Bonus chapter! Movie Night

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Hey, so I'm gonna start three new stories, I'll post them soon, I'm naming them:
1. I've never felt like this before, can you say the same? A Kakyoin X Reader fanfic!
2. Manga Lessons, a Rohan X Josuke fanfic,
And finally.
3. Notice me, Jotaro-San~, an au where Kakyoin is a Yandere!
I hope you like them when I post them, eventually. Hehe, enjoy this bonus chapter of fluff!

Jotaro's pov.

I walked back to the hotel and dropped Anne off in her room, I ran to my room.
To find the door open,
I ran inside.
I heard people in the bathroom yelling.
I slowly made my way towards the bathroom.
And felt my heart drop.
Kakyoin....she was in the old man's arms, and was bleeding everywhwere
"What happened."
The two turned to me as I stood in the doorway.
"We walked in here to ch-"
Kakyoin opened her lavender eyes
They were so beautiful....what am I thinking.
"Wh-What happened...."
She whispered.
Avdol held her in his arms.
For some reason, I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me.
"That's what we wanna know."
The old man crouched down to her face and cupped her face in his hand.
"Honestly I think we should relax, how about we watch a movie?"
The old man asked.
Kakyoin got her injuries bandaged.
It made me feel... relief..
Avdol and Polnareff nodded,
"A friend movie night? Sounds fun!"
Kakyoin exclaimed.
She was leaning on me for support, it made me happy.
"Yeah! And bring your PJs!"
Polnareff yelled happily.
Kakyoin tugged my arm.
"Cmon! JoJo!"
She exclaimed, dragging me too our room.
She ran into the bathroom and came back within a few minutes, she was wearing purple flannel PJs.
"Why don't you change?"
I turned to her.
"Because I usually just wear this when I sleep. Now c'mon let's go."
I grabbed her arm.
I dragged her to the old man and Avdol's room.
She knocked on the door.
Avdol answered the door and let us in.
Kakyoin ran in and sat on a bed.
I sat next to her.
Polnareff and Avdol sat on the other bed,
The old man say on the floor and it in the movie.
It started up with some calm music.
I tuned out the music.
I felt the bed shaking.
I turned around to see Kakyoin, she was shivering and curled up in a ball to keep warm.
I took my jacket off and out it in her.
She looked up at me, blushing.
She whispered.
I tried to cover my face up with my hat.
But it was tooken off my head.
I looked up and saw Kakyoin, not only in my uniform, but also wearing my hat.
She smiled at me.
I glared at her and turned my attention back to the movie.
"Hey we gotta go, and check on Anne."
Polnareff and Avdol got up.
I watched as they got up, I happened to notice that Polnareff was feeling up Avdol's leg.
I looked at this shocked.
I never knew they liked each other, this'll be fun.
I smirked.
I turned back to Kakyoin.
Her face was red and he mouth was wide open.
"I'm just gonna forget I saw that"
She whispered to me and giggled
I decided to turn my attention back to the movie.
But felt something lying on me and shivering.
"Jeese, for my best friend you sure are a human icicle."
I chuckled, as i wrapped a blanket around her and me.
She blushed.
"Don't get the wrong idea, dumb bitch."
She shook her head at me.
"I'm Jotaro Kujo and I'm an asshole that likes to yell at people because I'm cooler and stronger than everyone I know."
She grabbed my hat,
She was trying to be an asshole and impersonate me!
I glared at her.
"My name's Noriaki Kakyoin, and I'm a huge fucking nerd, I know so much about everything because I always have my nose in books, I know stuff like, oh yeah if you tap the table twice after someone gives you tea in Hong Kong it means thanks."
I impersonated her. She glared at me shocked.
"I'm not a fucking nerd!!!!"
She punched me.
I actually thought it was...cute. wait what?!?!
"I'm just cultured!!"
She screamed.
The old man turned to us.
He yelled.
She kept punching me.
But when I tried to punch her Hierophant's tentacles wrapped around my arm holding it back.
I glared at her.
She gave me a huge smile on her face.
"Yare Yare..."
She whispered, covering her face with my hat.
"Ok, knock it off asshole!"
I grabbed my hat off her head. She giggled.
Soon enough the movie finished and I found myself with Kakyoin...alone. in our hotel room together.
She jumped on the couch.
She caressed a pillow in her arms.
I couldn't help but think she was cu-... Being stupid again.
I went outside onto the balcony of the apartment, to go and smoke, I excepted her to follow me and yell at me about my health
I turned around, she was curled up in a little ball on the couch, lightly snoring.
I groaned at this.
I went back inside and grabbed her and carries her into bed.
When I laid her down i felt her hand raise up and touch my face.
She smiled at me.
She pulled me closer...untill eventually our lips touched.
After she had kissed me she had passed back out.
What the hell just happened?!?!?!!
I soon just shook it off as her dreaming and crawled into bed.
But as I did, I felt something warm and small pressed against my chest, I looked down to find Noriaki, she was still sleeping but clutching onto me harder than you normally would.
The room was silent, and peaceful..

You guys like the fluff chapter? I bet not, whatever. My brain is kinda mushy but I gotta upload a bunch of other things tonight, chapter 11 of 🌊Jotaro X Kakyoin🍒, and the first chapters of my new stories, sigh, well I hope you all are good. The stories might how be done by tomorrow, I'm super tired, so it may wait a night.

~Goodnight y'all~
💞🖤🌊~Your Cherry Ocean~🍒💜💞

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