Alone, and hunting DIO

705 14 4

Time doesn't matter at this moment

Slowly I unbuttoned my uniform, earning a weird glance from Jotaro.
"Sorry it's really hot in here."
I playfully tugged on the top of my green schoolboys blouse.
Jotaro nodded and looked off into the distance, most likely waiting for the time to go get DIO.
I finally got it fully off, revealing a white undershirt with a cherry on the chest pocket.
I slowly undid the first two buttons on it.
Only revealing a bit of my chest, I turned to Jotaro.
"Are you worried about Avdol San and Iggy?"
Idiot!!!! Just do it!!!
Jotaro looked at me, his face flushed red as he saw how my shirt was.
He turned back to the side and wiped his nose.
Nosebleed? Pervert...
Why am I calling him the pervert I'm-!!! Hmph I'm gonna do it!


I grabbed Jotaro by his shirt and pushed him up against his chair, kissing him.
He looked completely shocked at first, and I thought he was just gonna push me off and call me a bitch.
Instead, he pulled me into his lap.
I screamed inside my head as I deepened the kiss.
Suddenly I felt him lick my lips, as if.....
I screamed once more in my head, but still opened my mouth a little.
I felt his tounge slide into my mouth.
I accidentally let a soft moan escape my mouth.
"Shhh, you wouldn't want anyone to know what we're doing."
Jotaro smirked as he ripped of my white undershirt.
I let out a small squeak.
He smirked even more and put a finger on my mouth.
Two can play this game!
I grabbed onto one of his belts and tugged it off, he looked at me as if I was insane.
"I wanna know what this body looks like underneath all these clothes~"
I whispered in his ear.
I slowly placed a hand on his thigh and squeezed, making Jotaro moan a little.
His face was completely red.
I felt around his thigh a little more.
"You're hard~?"
I smirked as I put my hand over his erection.
His face got even redder as he faced away.
"Don't be shy~~"
I laughed a little as I wrapped my legs around his back.
"Why do I need to be shy?"
Jotaro turned back to me.
"Never said you needed to, you just are being shy to me."
I smiled.
"I wanna see you not hold back~"
With that Jotaro grabbed my chest and stood up.
I moaned quietly as he pushed me up against the wall.
"You told me to not hold back~"
He tugged on my skirt, slowly pulling it down.
I smiled at him with an also teasing face.
"Can I try not to hold back as well-"
The door to the other rooms opened.
I screamed inside my head for the 50th time.
I completely forgot to lock that!!!
The door swung right open as Jotaro's grip on me tightened.

Intense over(maybe I did do a little too much.)

Polnareff walked into the room.
"Great news we can-"
He looked at the both of us shocked.
"Shut up, and if you tell the old man I'll  make french toast for breakfast tomorrow."
Jotaro glared at Polnareff, sometimes his intimidating persona makes me happy.
"What were you two-"
"If you didn't come in we could've fucked, so thanks."
I smirked and wrapped my arms around Jotaro.
Untill I actually realizing what he said.
"Aha, I'm glad I came in then, you two seem like you would be loud."
Polnareff laughed as Jotaro's and my own face flushed red.
"Wait- How old are you two?"
Polnareff stopped.
Polnareff's eyes widened at our ages.
Polnareff started, but was interrupted by footsteps approaching the room.
"Noriaki get your clothes on."
Jotaro ordered me in embarrassment as he let go, I ran to grab my things and ran off into a corner covered up by slim wall to change.

"Let's go!"
I heard Joseph's voice yell enthusiastically, I walked out from behind the little wall I changed behind.
Full uniform back on.
"Can I have my belt back as well."
I jumped and turned around rapidly to see Jotaro standing behind me.
"O-Oh yeah!!! Also how long have you been standing there?"
I completely forget I had it!!!
I smiled awkwardly and handed him his belt back.
He leaned close to my ear, biting it before speaking.
"Doesn't matter if I watched you, once this journey it over.....
We're continuing what you started.
Next time, we won't have interruptions."
I blushed violently at his words.
I'd like that,....
Jotaro walked past me.
"Let's go, c'mon nori."
I nodded and walked out.

Maybe an hour left....
"Ok! Me and Polnareff will go together, Jotaro you can go with Kakyoin!"
Polnareff looked so concerned with the pairings.
As if we'd do something like that now.
Me and Jotaro turned around and started running off before Polnareff could try to make me go with someone else.

Me and Jotaro walked around, turning around every few seconds to find where Dio was.
Finally we both stopped for a second.
I let out an annoyed sigh as I felt something grab my butt.
I squeaked as I turned to the side to see Jotaro smirking at me.
"This might be a bad time but...."
Jotaro stopped smirking.
"Are we a thing now?"
I smiled.
I felt my heart sink at that.
"Oh! So that was just something that you could jerk off too?"
I glared at Jotaro.
"Why are you being so defensive?"
He raised an eyebrow.
"Because maybe I wanted to fuck you!!!!!!!!!"
I screamed, many people standing around us looked at us in embarrassment.
Jotaro's face turned to a shocked look.
"You even said you wanted to continue after the journey!!!!!"
I screamed louder.
"Maybe I wanted to fuck!!!!! I have since I became your friend!!!! I felt so prideful in that I was the girl, The Jotaro Kujo, could actually stand!!!!!!!!!"
I screamed even louder than the last time.
Making many people walk off with red faces.
Jotaro's face was also red, and completely shocked, yet his mouth was closed.
I punched him.
"I hate you!!!!!!"
I punched him once more.
"You made me fall for you!!!!!!!!"
Jotaro held my arm back from me punching him again.
Slowly he hugged me.
"I'm sorry....."
I hugged him back.
"I-I wanna go find Dio now..."
I let go of Jotaro.
Jotaro nodded and let go of me,
"Should we check the rooftops?"
I nodded and summoned my stand.
"Come on."
Jotaro looked confused.
"No I meant we would walk up sta-"
"No hold onto me I'm sure my stand can carry us both."
I said in the most monotone voice I've ever used and hugged my stand under his chest.
Jotaro sighed and wrapped his arms around me.
Hierophant Green's right arm transformed into a tentacle and lifted us both up onto a rooftop.

Maybe 15 or so minutes left....
Jotaro and I looked around the rooftop searching Dio, may I remind you I still had Hierophant summoned.
Hierophant Green suddenly jumped, making my body move a little.
Jotaro looked at me concerned until he saw hierophant's expression.
His eyes were scrunched up.
"Hey Hierophant-"
Suddenly Hierophant Green did an Emerald Splash without me telling him too.
Something's wrong....
I looked in the direction of the emerald splash.
Dio stood there....

I smiled back, Jotaro looked in horror.
Dio started to approach me.
"Why did you leave earlier~?"
I started to approach him back.
"Oh? Your approaching me? With your weak Hierophant Green I could kill you~"
Dio laughed.
"Kakyoin get back here!!!!"
Jotaro screamed.
I shook my head as suddenly Dio was infront of me.
I turned around as if to run.
"Nope, not this time my elegant cherry~"
Dio grabbed my arm, turning me around and pressing my chest against his abdomen.
"You see that water tower over there."
He smiled.
I looked at him terrified.
"Emerald Splash!!!!!"
I screamed, the emeralds threw at Dio, he had to let go of my to deflect them.
"Emerald splash!!!!"
I screamed again, the emeralds once again shooting towards him.

I smirked and laughed after I had done about 15 emerald splashes.
Dio tsked.
"Your wasting energy~"
He smirked.
I turned to Jotaro who had summoned Star Platinum.
"Stop, I'm doing something."
I ordered Jotaro as he put his stand away.
"Oh, I see~"
Dio laughed.
"Get what?"
Jotaro glared.
"You two did something~, I can sense it~. Both of you are pent up because you couldn't finish it~"
Dio laughed harder as me and Jotaro's faces went red.
As he looked up his face went shocked.
"You didn't notice the barrier?"
I smiled, as I stared at all of hierophant's tentacles surrounding Dio.
"I call it, 20 Meter Radius Emerald Splash."
I smirked.
Dio looked so angry.
"Show me your stand already..."
I whispered under my breath.
"Of course~!"
Dio smiled at me lovingly.
"Za Warudo!!!!!!"
Suddenly I felt my life flash before me.....

Hello! I'm gonna try and get the next chapters out quickly, because this is one of the last chapters! Don't worry my Crusaders I'm working on a book two! I'm gonna call it “~Ya-Yan Dere~”, I'll have the first chapter of it posted by the last chapter of this book.
I'm so happy you all enjoyed this story, well enjoyed it enough you read it this far :3
I luv ya all <3
My lil Crusaders~

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