov

I angrily shouted and cursed inside my head as I tried to pry myself off Jotaro.
"She's getting away Kakyoin!!!!!"
Jotaro shouted at me, I kept on struggling.
"You know what,"
Jotaro angrily shook his head and stood up, but holding me close to him.
"See that fence over there, I'll try and pry myself off you on it."
Jotaro sighed
"Yes, that's a good idea."
I sighed quietly.
The was getting even more awkward with each second!!!!!
And it's even worse that I have a crush on Jotaro!!!!
We both walked halfway over to the fence.
"You, know, maybe your head and my feet will repel each other because of how our heads, or top parts are stuck together."
I sighed quietly and tried to hide my blush.
"I guess that makes sense,"
Jotaro glared at me.
I looked around.
Three kids were watching us as we attempted to get closer to the face.
"I'm so humiliated...."
I whispered quietly.
"Tell me about it-"
Jotaro finally noticed the kids.
"Get the fuck out of here!!!!!!"
He screamed at them, they all had looks of terror on there faces and ran off.
"That's a relief....."
I finally got a hand on the fence.
"Can you try and get off me now?"
I asked Jotaro, he gave me a look of consideration and nodded.
He started to slowly move down.
I felt my face heat up.
I looked at Jotaro, looks like he was just as embarrassed as I was.
He was almost off me when he stopped on my upper thigh.
"U-Uh Jotaro??"
I blushed.
"F-For some reason it's getting even harder to move...."
Jotaro looked as red as a cherry, which was surprising since he wasn't the one who tried to look like one.
"Th-That's just a sign that you will get off!!!! Now keep moving down!!!!!"
I screamed at him and looked away.
As soon as I looked up, the three kids were back, but they had others with them.
"A-Ah...... Jotaro get the fuck off me already!!!! Those brats came back!!!!!!!"
My screams were even louder than before.
"I already told you I can't move, as much as I'd like to!!! Your fuckin thigh wasn't the place I'd hoped to spend the morning!!!!!!!!!"
Jotaro screamed at me.
"Fine then I'll fucking move!!!!!!!"
I stared to try and move.
Jotaro was too fucking heavy for me to even lift a muscle.
I finally worked up my strength to begin walking in the direction opposite of the children.
"Kakyoin stop fuckin moving!!!!"
Jotaro yelled at me.
Finally Jotaro suddenly fell off me.
I felt joy, I wouldn't be embarrassed as fuck anymore!!!
Jotaro fell on the ground.
"Yes! Finally! Now let-!!!!!"
Jotaro immediately was pried back onto me.
But now he was on my back.
"Wh-What the hell?!?!?!"
I screamed and looked back at a very fuckin embarrassed Jotaro.
I started to try and shake the fence so he would get off me.
"Kakyoin!!!! Fucking stop!!! Your giving people the wrong idea!!!!!!"
Jotaro screamed as loud as he could
My face immediately turned even redder( if that was possible) realizing what passerbys would think we were doing.
But that just made me start to shake the fence even more.
"Kakyoin fucking stop!!!!! What if the old man and Avdol and that idiot Polnareff were to show up?!?!?!!!"
Jotaro screamed at me.
I immediately summoned Hierophant Green to get him off me.
Or atleast stop this fucking giant from breaking my back.
Besides even if we were to do THAT he would probably crush me,
Wait what?!?!?!!!!
"I don't think your stand can get us off of each other....."
Jotaro sighed disappointedly.
"No! He can do it!!!!"
Hierophant kept pulling on Jotaro as I kept holding onto the fence and struggling to get Jotaro off me.
"I'm gonna crawl into a hole and die as soon as this is over!!!!!!"
I screamed and tried to pry him off me for the 30th time.
"Mama mi-!!!!"
"What the fuck dude?!?!"
I immediately turned around.
It was the man/boy with blue hair
"Your fucking my girlfriend in the ass?!?!?! What the fuck?!!"
My face reddened up even more at those words.
"I'm not ass fucking your girlfriend!!!"
Jotaro yelled at him.
"I'm not your girlfriend!!!!"
I screamed at the blue haired man, and finally stopped struggling, so it wouldn't look as wrong.
"So?! You will be my girlfriend!!!!!"
The blue haired boy screamed.
"For the love of God end me!!!!!!"
I screamed.
"You cheating bitch!!!!!!"
The blue haired man started running oer to me and Jotaro at full speed.
He took off his belt and started hitting both of us with it.
"Dude fucking stop!!!!!"
Jotaro yelled at the top of his lungs.
I immediately tried to jump over the fence, I fucking succeeded.
I screamed in excitement as Jotaro fell off me and we both tumbled down the hill.
"You assholes!!!"
I heard the man shout.
We both tumbled onto the ground.
I looked up
"It's her!!!!"
I noticed the stand user.
She was having her morning cigarette.
"That bitch! She gets to smoke right now and I don't?! Thats unfair as fuck!"
Jotaro crossed his arms angrily.
"Jotaro shut up, let's attack this bitch before you can smoke k??"
I glared at him.
Jotaro huffed quietly in annoyance.

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