~N'Doul, Part 2~

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Jotaro's pov

We're all thrown out of the car, but still land safely as the car tumbles down.
Iggy jumped out of the car and ran off.
"That asshole of a mutt!"
Polnareff screamed as he held Kakyoin.
"I told you he wouldn't help us when we needed him too."
Avdol glared at the old man
"How the hell are we gonna get Kakyoin too a hospital now?!?!"
Polnareff was still screaming.
"Polnareff hush, we'll get her too a hospital as soon as we can ok??"
The old man glared at Polnareff.
I looked around, the stand was right next the truck,most likely waiting for us to move so it could attack.
"Jotaro, use Star Platinum to search for the user!"
Avdol whisper shouted at me.
I immediately summoned my stand and had it sceem the area around us.
"I don't see anything."
I sighed as my stand went back into being invisible.
"Well sh-!!!"
A box near Polnareff and Kakyoin blew up.
Followed by another one.
"Polnareff!!!! Get yourself and Kakyoin out of there now!!!!!! Jump towards me!!!!!!"
Avdol screamed.
Polnareff wouldn't budge.
He just threw Kakyoin over to me.
"Polnareff move!!!!!"
Avdol shouted at him.
Polnareff still didn't move a mussel.
Another box blew up.
It was the time the one Polnareff was on would blow up.
I turned to Avdol, he was throwing his metal rings around his hand onto the sand.
Making the stand loose track of Polnareff's rough location.
The stand immediately dove under the sand.
And water started to appear at the last ring he had thrown.
The stand jumped out of the sand to attack.
"Magicians Red!!!!!!!!!!"
The firery bird looking stand appear by Avdol and attacked the water stand.
The stand of water immediately moved and cut Avdol's throat.
Avdol fell to the ground.
I couldn't sit and watch anymore.
"Polnareff, Old man, look after Kakyoin and Avdol while I'm gone!!!!"
I immediately stood up and started to run.
I heard my annoying ass grandfather yell.
I knew exactly where I was going.
I looked forward and saw Iggy.
I ran over to him as fast as I could and grabbed him.
"Alright you stupid mutt! It's time for you to earn your keep!!!"
I screamed at the dog.
"You jumped out of the car before we all fell out!!! You can smell it can't you?!?!!"
I was still screaming at the dog.
"If you don't take me to him we die, and how would you get your gum then?!"
Iggy immediately let out a terrified noise and started to sweat.
All of a sudden I couldn't feel Iggy's Body in my grasp anymore.
I looked up.
I shouted at the God dam mutt as it's stand lifted it off the ground.
"Not so fast!!!!"
I yelled as my stand immediately kicked the floor making me jump up and grab the stand.
"Take me to that dam stand user. Now"
I glared at the dog.
The dog started to bark at me.
Stupid mutt...
I looked infont of us.
I saw a man, he had blueish black hair and was wearing Egyptian clothing.
That's our enemy,
And by the looks of it, he's blind.
I glared infront of me.
But then realized we were going down with every inch.
That stupid dogs stand can't even fucking fly for long distances!!!!
It's gliding like a fucking paper plane!!!!
We were close to touching the ground.
By now we only had one option.
I shouted as my stand kicked us higher in the air.
That kick most likely gave away our strategy, but now we're closer to our destination.
He shouldn't be able to detact our exact location.
I sighed lightly.
"Yare Yare........"
Iggy looked at me.
Earning a glare from me.
All of a sudden I heard the sound of something falling off THE FOOL'S wings.
It was sand!
That stand user was throwing sand in the air to track out location!!!!!!"
I glared down at the ground.
The water stand was still chasing us.
I groaned as THE FOOL started to slowly drift on the ground.
We hit the ground with a quiet
I stared over at the stand user, the water stand was still chasing us.
I immediately had my stand grab Iggy.
Iggy screamed as Star Platinum threw him towards the stand user
"I tossed Iggy at you, you should use your stand to protect yourself or you two are gonna be closer than you ever wanted to be."
I scoffed.
Iggy flew towards the stand user.
As soon as he was within 3 feet of the stand user, the water stand immediately flew him backwards with the help of THE FOOL.
I took this moment to run behind the user.
I stood behind him.
"God damnit!!! That dumb dog made me lose Jotaro's location!!!!!!!!"
The stand user whispered under his breath.
"I'm right here you idiot "
I stared down at him.
He quietly groaned.
"I should count myself lucky for defending myself, if I didn't you probably would've killed me."
He sighed.
"Count yourself lucky if I don't kill you."

Polnareff's pov(yes Polnareff's pov cuz I'm lazy and don't wanna write the rest of Jotaro yelling at N'Doul ok???)

I stared down at Kakyoin and Avdol.
We had them both bandaged, and we're just waiting for Jotaro to come back.
He was taking far too long, me and Mr Joestar were starting to worry.
"Mr Joestar should we go check on him now."
I examined Kakyoin and Avdol's wounds.
"No, we should be able to trust Jotaro."
I sighed lightly.
"Mon Dieu, we can't just sit here."
I stared at him.
"Yes I know Polnareff, but we can't exactly drive over and get Jotaro and Iggy."
God, the mention of that mutts name makes me furious.
"When that mutt gets back I'm gonna murder him for killing my hair."
I huffed under my breath
"Calm down, he didn't kill your hair and your not going to murder him."
Mr Joestar elbowed me.
"Polnareff??? Mr Joestar???"
Avdol started to wake up.
Also starting to slowly rise from his position.
"Yes it's us, please stay down."
I pushed him back down on his back.
Kakyoin groaned.
I started to lightly shake her.
"You awake Kak?"
I smiled at her.
"W-Wait!!! Why can't I see anything?!?!"
She screamed and got up.
"I'm blind!!!!!!!!"
She kept on shrieking.
I slowly pulled on her to put her back down.
Still screaming.
"Kakyoin! Shush!"
Mr Joestar giggled.
"Honestly if I were her I'd be terrified too."
Avdol laughed.
"Am I blind?!?!"
She screamed at us.
"N-No Kak, your not, you have a bandage over your face."
I giggled.
I slowly turned around,
Jotaro and Iggy were walking back Over.
"Hey look it's Jotaro!!!"
I smiled and waved.

Yes I'm sorry this chapters short, next chapter will be a bonus chapter of them all visiting Kakyoin in the hospital, and in my version she gets released early, so after that chapter it'll be her and Jotaro fighting Bast's Mariah *wink wink*
I don't have many announcements besides thanking the people who are reading this!
Also if you haven't went and checked out Kakyoin_The_Cherry please go read they're stuff, it's really good and creative.
No more announcements!
~Goodnight my Lil Crusaders!!!❤️🌠
~Your Cherry Girl🍒🌺

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