~Yellow Temperance~

800 27 15

Jotaro's pov

I woke up to the sound of shuffling in the room.
I sat up in bed, I turned to the noise and saw Kakyoin.
She looked sick and worried
And not to mention, was throwing stuff everywhere.
"Hey, you ok?"
I rubbed my eyes.
She frowned at me.
"It-Its nothing, I-I just lost my earrings that's all...."
Her voice sounded sad.
For some reason, I felt a big pain shoot my chest.
"I'm sure they'll turn up,"
I got up and put my uniform on.
"I hope your right...."
I turned to her.
She was curled up in a ball and was on the verge of crying.
I didn't know her earrings were so important to her....
I walked next to her and out an arm akwardly around her.
She immediately jumped.
"Hey, do you wanna go and get Anne and take her somewhere."
I hid my face with my hat, I was blushing lightly.
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea!"
She beamed.
It was kinda, cute actually.... No!! What are you talking about.
We walked to Anne's room and got her.
When we were in the lobby about to leave Kakyoin finally broke the silence.
"I have to grab something, I'll be back!"
She ran off.
I shrugged it off and continued walking.

Noriaki's pov

I ran off in the opposite direction of them.
I was grabbing my white scarf, I never go to a public place without it wrapped around me!
I was unlocking my room door as I turned to a man with no shirt on and he had black, sleek hair.
"C-Can I help you, sir?"
I sputtered out.
I'm terrible at talking to people.
The man punched me in the face.
I was shot into the door of my room.
Pain shot through my body as I groaned.
"Yes you can, I need you for something...."

Jotaro's pov

We ran past a few stores, Kakyoin still hasn't come back.
I was almost worried when she came dashing over.
"Hey, what took so long?"
I turned to her.
She glared at me, it wasn't something you would usually see her do.
"Does it matter to you?"
She sounded so serious...
I glared at her.
"Maybe it did, but now it doesn't."
She rolled her eyes.
Anne ran over to an ice cream shop.
"Can I have some ice cream please?"
She asked the man behind the counter, I watched to make sure nothing fishy happened.
Kakyoin just stared at me.
Her eyes twitching ever so often.
"Ya know little lady, ice cream is pretty good but, chilled coconut juice nothing in the world like it!"
The man held a coconut in his hands.
"And you charge 4$ for that? Do I look like some stupid tourist to you?!"
The brat yelled at the man.
"I guess we could try it."
I finally walked over, Kakyoin followed me.
"Thank you! That'll be 12$!"
Anne turned to him and glared.
"Hey make it 6$!!! 6$!!!!"
She yelled.
Kakyoin pulled out her wallet,
"This should cover it,"
She handed the man some cash.
Just as she was about to tuck her wallet back into her pocket a man grabbed it.
She froze.
I just watched this, I wanted to see her response to what had happened,
Instead of shrugging it off like she normally would she sent Hierophant over to trip the man.
"What the...."
She walked over to the man.
"So you fucking asshole you think you can just steal a girl's wallet.. you'd be wrong..."
The man looked at her in horror.
She kicked him with so much force....it wasn't like her....
Kakyoin soon grabbed the man by his hair and pulled him up to her face.
"Get up. Do you really think I'll let you just get away with this? Your so wrong....and so fucking stupid...."
She said.
She immediately dug the man's face into her knee.
I thought she was somewhat strong before but now I knew it.
"Hey, Kakyoin stop let's just go..."
I said.
"I'll make you wish you were never born!!!!"
She yelled, ignoring me, she threw the man up onto her back and started to crush his spine.
"Kakyoin!!! I said knock it off!!! He's spitting up blood!!!"
I yelled at her
She began to chant, "can I? Can I?! Can I?!?!?"
"A back breaker?!! Who knew she was that strong?! And she's using such dirty language it's like she's a different person!!!!"
Anne yelled in fear. Covering her eyes up.
I soon got sick of this and pushed Kakyoin with full force so she would drop the man.
She stumbled to the ground,
I knelt down next to the bleeding and unconscious man she had been toturing.
"That hurt you know, you don't have to push everyone around like your the boss!!!"
She yelled at me, and slowly patted dust off her shoulder and stood up.
She grabbed her drink from Anne's hand,
"He was doing a crime, and people who do crimes should be punished, c'mon you know me Jotaro I don't like it when people disobey law, you know that right?"
She took a sip of the coconut juice.
"Still, doesn't matter if you hate people disobeying the law you went way too fucking far."
I looked down at her, one of my fingers strongly poking her chest.
She glared at me and rolled her eyes.
"You, have a point, I did go a little too far,"
She smiled.
"I'm just worried about my parents, and what they'll think when they come home and find me no where in sight, put me in such a bad mood,"
I glared down at the woman staring up at me.
"Bad mood? You were enjoying yourself when you were attacking him,"
I glared at her.
She just responded with a blank face,
She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off.
"Hey look a beatle!!"
A kid yelled.
"Woah cool!!"
Another one yelled.
Kakyoin turned and giggled at the children.
"Kids are so cute sometimes,"
She smiled at the kids.
I turned around with a grunt and started walking away.
"Uh, Mrs. Kakyoin, JoJo's leaving,"
I heard Anne call to Kakyoin.
"Ah, yeah, I'll catch up...in a sec"
She replied.
"Wow you must really like coconut juice huh?"
Anne smiled at her.
For some reason I felt something was off.
I turned to see Kakyoin staring at Anne.
She spit something out.
"Yeah, coconuts....boy do I love them...they're my favorite.."
Kakyoin said to Anne, her expression was... terrifying.
Anne ran up to me and we started to walk away,
I turned around one last time, Kakyoin was staring at me.
I shook it off and kept walking.

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