01 : Saved by a Stranger

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Have you ever thought of taking your life? Have you ever thought that it was so hopeless and so meaningless to stay living? Suicidal people are like that yet you never know when that person's a suicidal or not. We all wore multiple mask but when it suddenly came out, They all think that we're being rude and mean right? It's just that... They don't know how it really feels to have this burdensome illness, They don't know that they are the ones who caused this in the first place.

That starry and lonesome night, while everyone's asleep and the streets were silent, passing vehicles got fewer and fewer as the night bites.

That one bridge, where vehicles are rare to pass by... There's a college young fellow who's tears are streaming down to his cheeks... While looking up at the numb skies.

"I always make people smile and laugh, I always told them to never take that option, to never take their lives cause it's not the right option nor the last right resort, cause I thought I'm completely healed but I was wrong. So very wrong!" He looked at his feet as he took time to sob his heart out and back to looking up at the sky "I did everything I could to make them proud of me like what they were at the other but I was wrong... I'm still this lose freak!" Tears streaming down his eyes more heavily "Just because I dropped out from that Civil Engineering course?! Because... I don't know! I'm a loser! A freak! A disappointment! A disgrace! I'm not worthy of still living this world! I'm---" he breath in heavily "I never thought I'll be thinking of this thing right now... I guess this is the most effective way to take my life away" he laugh playfully to himself "For many times I attempted to take this life by trying to cut myself, taking pills to overdose and trying to hit myself by a car but nothing of those works!" He wiped his tears "By this silent night, While everyone's falling to their sweet slumbers... No one can stop you from drowning now... You're standing at the edge of this bridge while the river's having its monstrous current..." He look down and ready himself to jump off of the bridge "Goodbye Saint Suppapong"

He closed his eyes and was ready to leap his legs when a pair of warm hands grabbed him to a safer lane (place) as he try to give him a warm hugs under his arms. Saint look up but it was too dark to see who that man was. He then raise up to his feet and dragged Saint away from that bridge.

Saint tried to shake him off but that man's so strong enough until he gave up, he let that masculine, white man took him anywhere he wished. He let him dragged him...

Until they reached to that convenience store, the man take a table and put him on the chair forcefully

"You stay here"

he left to get them something to eat.

He's a man with unreal beauty, his skin tone was like a porcelain doll, he had cherry - like red lips and a thick eyebrows. But his face aren't like those Kdrama guys who look so calm and innocent, that guy's more like a man who can eat you alive and whole just by his stares and deep voice.

Saint politely stayed at that place until that man came out with a tray of foods. He placed the ordered foods to each of them, he just didn't say any word but trying to feed himself... Saint looked at him and he noticed that,

"Eat up, you need to gain lot of strength from your stressful crying earlier"

He said without looking at him but to his food. Saint just look at his food, hesitating to eat any...

"Why does it always fail? I'm just a loser" Saint thought as tears were ready to shed "What are you thinking this time?" The man spoke which startled Saint "S-Sorry?" The man put down everything and looked at him "I don't know what you are feeling right now but that meal don't deserve to be stabbed multiple times from your fork" Then goes back to eating, Saint realised that he just murdered the food then put his fork down...

"Why did you do that?" emotionless asking him "Did what?" He acted all innocent "Why did you stop me from drowning myself?! Who are you to do that? You're just a stranger to me---" Saint asked annoyed, the man put down everything back again... look straight back at him

"Why did I stop you? Because it's so wrong to take your life away! There are lot of people who's been through like what you did but they still keep their grounds. I won't judge anyone who took their lives away because of that unbearable pain and suffering but... There's still lot of ways to deal with it." Tears were forming from his eyes "I don't want to see anyone losing their lives ever again, Suicide may be a huge issue today but it's not the right thing to do. Yes! We don't know each other but... I know you've been through a lot, I just want you to take your life with happiness and glee despite of all this pain and sufferings." He tried to smile but failed "I lost my best friend there, He took his own life because his parents can't accept that he's not Straight. My cousin there as well, And I almost took my life there when I'm still in the middle school but I choose to jumped off away from the bridge towards the stable lane..." He sigh "That's why when I saw from the distance that there's a man who was You" He pointed at him "I ran as fast as I could so I won't be too late to grab you off... Suicide might be an option but it wasn't the last resort to look up to" he look at him "What's your name then?" Saint look at him "Saint... Saint Suppapong" the man smile at him and offered his hand for Saint to shake...

"Let's be friends from now on. I don't know what you've been through but You can lean on me... I won't go far. Just know that..."

They took each others hands... as the man smile at him then...

"My name's Zee...  Zee Pruk"

Will Saint feel at ease by just knowing Zee? Will Zee can stay friends with Saint in a long run? Will they ever be happy then? Let's all stay up and walk with SaintZee's journey to their future.

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