This is The End....

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I looked around quickly,
I was lying in the water tower that Dio had pointed too
I looked down and almost screamed.
A deep hole was carved into my stomach, bleeding out everywhere, my legs were a mess.
I looked around for the sound of that voice.
I saw Jotaro racing towards me.
I laughed quietly.
I wonder what my mom's doing right now.....
It's.... probably midnight back in Japan.
Knowing my mother she's probably fast asleep,
My grandfather's also probably asleep.
I hope they know how much I cared for them.
I don't look forward to the afterlife...
My father's there....
But he's probably in hell....
I doubt he'll be in heaven with me
I looked back at the clock, and then it hit me.
Literally, DIO threw a piece of clock at me.
I glared at him.
I suddenly was picked up..
I looked to who picked me up.
Jotaro was holding me while crying.
I choked out, barely having enough strength to say it.
Jotaro stayed quiet and put me on the ground.
He sat next to me.
"Your not dying... your pranking me.."
Jotaro laughed a little, I could tell it was fake.
I felt so much more pain then before.
I screamed in pain and grabbed my stomach.
Jotaro looked back at me crying.
He slowly took off his jacket and wrapped it around my stomach wound.
"There, it's better now..."
I smiled and used what felt like the last of my strength to sit up.
"Hey get back down!!"
Jotaro yelled at me.
"I-I think I know what DIO's ability is..."
I smiled.
"What is it?"
Jotaro looked down, most likely not wanting to see the huge wound engraved in me.
Jotaro looked at me, years filling his eyes he nodded and got up.
"Hey wait...."
He turned back around.
I put the last of my strength to use.
"It was my destiny to save you...."
I smiled.
Before finally closing my eyes.


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