~Wheel Of Fortune~

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Jotaro's pov

"We're about to hit the indo Packistani border, looks like it's time to say goodbye to India."
Kakyoin sighed,
"I had mixed feelings about the country at first, but I kinda miss the hustle and bustle of Calcutta."
The old man tried to make more of a conversation out of this.
"I'll come back one day, I owe it to Avdol to give him a proper burial."
Polnareff frowned.
I sighed to this.
"Mr Avdol....."
"Hey the roads getting pretty narrow here!"
I looked up, Polnareff coughed up some dust a car blew into his face.
"Quit driving so slow asshole!!!"
Polnareff screamed.
"I'm gonna just pass the guy!!!!"
Polnareff swerved around the car, and threw a nail at the bumper.
"Hey Polnareff, calm down,"
Kakyoin sighed as Polnareff giggled.
"Polnareff, I think your manoover just damaged that poor car!"
The old man yelled at Polnareff and leaned in front of me to grab Polnareff.
"Hehe, yeah so?"
"I'm saying I don't want any trouble, I'm wanted for what happened in Varanasi...."
The old man sighed
"What the hell?!?!?!"
Polnareff immediately stopped the car.
"What the hell man!!!!"
Kakyoin screamed at him
"Yeah! A crash could be disasteris!"
(Cants spell)
The old man yelled
"I know, just look who's standing there!!"
Polnareff pointed in front of us, it was the brat from Hong Kong and Singapore....
"Yare yare...."
"Hey guys, long time no see, got room for one more?"
Anne took off her hat,
"We can't just leave her,"
"Yeah c'mon get in"
"Good fricken grief..."
I whispered.
"Fucking Brat....."
Kakyoin said under her breath, I didn't know she used that kind of language.
Anne got into the back seat with me and the old man.
"Look I'm sorry for lying about my dad in Singapore, but let's forget about that,"
Anne sighed.
"I'm a girl for God's sake! Soon I'll be doing girl things like wearing a bra and doing my nail-"
"Shut the fuck up!!!! Girls don't have to wear nail polish! And I don't think any of us wanna hear about you wearing a bra!!!!!."
Kakyoin turned around and screamed at the kid.
"Least she says she'll wear one..."
I whispered quietly.
"Why the fuck do you pay attention to that?!?!!"
Kakyoin screamed at me.
"Hey look it's that car from earlier,"
The old man pointed behind us and tried to change the conversation.
"Looks like he's in a hurry, let him pass Polnareff."
Kakyoin calmed down,
"Ah, yeah."
Polnareff rolled down his window and signalled the other guy to pass.
The other car passed, but made us have to slow down.
"Hey what the hell! I let you pass now just go already!!!!"
Polnareff screamed.
"He's probably angered about that stupid manoover you did earlier and these are the consequences."
Kakyoin whispered and stared out the window.
"You get a look at the drivers face?"
I asked Polnareff,
"No I couldn't see a thing the windows were covered in a thick dust."
"Me either, "
I stared at the driver.
"Couldn't be..."
"Be very careful Polnareff,"
Jiji sighed
(I got tired of saying old man ok?)
The driver rolled down his window and motioned for us to pass,
"Now he wants me to pass, guess he's realized how shitty that piece of junk is."
Polnareff giggled.
"Coming through!"
He swirved pass the car.
"What the hell?!?!"
A truck came speeding out of no where.
We were almost crushed,
"Star platinum!"
I yelled, as star platinum pushed the truck off of our car.
"If it weren't for Star Platinum's power we would've been road kill."
Polnareff sighed,
"That car could easily be a stand user, now that I think about it. Remember the boat stand? This could be a repeat."
Polnareff turned to me.
"Of course he's one of Dio's henchmen! We were almost road kill for good sake!"
"Then why didn't he attack us with his stand???"
Kakyoin pushed him back into his chair.
Polnareff sighed,
"What are we gonna do about that truck? Star Platinum left it a wreck, it won't be going anywhere..."
Kakyoin pointed to the truck and glared at me.
"That's easy, we pretend we never saw it, now let's keep going,"
She looked upset with my answer, but just told Polnareff to keep driving.

Noriaki's pov

We arrived at a small roadside tea stand,
"If we take our time we can avoid that driver."
Joseph sighed.
We all walked inside, Anne was trying to act cute to get Jotaro's attention yet again, for some reason I fucking hate her and wanna emerald Splash her until she's screaming in pain...not that it would take to long, I should do that!
"What's that?"
Joseph pointed at a counter were a man was grinding sugar cane into juice,
"It's sugar cane juice, care for a glass?"
"Why not,"
I turned around.
"What the hell!!!!!!!"
I screamed, I saw the car from earlier parked under a tree.
"Hey Kakyoin, what's wrong your gonna cause a-"
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned to see Jotaro with a look of fear on his face.
"Hey, which one of you owns that car!!!!"
I yelled at the people in the tea stand.
"I-I'm not sure ma'am I didn't notice it there....."
The man grinding sugar cane juice looked at me with a pleading face, I guess he thought I was gonna kill him
"Looks like our driver isn't going to come out and announce it,"
I whispered to the others.
"He's messing with us!!!!"
Polnareff whisper yelled.
"Then we only have one option, right Jotaro?"
Joseph turned to Jotaro.
"Yeah, poor innocent bastards."
Jotaro pointed at the people sitting down
"We'll just beat them all down!!!!"
Jotaro ran over and started beating the crap out of one of the guys.
"Jotaro!!! Stop it!!!!"
I grabbed Jotaro from behind and started trying to pry him off the man.
I turned and saw Mr. Joestar had joined in.
"Mr Joestar not you too!!!"
"Pretty suspicious mug you got there, was it you?!?"
Polnareff held up another man.
"Not me!!!"
A car started up,we all turned to the side and watched in horror as the car drove away.
"Everyone get in the car!!! I'm not letting him get away with this!!!!"
Polnareff grabbed my hand and motioned for all of us to get into the car.
He started the car up and raced after the other car,
"For a hunk of junk that car can really get up and go!!"
We crossed the intersection and went in the way that said Pakistan.
"That's odd, according to the map we should be running parrerel with train tracks or something."
I looked at the map.
"Who the hell cares!!! Once I get this guy I'mma nail him!!!"
Polnareff swirved to the side to avoid falling off the cliff.
"What the?!?"
We stopped it was a dead end
"Where did that piece of shit go?!?!"
"There's no way he could've crossed the suspension bridge..."
The car joilted forward, we all turned.
That car was pushing us!!!
Polnareff started to freak out.
"There's no use, everyone get out!!!"
Polnareff started to unbuckle his seatbelt.
"No! Polnareff you need to hold down the brake and make sure the rest of us are clear!!!"
I screamed at him,
"R-Right! So-Sorry!"
He held the brake.
But it was too late, we fell off the cliff.
"Hierophant Green!!!"
I yelled as hierophant raced up to the other car.
"Hierophant isn't strong enough to hold this kind of weight! He'll be torn to shreds!!!!"
Mr Joestar screamed at me.
"Beg your pardon, Mr Joestar, but I am aware of my abilities, I am not a Fool."
Hierophant latched the car winch onto the other car.
"Ah I see!"
Joseph exclaimed, I smiled at him.
"Not bad, Kakyoin, I gotta question for ya, You like sumo?!"
Star Platinum grabbed onto the line of the winch and tugged it upwards to pull us up.
"Specially dead locks at the end of the ring! It's exciting isn't it?!?!"
Jotaro sounded quit happy talking to me about his hobbies.
The car was pulled upward, leaving the other car to fall down and crash.
"Y-Yeah I'm a fan of sumo,"
I got up and turned to Jotaro.
"But in sumo, it's against the rules to punch your opponent!"
Jotaro smiled at me.
We all got out of the car and looked over the cliff.
"He could've been a stand user, or some mad man with a car, either way he's long gone."
I got onto my knees and stared down at the pretty scenery of the cliff,
If only I had my sketchpad right now,
I sighed happily.
"I still don't understand, how did he get behind us?"
I glared at Anne, this moment would be alot more peaceful without her...
"Actually little girl, it's not strange at all."
"The radio! Could he really be sending a signal from the car down there!"
I yelled.
"No way!! Do you even see the wreck down there?!"
Polnareff yelled at me.
"Hehe, I can do it because it's my stand, Joestar!!!"
"He knows my name, so that confirms it! He's an enemy stand user,"
Joseph exclaimed,
The ground started to shake,
"An earth quake?!"
I struggled not to fall off the cliff.
"Everyone get in the car!"
"No don't go anywhere near it!!!!!"
Jotaro yelled, as our car was blown up into the air by force of the other car.
Joseph yelled.
"Ha! The wheel of Fortune it my card, just so you can know who murdered you!"
The man yelled,
"Wheel of Fortune?!?!"
Joseph yelled,
"Now die, Jotaro!!!!!"
Wheel of Fortune exclaimed, it was obvious he was going to kill Jotaro first, hotel as the biggest threat compared to all of us.
All of a sudden, many tiny wounds appeared on Jotaro's body.
"What the hell?!?!"
Me and Polnareff yelled and ran to his side.
All of a sudden, we were also covered in these small wounds.
"Ow!! What the hell did he shoot at us!!"
I fell to the ground in pain,
"The wound aren't deep but they sting like hell!!"
Polnareff yelled.
"Yeah thanks for the update captain obvious!!!!!"
I screamed at him.
We all turned around.
"That cliff is our way out, c'mon!"
Joseph yelled, me, Polnareff, and Jotaro all got up and started to run in that direction

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