~Silver Chariot's Polnareff~

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I coughed up my food.
Jotaro spat his coffee everywhere.
Avdol dropped what he was doing.
Joseph turned to the man.
"Ar-Are you another e-enemy?"
I choked out.
The silver haired man, smiled and playfully shrugged.
"Maybe I am,"
He said,
I coughed up the rest of my food.
"Magicians Red!"
Avdol yelled, Magicians Red stood beside him, and made most of every thing turn to fire.
"M-Mr Avdol don't!!!"
I yelled.
"I never got your name,"
He said, pointing to the man and ignoring my question.
"Apologies, missure,"
The silver haired man said
So he's French huh?
"Jean Pierre Polnareff,"
The man said.
Avdol chuckled.
"Polnareff, you've made a grave mistake fighting a fortune teller in a battle of predictions."
Avdol said, but I tuned him out.
I looked over at Jotaro....
He was staring at me.
But when I made it clear I was looking at him he immediately turned away.
A light blush formed on my cheeks.
Polnareff started to run,
"Follow me so we can let your powers go to they're absolute best!!!!"
He said, turning around for a second and starting to run.
I started to run after him.
But tripped.
The back of my uniform flew upwards as I fell.
"Hey Kakyoin,"
I looked up, Jotaro had a hand extended to me.
I grabbed it.
"Your skirts ripped,"
He whispered in my ear as I got up.
A deep blush formed across my face.
Jotaro started to run after the others.
I completely forgot about that!!!!
"Th-Thanks for letting me know!! I'll catch up later!!"
I yelled, turning around and running off to find a tailoring store.
Why...why was Jojo so kind to me
Normally he would've said,
"Hey stupid bitch quit being a slut and get your skirt fixed."
Atleast I think he would say that....
~Somewhere else~
"Where's Kakyoin?".
Joseph said as he looked around for the small female.
Jotaro had a deep blush on his face as he remembered seeing my childish cherry underwear.
"Sh-She said she was busy,"
Jotaro said, hiding his blush with his hat.
Joseph asked
Jotaro was blushing so hard that it turned his hat red.
"Did something happen?"
He asked, obviously concerned.
"No, it's nothing."
He said, his blush started to fade away.
~Back to Kakyoin~
"So you can fix it?"
I asked, staring at the tailor.
The tailor nodded.
I blushed and handed him my skirt.
The tailor blushed
"I only need you to give me your measurements!!!!! I don't need your skirt!!!"
He said turning away.
I said embarrassed.
I gave him my measurements and he gave me a new skirt.
"That'll be 500¥."
The tailor said, reaching out his hand to collect my money.
I said, handing him my money.
I walked out and decided to look around for where Jojo and the others went.
I saw fire and heard yelling.
I ran over to see Joseph and Jotaro watching Polnareff and Avdol fight.
When Jotaro saw me he blushed and turned away.
"Crossfire Hurricane!!!!"
Avdol yelled.
Magicians Red shot out what looked like the sign for....female?
It was fire and the Frenchman fell to the ground
"Your stand has been destroyed, and you'll never be standing up again,"
Avdol said to him.
"I think he's dead, or wishes he is"
Jotaro said, grabbing his hat.
"If he did survive that poor guy should be stuck on his flat back for a few years,"
I said, the other nodded.
"Having your stand destroyed is quite the traumatic experience."
I said, I actually felt sorry for the man.
We all started walking to the exit.
We heard the Frenchman yell,
We tried around.
He's floating in mid air?!???!
He was on his back and floating.
"Those burns should've killed him!!!"
Joseph yelled.
"How are you still alive.."
Avdol asked.
I looked at the Frenchman in fear.
Jotaro and Joseph had stopped and looked in fear too.
"More, how are you floating?!?!"
I shriecked.
"Look with your inner eye, Ma'am,"
He said.
I looked closer,
His stand was holding him up?!?!?!
"Care for an explanation? Missures, and Madam."
The Frenchman said as his stand, Silver Chariot, put him down.
Avdol smirked.
"Sure, explain away."
He said, getting comfortable.
"You didn't burn my stand, you burned off its armor!"
He exclaimed.
"So I only made your stand lighter, or faster?"
Avdol questioned.
"Indeed, missure."
Polnareff nodded.
I whispered to Jojo, who nodded.
"Oh little lady, you wanna see something that is really freaky?!"
He yelled and ran up to me, putting a finger on my chest.
I blushed lightly and turned away.
I said, he retracted his finger away from my chest.
Silver Chariot appeared behind him,
But his stand.... Had been multiplied by 7?!?!
"He has....6 no!! 7 stands!!!"
Joseph exclaimed.
"But the average human being can only have one stand!!!"
I yelled.
"Good observation, Madam."
Polnareff said, turning back to me.
"Stop calling me ma-"
I began.
"Do you wanna know why, it looks like why I have 7 stands."
Polnareff interrupted.
Avdol nodded.
"Since you took off my stands armor it can move so fast, fast enough that you can't follow his movements."
Polnareff exclaimed
Avdol chuckled to himself.
"My crossfire Hurricane comes in more variations than the one you've already seen."
The Frenchman looked at him, confused.
But he shrugged it off,
"Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on!!!!!!!"
Polnareff yelled, Silver Chariot was blindly waving his his sword around in Magicians reds direction,
"Crossfire, Hurricane, SPECIAL!!!!!!!!"
Avdol yelled.
The French man was burned to crisps.
"I would advise you end it, yourself, burning is a terrible and painful way to die."
Avdol said, kicking a knife over to Polnareff.
Avdol turned away and starts walking back to me and the others.
"Wow...missure.....you defeated me.....I've done some terrible things in my life.....it would be cowardly to end it myself....x
The Frenchman smiled.
And soon fell unconscious.
I was shocked at his sense of honor.
Avdol flicked his fingers making the fire disappear.
"His honor lasted until the end, he could've thrown that knife into my unsuspecting back,"
Avdol said, walking to him, he held him in his arms.
"There was a reason behind his actions."
Avdol said, lifting the Frenchman's bangs.
Jotaro nodded.
"Get this over with! Those tentacles are absolutely disgusting!!!"
Mr. Joestar yelled.
"Oh shush Mr. Joestar!!! Man up for once!!"
I yelled at him, and shook him.
He released himself from my grasp and stood next to the man on the floor.
"Now that, that bud is gone, we can all be bud-dies!!!"
Joseph laughed.
"Hey Kakyoin,"
I turned to Jotaro.
"Don't people who make stupid puns get on your nerves."
He said, covering up his face with his hat.
"Indeed, how about we kill em later?"
I giggled.
I heard a weird noise that sounded like a chuckle come from Jojo.
D-Did he just laugh at my joke?
I put a hand up to my chest, and smiled.
~Next day~
"The boat should be waiting over here."
Mr Joestar said as we arrived at a port.
"I see you've healed up well,"
I said, turning behind us to see Polnareff, following us.
Everyone turned to him.
"I never got any of your guy's names, I would enjoy to know the names of those who defeated me,"
He said, turning to me, Jotaro, and Joseph.
"We didn't defeat you, it was Avdol!"
I chuckled sweetly.
He said walking up to us.
"Well, I'm Noriaki Kakyoin,"
I said, extending my hand to him,
He smiled at my small extended hand and shook it.
"Jotaro Kujo.."
JoJo, said, covering his face up.
"Joseph, Joestar!"
Joseph said, making a weird pose.
I sighed at it.
"Well, Mr. Joestar, I have a bizarre question.
Your hand under that glove, wouldn't happen too be another right hand, would it?"
Polnareff asked, pointing at Mr. Joestar's prosthetic hand.
"Is my left hand a right hand?"
Mr. Joestar corrected his question.
Polnareff nodded
"No, but why do you ask?"
~After Polnareff story time~
"Then I must go with you to Egypt!!!"

Hey, sorry if this story kinda sucks, I did tell you it was my version of STARDUST CRUSADERS with Kakyoin as a girl at the beginning, so it's your fault your reading this garbage!

~Anyway, good day y'all~
🍒🌊~Your Cherry Ocean~🌊🍒

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