~Tower of Gray~

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"Jotaro, may I give your stand a name?"
Avdol asked Jotaro.
Avdol pulled out a deck of tero cards.
"Pick one,"
He said shuffling the deck and puting it next to Jotaro's hand
Jotaro grabbed a card.
"The star card!!"
Avdol said,
"Therefore, I shall name your stand..... Star Platinum!!!!!!"
~Time skip~
We got on the plane to Egypt, I sat next to Jotaro but just stared out the window...
My mother and grandfather have no idea where I am!
What if they think I ran away oh god!!
Pull yourself together! This trip will take less than a week ( oh how wrong she was!)
"Hey Kakyoin,"
Jotaro interrupted my thoughts.
I said, turning to him, it obvious that I was annoyed
"You ok? You look a bit pale, and like your having to think real hard about something."
He said, trying to sound concerned when I know he didn't give a shit.
Or did he..... He doesn't!!!
"I'm fine, I'm just having trouble with anxiety."
I said, trying to sound kind.
I couldn't even try to sound rude to him....
Do I actually.... Like him?!?!! No way!!!!!
"Oh ok, is there anything I can help with?"
He actually sounded concerned.
I smiled with a light blush on my face
"No, but thank you, Jojo"
I said, putting a finger to my lips and turning to the window.
He nodded.
"No problem."
He said, hiding his expression with his hat.
I woke up to hearing Avdol and Joseph yell at each other about stands.
"It's the stand! No doubt about it! That stand can look like an actual stag Beatle!!! It's the Tower card of the tero deck!"
Avdol yelled.
My eyes shot open as a Stag Beatle appeared next to his head.
It was the stand...
"Jojo!!! It's by your head!!!"
I screamed, pointing to the stand behind Jotaro's head.
He turned around.
"Star Platinum!!!!"
He yelled as his purple stand appeared behind him.
"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!!!!!"
Star Platinum yelled giving out a barage of punches.
Tower of Gray.... Dodged them all....
"That stand is way too fast!!! It didn't just dodge one punch no, it dodged a whole barage of punches!"
Avdol exclaimed.
"Magicians Red!!!"
Avdol yelled.
"Wait Mr. Avdol!!"
I yelled.
Tower of Gray went behind three passengers... And ripped out all of there tounges.
He used the blood of the tounges to write
"Oh no!! He's done it!!"
Joseph yelled in terror.
An old man woke up, he rubbed his eyes.
"It's so god dam noisy on this plane."
He said, getting up, Tower of Gray ran over to him.
"Sir watch out!!!"
I yelled,
The old man touched the blood that wrote Massacre,
"What's with this wet stuff?"
He said, sniffing it.
I almost vomited.
"This is blood!!!"
He screamed.
I snuck up behind him,
I yelled, hitting him in the back, I turned to Avdol and Jotaro.
"As I was saying earlier, Mr. Avdol, we can't use an active stand like your Magicians Red! If it's fire got anywhere on the plane, the plane would likely explode! Killing all of us. Jojo, we can't use Star Platinum either! If he tore a hole in the plane it'd be a horrible freak accident for everyone! This calls for a quiet stand...."
I explained to them.
"But Kakyoin...."
Jotaro began.
"This job is best suited for my stand, Hierophant Green!!! Let me take care of the pest control!"
I exclaimed, summoning Hierophant.
"Noriaki Kakyoin eh? I've heard all about you from Lord DIO!"
Tower of Gray exclaimed.
"Emerald Splash!!!"
I yelled.
The stand dodged every emerald shot at it....
I yelled.
"Emerald Splash again!!!"
It dodged again, and aimed to get my stands tounge.
"Once I rip out your stands tounge you and your pathetic stand will go mad from the pain!!!"
Tower of Gray yelled at me.
I fell to the ground in pain.
I heard my friends shout.
"My hierophant will go mad from the pain?...."
I snickered.
"My hierophant will go mad all right,"
I looked up at the stand, Hierophants tentacles peirced it's body everywhere.
"Mad from pure joy when....."
The stand started to get ripped to shreds.
"It rips you apart!!!!!"
I yelled, as Hierophant Green ripped Tower of Gray in half. The old man from earlier screamed in pain.
A drawing of a beetle went on his tounge as it split apart.
I tried not to vomit.
"So that old geezer was the stands user eh? A repulsive stand usually has a repulsive user, I should've guessed."
I said, wiping dust off my shoulder.
Avdol picked up the man and covered him up with a blanket.
"Tower of Gray was always evil, and blinded by greed, he got what he deserved."
Avdol said, shaking his head.
"Hm? Hey, guys, I have a feeling this plane isn't flying straight anymore."
Mr. Joestar was right, the plane didn't feel like it was flying straight anymore.
Mr. Joestar ran up to where the cockpit was.
"Excuse me sir, passengers aren't allowed up here, the cockpit it just ahe-"
"I know that!"
Mr. Joestar exclaimed pushing the girl out of his way.
She yelled.
Jotaro started to follow Mr. Joestar.
"He-Hes so handsome...."
I heard the girl whisper.
"Move it, bitch!!"
He yelled pushing the girl.
I ran up to her and catched her.
"You should be more careful around him, his temper can be lost easily, please forgive my friend."
I said, calmly, helping the girl regain her balance.
I felt Avdol looking at me in shock.
"You go to charming class for the gays or something?"
He said, trying to make a joke.
I glared at him.
"I'm not gay! I fact I think I have a crush on ....."
I stopped with a completely red car, Avdol looked down at me.
"You have a crush on?"
He asked.
"Uh uh uh!!!!! Mr. Joestar and Jojo need our help!!! Let's go!!!"
I said running to the cockpit.
"We were too late Kakyoin,"
I heard Mr. Joestar say as I walked in. I looked down at the horror of all the pilots tounges ripped out.
"Oh god...."
I said covering my mouth.
"Old man, you can fly this right?"
Jotaro asked his grandfather.
"Well I have some experience with prop planes...."
He began.
"Prop planes?!?!?!"
I screamed.
"But Jotaro, this will make three plane crashes for me, have you ever heard of someone surviving Three plane crashes?!?!"
Mr. Joestar complained.
"That does it, I'm never going on a plane with you again...."
Jotaro sighed.
~Im tired like really tired, so time skip to when they're at the restaurant in Hong Kong~
I sat down at a table with Mr.  Joestar and the others.
I ordered some Ramen,I don't remember what the others ordered.
I lifted the lid off the tea pot next to me.
Jotaro immediately looked at me.
"Jeese Jojo, don't be so jumpy."
I said, smiling at him sweetly.
"This just lets them know we want more tea, when you do this in Hong Kong they usually bring you more in a few seconds."
I explained, as a waitress came over and poured some tea into my cup.
I tapped the table, too AGAIN startle Jotaro.
The waitress smiled.
"Don't worry, when you two the table it means thank you."
I said, waving bye to the waitress as she walked away
"Hello, I'm a tourist from France and my Chinese is a little rusty, could you help me read the menu?"
A man with silver hair approached us and asked.
I waved to him kindly and he waved back giving me a kind and sweet smile.
"Go away, your annoying"
Jojo said, lighting a cigarette.
I glared at him and tried to swipe the cigar out of his mouth but just fell infront of him.
I gave up.
"Jotaro be nice to him, I've been to Hong Kong enough to read the menu, come sit with us!"
Joseph said.
The man say next to me.
"Excuse me,"
I heard Joseph say,
A few minutes later they had brought over our food.... But not at all what we ordered.
"Th-Th-This looks gross!!"
I exclaimed, looking at the dish of frog and clams.
"I knew this would happen."
Jotaro complained.
Joseph laughed hysterically
"It's all on me boys! And girl."
He said turning to me.
"It doesn't matter what you order it's all delicious!"
Joseph exclaimed, hinting that he wanted us to atleast try it.
I grabbed my chopsticks and tried one of the(clams I think)
"Oh this is...."
I whispered.
"Well they certainly spent a lot of time on this."
The silver haired man commented, Joseph smiled and nodded.
"I mean look at these carrots...."
He began and lifted up a little carrot cut into a star with his chopsticks.
"Cut into perfect little stars, in fact.... It reminds me of someone"
We all stopped eating.
"Someone I know has a birth mark just like his on the back of their neck."

You guys enjoy this story so far?
Anyway goodnight .... Sorry I'm just super tired and I wanted to get this chapter done tonight! Hope you enjoy my story
Goodnight everyone,
~Your Cherry Girl

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