07 : Weekend

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"Dude, what's so wrong with Zee?" Reacted by the man on the phone with Mew "I don't know" "Ask him... You're the oldest" Mew sigh "You know what Jimmy? It's hard to let Zee talk. You long know that only Nat can make him spill every tea... Which i can't actuallt" "I know but as you know of Zee, he'll sulk if he's hurting... You gotta risk man!" "Whatever, let's deal with that later so by now, where were you guys?" "Not that far from the airport" "How's Nat?" A bit of pause "He's asleep... He's tired" "Tell me what exactly happened?" "Nat just had a fight with Min, you know that girl who secretly love and admire him" "Then?" "Nat rejected her proposal then boom!" He said it a bit loud and that startled the shiaaa~ out of Mew "She spread that Nat harass her and that Nat did the R word to her..." "Gladly, the Principal cleared it before ya'll transfer" "Yeah... Too bad, Nat will be the an official soccer player next month... Better luck next time" "Okay, You boys take care... See you later, let's surprise Zee..."

From his room, Zee noticed that there's a taxi parked outside, he's curious but he's not in the mood to look, but in a matter of minutes, he gasps as he saw who those people were... standing outside his room's door, wearing smiles on their faces... You can't really imagine how happy and shocked Zee was,

"Are you gonna stand there for the whole day?" Said the tallest brother, teasingly said tho...

Zee walked to them and gave them his warmest hugs, "I miss you so much!" He happily exclaimed "No need to miss us that much Zee... Me and Jimmy will be studying here, starting next week" Zee looked at them with his hands on each shoulder "For real?!" He then look pass them to Mew "For Real Mew?!" Mew only could nod "I think that's way much better for you both... For us" Zee smile and hug them back but this time, Mew included himself in.


"Okay, 1... 2... 3...!"

As Gulf counted his fingers and they burst the door open, seeing a shocked woman and the man beside her...

Saint can't contain his tears upon seeing his mom already up, he went towards her embrace as she cried with him, telling him how he miss him so much...

She then spread her arms for the boys to join, she's been on their lives way too long before their dad having an another affair, which is kinda annoying to them... The boys squeezed themselves into her embrace which made her happy... so much happier than ever.

After some time, they sat in circles as she kept on holding Saint's hand and wanted to keep Max near,

"I'm glad your Dad let you visit me here" she started "Dad didn't know about it nor that woman" Tommy replied which gained her slight chuckle "You should call her Mom like you guys did to me" "You're different than her..." Max commented "I guess... but maybe she just need your affection or---" "She's acting all superior" "Oh, Gulf---" "Gulf and Her mostly fought every morning... She's lucky enough if Gulf aren't home from his work" "Gosh Tom!" "Why?" He innocently look at Max who just scolded him "Marble head---" "Coconut head" Tommy glared at him while Max give off no reaction to it "Even if you glared, you're still ugly" "Says who"

"They mostly fought as well" Saint told his mom "Really?" She looked at the both of them "Even after this years, You two still fought?" She laugh "Nothing really change Mom" "But I'm so thankful of Max" They looked at him confused except to her, her husband and Saint "Why?" Gulf asked confused "During Max's last visit, he saved lot of people's lives by that drowning mini boat as well as putting the bad guy into sleep and took the kids out from their school bus... The most thing I never forget---" "Mom stop." Max asked "I want them to know how brave our Max was" Max shakes his head "I never did that for honor..." "Max, I know you just want to do the right thing... but Your brothers need to know that. You're famous of being a cold guy around the places you went" "It's such that---" but to his surprise, Saint continued...

"Max even secretly saved me from bullies here in Korea" "How are you sure that was me?" Saint smile at him "Because I look back when you told me to run and that your hood came off, that's how I recognised you..." Max left all silent "Max even saved Mom and Daddy's lives..."

"Yes! From the crash" said by the man that just came who bought them breakfast, good for everyone,

"He came to our aid, called for ambulance... Yet,  I could still remember  how he performed first aid to us..." He said as he place the foods on the table "I really can't believe that an Engineering Student happen to know how Medical Students know" Then they heard Max's sigh and scratches his head in annoyance "My boy, it's okay... it's not that we announced it to the world" He joked but Max still pouted, he put his arm around him like a Father would "Tall hoodie man's still remained anonymous... Yet this family already know who that man is, We're so very proud of you" He kissed Max's temple, Just then... They decided to take the breakfast together,

While on it, They talked random things, laugh their hearts out like what they did before... But by that time, it gets much happier since her new husband's way more cheerful than any other guy they hangout with...

But the laughter subsided as she suddenly asked the oldest,

"It was so nice having you both here, but Gulf, How are you?"

They looked at him, as Max squeezed Gulf's hand like he's reassuring him that it'll be alright to talk it over...

"It still hurts Mom" he said as she look at him sadly...

"Talk it over my son, Me and your Daddy will listen" she said "We're all ears for you" He seconded,

Gulf looked at them, took a deep breath and was ready to spill the painful words.

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